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Video Editing

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Post April 14th, 2005, 11:05 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Well, in case if you didn't know, I enjoy making movies. (Although, I do not wish to go into it professionally (might ruin its fun) And so anyways, I just got Adobe Premiere Elements. so does any one else want to share what software they use? Or any movies that they might have made? Or anything? one of the sites I like to go onto for amature films like mine is, it's also a place to get some nice products so you can do some harder things, with a lower budget.(i.e explosions!)

Post April 15th, 2005, 12:11 am

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At school I use Final Cut Pro. Too bad it's only for mac. At home I have used Premiere and Avid. Didn't like the old versions of premiere, but I have heard the latest one is realy good.

Post April 15th, 2005, 2:13 am

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Premiere and Pinnacle. Both great programs, pinnacle is easier to use, premiere has the hgher quality stuff.

Post April 15th, 2005, 6:23 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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for my own editings i'd use windows movie maker. You can't do much with it but you can make some nice movies out of it [:)]

Post April 16th, 2005, 1:40 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by Hyper_Goliath

Premiere and Pinnacle. Both great programs, pinnacle is easier to use, premiere has the hgher quality stuff.

yeah, I have both, too, but I still don't know which one I like better.

Post April 16th, 2005, 5:54 am

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I use Magix Movie Maker which is pretty good for the price

Post April 16th, 2005, 6:15 am
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Post April 16th, 2005, 7:33 am

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I got Adobe Premiere from a boss at an old job as a bonus, since I already had Photoshop... He picked it out of one of our supplier catalogs all on his own. The gesture was nice, but I do very little video, though I do have a DV camera. I plan on doing more of it since I just hooked up one of my computers to my TV and am using the 300GB firewire dive on it like a DVR.

I also bought a new Plextor 716SA (SATA) DVD burner and since I was in the mood for completly wasting money, I bought Adobe Encore when I pre-ordered Adobe Creative Suite 2 which comes out at the end of May. I also finally upgraded from Microsoft Office 200 to XP and bought a laser printer.

Back to Video editing, I have no intention of really doing any serious editing right now, or probably in the future. Honestly, I do not enjoy it. I do have some videos of the kids I want to organzie on DVD, and I am going to take the video camera along when I visit SFNE, SFGA, Lake Compounce and Hershey this summer. I also have some video of RC aircraft that I want to put on DVD. I have used a few basic video editors and I do not like them too much, I like to have a little more control over things. I like Premiere only because I am so used to Adobe's interface, and they are pretty consistent from program to program so it feels like "home". I have heard from friends that are into it that Final Cut Pro is the shizznit. These are the same people who also insist that Apple's are the shizznit too, and I just do not see the awesome advantage of them (I am not saying they are bad, just that they do not live up to the hype).

When I am playing around with all that neat stuff this summer, If I get more into it, I may pick up an upgrade for Premire and get After Effects as well. I will never use them enough to make up for the money I would spend, but I have some more money to burn so why not.

Post April 16th, 2005, 2:45 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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with Adobe Encore, you can make some nice proffessional DVD menus.
As for after effects, if you really get into it, you can get it, but if your doing it recreationally, I don't think I would reccomend it. That thing is expensive. And I'm sure it would take a crap load of time just to make something on it. So I don't think it would be that worth it.

Post April 17th, 2005, 9:59 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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I find movie making as a way to express my creativity. It's like an art, except you don't need to be able to draw well. You just have to think, and film what you need.

Post May 26th, 2005, 6:57 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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I've just got now adobe premiere elements. It's way better then windows movie maker. The movie maker always has bothered me with creating a video, always save after one small edit cause after another edit could windows movie maker crash. And that it did too many times! [:(!] Maybe you guys can expect more video's from me now. Since i don't have to annoy myself ever again @ windows movie maker. I can make some video's quicker. [:)]

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