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kingda ka ...

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kingda ka ...

complete waste of six flags money...
money could be used to build a REAL coaster
gonna be the best thing ever
Total votes : 25

Post April 16th, 2005, 4:21 am

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Originally posted by screamomatic

Well said, I'm going to SFGAd in the summer, and as I said, I think it'll be fun. It may just have a hill and a top hat that's really-really high, but it'll be cool. And I think I may be able to make a rocket coaster better then KK and TTD(no if you want the full monty), Maybe a new contest?(hint)

Keep an eye on the match-up contest. Hint, hint. [;)] We will be seeing alot of awesome strata coasters very soon.

Post April 18th, 2005, 12:19 am

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Originally posted by gouldy

Although TTD and KK don't look it, they are fantastically well thought out rides, as are almost all rides when you think about all the different factors there are when creating a real coaster. Its not as easy as it is on NL you know!

Wow, Ive waited a long, long time to finally see someone say that.

The other thing is this: They thrill people who WANT to be thrilled. If you go it not wanting to be thrilled, you wont be. Simple as that. For the people who are like "Oh its a one trick pony" and "its over in under 30 seconds, hows that a coaster?" I just say fine, DONT get in line, one less person for me to wait behind.

Because I would be kind of upset to know you were in line ahead of me only to whine and complain about it.

And Id really get flustered if you rode it, ENJOYED it then came back online and told everyone how lame it was just to garner attention.

Im not directing this at ANYONE, but Ive seen it happen time and time again.

People need to grow up and start learning how to enjoy rollercoasters.


BTW, just an example of how many people LOVE to go fast, I was at Islands of Adventure riding Dueling Dragons: Fire (For me, the most intense and thrilling steel coaster in the US) and put my Millennium Force hat on out of the queue. Behind me I heard 2 coaster nerds clammering over my hat and as they walked by they said "Hey, I was just saying how I still think MF is a better ride"

Me personally, that person is crazy. I LOVE MF, dont get me wrong, i LOVE speed. But, its just that, ALOT of speed. Dueling Dragons is SO much more for an overall experience.

But whether its the GP OR Enthusiasts, MAJORITY of them want to go fast and go high. What ride started most of the "Coaster races"? Magnum did. At the time, tallest, fastest full circuit ride in the world and it kick started the real Golden Age of coasters from the 90's till now when weve seen one of the largest booms since the early 1900's.

So its no suprise that most people still prefer huge, fast rides over smaller, more intense rides. Humans just like to go fast. Majority of people love to go fast.

Post April 18th, 2005, 7:39 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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its better than the feeling that you have at the moment sitting in your chair

[lol]LoL, I thought you were referring to him looking at porn.[lol]

Post April 18th, 2005, 8:24 pm
jayman Premium Member
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i do not allow pornography in my home or on my computer, BUT... that 's funny...

Post April 19th, 2005, 8:27 am

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Originally posted by Real

People need to grow up and start learning how to enjoy rollercoasters.

This sounds like something Paul Rueben needs to learn how to do. I have seen far too many people in queues quoting to me about what this ride is, and isn't, and frankly they sound like an ACE commercial for membership - and it is old and tired. I ride coasters for one thing, does it have what I need? I need speed of course, don't misunderstand me -- but what I need more is the feeling that I am having fun. Take the old woods for example (like The Texas Giant or Grizzly or dare I say it ... Comet or Cyclone). When you leave those rides, your insides hurt, but you had FUN. Then, move over to something like The Titan. Smooth as glass (except for the first helix leading into the MCBR) and when you leave you think, "Who needs drugs? That rush was awesome!" Again, FUN.

Now, I have read through everything here and would like to add just one thought. Six Flags is not the park it used to be. I am 32 folks and have been to most parks since before half of you were born. I started riding coasters when I was 8, and I would responsibly call myself an enthusiast for certain. However, Six Flags is bleeding from the chest as far as losing money, and it is obvious. They have not suffered a leg wound which can be patched up, they have a sucking chest wound and the blood is seeping from all bandages.

They have purchased these huge rides as an investment to stay open - nothing more. Period. There is no hiding the obvious, especially when a ride like KK or TTD has SO much press behind them before they came near opening. You guys have got to realize that it is a business, and has nothing to do with pleasing the public.

The "suits" developing the park are not a bunch of teenagers saying, "Oh, I want to go fast" or "Wouldn't it be cool if we had a new woodie?" They are men and women ... ADULTS ... who have families, mortgages, and kids in college. They are developing these rides to keep the park open, and to make money. Now, if the general public wants huge amounts of speed, then fine, they shall build -- but only if the bottom line can be directly improved.

But please know that from reading everything you are all saying the same damn thing - but are too stubborn to bother reading what one another is saying. The parks are about money, hence why places like Knoebel's are small, but EXTREMELY effective. PKD is another park built for the coaster fan. Small amount of land, tons of wood and steel to chew on. Now look at any SF park ... HUGE landscapes where it takes all day to walk the damn park past all the souvenier shops, games, food stands, etc. Think about it folks ... especially the next time you wonder how much money to take out of ATM based on which park you are going to. Then think about why a new ride comes to a park when you look at the queue -- advertising and money. It is a business, period.

Post April 19th, 2005, 11:50 am
gouldy User avatar
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Thank you TC, I was trying to say basically that.

"Let me go back to your point about the general public, when I said it makes it a god ride because the general public like it. I mean it is a ride that has been well designed for its audience, undoubtedly, the ride that attracts the most people, IS THE BEST RIDE! Whether or not us enthusiasts think its crap or not!

um, yeah.....thats like saying the spice girls were the best english group of their time because they drew a larger audience than other groups...."

well yeah actually, me and you may have thought they were gay, but they're the ones that made the most money, which means they were the most succesful, which means they were the best, regardless of whether we think they were or not. In much the same way as Football (*sigh* "Soccer") is the best sport because it is the sport liked by the most people/nations and has the most teams etc etc. You might not think its the best sport, but it appeals to the most people so therefore it is the best! (I can turn anyhting into an argument about footy [:)]). Another example would be pop music and death metal, I undoubtedly think that death metal is the best as that is what I like to listen to, but more people prefer pop or whatever, so therefore that is the best because it makes the most money! Which is what this whole thing is about. Parks are run as business's, the park that makes the most money is undoubtedly the best park, the park that makes the most money is probably the one with the most record breaking rides ...... hence Kingda Ka, hence why you smell of cheese, hence why I'm now going to shut up.

Post April 19th, 2005, 7:56 pm

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I wouldnt use the word best to describe what you are Gouldy, I would use "Popular".

I think its safe to say that most people hear probably agree that most things that are super popular, most are pretty crappy, fads or just plain stupid. Very few things that are super popular are really of any value. Much like pop music.

Post April 19th, 2005, 11:50 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Post April 20th, 2005, 8:30 am

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Aren't you getting a bit off of the focus of this thread? [lol]

Post April 24th, 2005, 8:15 pm

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Just today I was over at GA just 10 minutes from me just to get a closer look. The pics are a little stretched. Well here it is ... fm?mid=220
See this while you can.


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