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MSN fun maker WARNING

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Post April 19th, 2005, 11:53 pm

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Well for those of you do not know what it is its a new msn hacking thing so if someone is sending you a file and it has a pencil it is the fun maker so dont open it ask gummy about it.

Post April 20th, 2005, 12:20 am

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Well, now I"m screwed...unless someone here actually knows about this program and actually knows how to get rid of it. This whole progrram/prank was (r).

Post April 20th, 2005, 12:24 am

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LOL yea now gummy hates me so dirk come on and tell him how to get rid of it

Post April 20th, 2005, 1:17 am

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well now help me and gummy if we can get all of you guys on the site and spam em it will really help my ip already got banned here is link

Post April 20th, 2005, 1:19 am

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Location: Pot country, Tacoland, USA
if you get this this is deleation proceadures
Go to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MIcrosoft\windows\currentversion\run

once there, there must be an sub-key that ends with "systray.exe" as value
delete it.
now the program won't startup anymore

now goto you windows dir and remove systray.exe(only if its in you windir)

Post April 20th, 2005, 2:35 am
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Post April 20th, 2005, 4:10 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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When you are infected with MsnFunMaker you can try to remove the program with this tool. This is a third party, non PictureCentre tool and in some cases it does not work. We are NOT responsible by any possible harm caused while using this tool.

simply run this: ... 20Tool.exe

That should remove the 'virus'. it doesn't do much actually much then only advertise on msn himself. It's no big deal...
With that program you also can check if you have it.

Post April 21st, 2005, 12:36 am

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Post April 21st, 2005, 12:40 am

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Location: Pot country, Tacoland, USA
Originally posted by The all mighty site runner WeeWeeSlap

what does this program virus do?

It takes over ur msn messenger and they canmake yiu do a lot of crap

Post April 21st, 2005, 1:32 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

what does this program virus do?

it's a program where you can 'hack' someone with on msn.
here's the manual:
So you wanna be the hacker on MSN... Oke no problem.
This cool thing works on all MsnVersions, inclusief MsnPlus.
This little ReadMe explains how MsnFunMaker works.
It's really easy.

Just send the file MsnFunMaker204.exe to someone in your MSNlist.
When this person opens the file, he or she will go offline for a few secconds and then come online again.
At the moment she or he comes back online again, you can start messing around with him/her.

Your 'victim' will not be able to block you anymore, and besides he/she can't see you typing the commands...
Start an conversation on MSN with him or her, and use the following "commands", by just typing them into the MsnChatWindow and click sendbutton or enter:

Replace '...' to change your victim's screenname
e.g. if you want to assign the nick: Pizzagirl to you victim you would use
the command
Replace '...' with a message you would like to popup at your victims pc.

Replace '...' with a website you would like to open on the computer of your
e.g. if you want to open on your victim's pc you
should type:

Best command of them all.
All incomming and outgoing messages your 'victim' sends/recieves will be showed
in your chat window.
These messages will be shown in the chat window where you typed _spy

If you want to stop using this function, simply close the chat window.
If your contact has gone offline, you will have to retype _spy again.

Another SuperCommand ! Very funny one. You can send messages 'through' your victim to people
from his/her MSN Messenger list.
The reciever of the message will think that the victim wrote the
message...which he did not.
Replace the '...' with a message, and replace 'email' to the recipient.
With the _spy command you know who your victim is talking to. For example when he's talking
Now, if you want to send a message to her you should type the following
commandin your chat window with your
victim: go out tonight?)
You will get a confirmation if the message arrived correctly

This command is funny to use in combination with _nosend and _noreceive.
You can take over a whole conversation!

When you use this message in the chat window your victim will not be able
to send any message. Not to a single contact. Your victim will think he is, but in fact nobody receives messages from your victim.
Your victim will find it pretty odd when nobody replies to him.... :P
The cool thing is, that when you type _spy, only you're able to receive messages from your victim.
cancels the _nosend command. Victim can send messages again.
Looks like _nosend, but in this case your victim can not receive any messages from
other contacts.
So when everybody is talking to the victim, he wont receive anything.
Very nice of your victim to not respond to all of his friends...
The cool thing is, that when you type _spy, only you're able to send messages to your victim, and you will also
receive messages that he is trying to send.
Cancels the no_receive command. Victim can receive messages again.

*** _nosend and _noreceive notes
You wont be affected by the receive/send blockings.
You can still recieve and send everything with the _spy and _message+email(...) commands.

Log-out your victim from MSN Messenger.
Restart the computer of your victim.
Open the CDROM-tray of your victim.

You only have to send the MsnFunMaker once to someone... And he will be in your power until the end of the month.
Then MsnFunMaker will deactivate.
Have fun with it! But we are not responsible for anything you did ! TEAM.

Only that didn't said anything about not opening yourself cause then are you infected also...

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