you could always buy me a new one brtn [:)]. I should have a new computer this month, or so I have been told by my parental units, but usually they lie blatantly to my face so I quite often completely disregard what they say. I can play solitaire FN ..... just about, you get about an 1 hour out of it before it crashes, but who'd want to play solitaire for an hour ..... screw that, who'd want to play solitaire!? [:P] I can still use NL, just not the actual simulator, and I can only use it for about 45 minutes before my computer goes mental and starts making freaky noises. I am currently building two tracks, just progress is slow because even in the editor I must have like 10 FPS so its not very accurate.
Ahwell, life story over .... can't wait for this track [:)] (vain effort to try and make this post a pertainent one