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I've been gone for 3 days, heres why.

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post July 8th, 2003, 12:55 am

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

I went to BGW on Sunday and SFA today[:D][:D] Since I went to BGW first, I'll review it first.

Busch Gardens Williamsburg, its a very clean park, good crowd, quick lines, overall very good. We went to BGW on a really hot and humid day. We went in, got our free tickets, and headed into the park. We headed towards Loch Ness Monster when we decided to go to R.L. Stien's Haunted Light House(4-D). It was very good, not just the movie but the air conditioning was at 75 degrees(compared to 95 degrees and 74% humidity) which made it very comfortable. You get wet so when you go out again its not that bad. So we headed to Loch Ness Monster. There was absolutely no wait in the main line area, just after the turnstile. It was much better riding it now compared to when I was 6 or 7. After that, we went over around Big Bad Wolf looking for Alpengeist and got lost. We found it and went on. The line was a few ramps down from the station but it was only like 5 to 7 minutes until we passed the turnstile. In line I was about to pass out it was so hot. I sat down and felt a little better. When I was on the ride the only time I got my head banged was the quick banking right before the MCBR's. I didn't find this coaster very thrilling at all. Then we went to Big Bad Wolf. It was surprisingly a bit of a wait for this one seeing how IT WAS SOOOOOO WEAK!!!! Before Festa Italia, we went to Ireland and did Corkscrew Hill(4-D simulator). Its very fun,its themed around being shrinked into a little box like leprechauns and getting tossed around on a thrilling 4-D adventure. Then we went to Escape From Pompeii in Festa Italia and got cooled off on that. After, we went to Apollo's Chariot, no wait at all. We got on and rode it twice in 10 minutes! We went on it 10 times though. I REALLY L0VE B&M SPEED COASTERS NOW! IT IS THE BEST COASTER I'VE EVER BEEN ON! After that we just farted around doin nothing. We went back to Loch Ness Monster and got on the front. I highly reccomend that coaster in the front. Its a whole new expirience. We didn't do anything after that. We tried getting on Apollo's Chariot once more before we left but it just had to be stubborn and brake down right before we got on. The one thing that seperates that park from all the others is that none of the coasters have seatbelts so all there coasters are 5x better than others. Oh wow, how exciting a 4 hour drive back to DC(yeah right).

What can I say about SFA? It really sucked! We got poored on, Two Face and Batwing weren't open, it was hotter than Sunday, I was wet all day, forgot my money, and I almost got my season pass stolen. It sucked.

Thank you IntaminFan397 for making me do this(yeah right)
Last edited by SMer on July 8th, 2003, 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post July 8th, 2003, 1:12 am

Posts: 4138
Points on hand: 3,307.00 Points
Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

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