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Chav phenomenon

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Post April 19th, 2005, 2:27 pm
gouldy User avatar
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I guess this one is for the English peeps again, basically because I can't be arsed to exaplin to everyone else what chavs are [lol]

Yeah right, anyway. At the moment, the year 10's at my school are doing a German exchange, right now I know what you're thinking, "One of them was a chav I bet", well you're wrong, they were ALL CHAVS! Well all of the male ones are anyway, there is like 8 guys and 5 girls or something. Wtf is up with that though, I mean we all know how bad the chav problem is here but I cannot believe that it has spread to other countries ........ I guess it was only a metter of time though, I blame America, constantly imposing Americanisation onto every country in the world. Not that chavs are even slightly like Americans ..... actually thinking about it, they're all dumbasses, they all try to act harder than they are, the try to make themselves look bigger and better than they are ... actually you know what, come to think of it, I think America probably has a lot to answer for concerning the chav situation. Damn you all, Damn you all to hell! [lol]

Anyway, this all prompted me and my mates to start talking about chavs again, free periods are so boring, can you blame us? [lol] But yeah, one of my mates has recently been to Italy and he said that there was chavs there, WORSE than the chavs that are here. I didn't think that was possible, but aparently it is. Does anyone else think the chav situation is getting a little out of hand? Because I for one think it is. I mean, when I walk around in town now, it is impossible for me to be in town for more than 10 minutes without having some kind of abuse thrown at me by a chav. You have got to laugh at them, but at the same time, I think chavs are starting to outnumber us human beings! [lol]

Post April 19th, 2005, 6:01 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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I went to the dance with a german girl at my school this year, she was pretty attractive, too. I don't care about the rest of the article though.
I think you'll also find that the chav problem is caused by the size of thier penis. You can't blame them.[:D]

Post April 19th, 2005, 6:04 pm
gouldy User avatar
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[lol] well that might be part of the problem, but then again, I can just link it back to Americans then can't I [lol] joke.

Post April 19th, 2005, 11:03 pm

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yea i went to prom with a girl from peru, she was so hott lol...she had a good personality too, and i even gotta kiss out of it lol

Post April 22nd, 2005, 6:53 pm

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Well i was just at the school show with a hot dancer so there!!!!!!!!! LOL. [lol]

Anyway i thoguht this topic was about chavs, not about going places with people. I even went to my local chippy tonight before the school show and there were 3 chavs in thee out of a queue of about 7 or 8 people!!!!!! And there were about 10 chavs outside!!!!! im really starting to hate them, i dont seem to have that much trouble with them thoguh because one is in my form and he respects me for some reason, so i dont get much crap from them when hes there. But when he aint there they dont hesitate. You are right Gouldy, the chav population is getting out of hand [lol]. Im sure it never used to be this bad. I also never knew that other countries had the equivalent of chavs, they may act like chavs but surely they cant be as thick, surely!!!!I thought it would be impossible to be any thicker than an English chav. [lol]

Post April 22nd, 2005, 7:24 pm

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Well i was just at the school show with a hot dancer so there!!!!!!!!! LOL.

Shame he was a hot male dancer eh? [lol] Yeah, i mean i just went to AT and the amount of chavs there is ridiculous. Literaly hundreds. I had to sit next to some chavs on Oblivion, that honestly smelt like urine and the old soverign ring also made me laugh

Post April 23rd, 2005, 8:54 am

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Basically, i see it this way. We have two basic options;

1) Kill all chavs and live in total happiness
2) Leave them to pose a constant (but false) threat in peace

As attractive as option 1 sounds, we must take into consideration current affairs. Atm, britain is having a problem with an ageing population, with it being predicted that people my age will be working into their mid-70's and maybe even 80's. Now without the lovely charlene and sharon out there having six kids before they are 14, this may become a reality.

In conclusion, leave them be, and just know that a chav is worth a thousand pieces of poop.

Post April 23rd, 2005, 3:32 pm

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Back when I was in High School way back when (15 years ago)we called them (and I am not trying to offend anyone) "wiggers". Back then they were typically worse, like imagine the whitest white kid from a nice part of the suburbs doing a really bad never-ending Flava Flav impression.

It was funny back then just because it was so out of place. Now, what gets me is the total lack of any sort of individualism from these kids. They jump from fad to fad, following the trends just so they can fit in with other kids as mindless as they are. This is not a new concept, but it seems that this phase is stupider. Just MHO

Post April 23rd, 2005, 5:16 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Wo wo wo, we still have wiggers dude, like at my school, look out the window at break time and you'll see a group of black kids walking round, then just hanging off the back of that group will be some random white kid dressed up like in basketball crap and them massive baseball caps, walking as if someone has just shot them in the leg. They talk to you as if they are black or something, they pretend they're from jamaica or whatever and its just hilarious. Ask them for a Bacon sandwich [;)] [lol]. They are no where near as bad as chavs though dude, cus the chavs sit and throw abuse at you for no reason and its just annoying whereas the wiggers do tend to leave you alone and be gay all unto themselves

Post April 23rd, 2005, 8:39 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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the wiggers do tend to leave you alone and be gay all unto themselves

So, now do the black people at your school talk Black like in American, or do they talk a different way, with like British accents, ect.?

Post April 24th, 2005, 4:19 pm

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In my school it varies, some talk like in America but thats cos they have moved from there, and others just talk with an English accent, but its slightly different but i cannot tell how. We dont really have any wiggers here, just alot, and i mean alot of chavs, who i really do hate. I went to the local shop like 3 days ago and there were about 15 chavs sat outside, talking loudly, and probably throwing abuse to anyone they could. I didnt get any abuse which i was so shocked at!!!!

Post April 25th, 2005, 9:49 am
gouldy User avatar
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The wiggers make me laugh to be honest, pretending they're from Jamaica and all that rubbish, walking round with all their black mates trying to tell everyone that their family has suffered at the hands of white farmers for generations in the west Indies. Talking as if they don't want you to be able to understand them. They've all clearly never even been to jamaica or anything and yet, they're all like "Yo mans, me got BEEF where me don't be needed beef star, you'get me, me bredrin" and you're just left standing there thinking "actually what?". Its just funny really, not like chavs, eurgh, I hate them and honestly think that the world would be a better place without them, call me Hitler if you will but seriously, they are just smegwells.

Post April 27th, 2005, 2:29 pm

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just wanted to say, I wish all these ****** prick neds, chavs...whatever they like to be called, would just ****** burn to death,I mean seriously die slowly and painfully.

Why would anyone be proud to be accociated with such retarded people??????
get a ****** grip of your life and grow the ****** up.

You all complain that there is nothing to do an all that ******, the reason there isnt anything because people wont get planning permission to put up new buildings or open ice rinks, football pitches etc, because it will get ****** by your kind. Think about it little people, or is that too hard?

Must be painful to know you are going to be a waster for the rest of your pathetic excuse for a life. Dont come to me with "oo i am a doctor and make 40k a year" an all that shite, because I and everybody else knows mummy an daddy paid for the computer and you are a complete sponger (and if you dont know what that means {"A person who sponges on others; a parasite"}). Yes a ****** parasite, thats what all you are, and of the same stick, dont come at me with "ooo my mate "died" and he was a chav" know what, thats one less person to get mugged in the street or bound to there homes, good ****** riddance..and again...hope you ****** rot.

Well done for getting this far in the reading!!! mummy would be proud eh...prick.

Sorry to the decent people that are of the same opinion and hate chavs..was quite a long post.

Not my post but i found it so funny i had to post it :)

Post April 27th, 2005, 6:10 pm
gouldy User avatar
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We're running out of fossil fuels, I think I have a solution that works for everyone. I propose, we use chavs as fuel to power our power stations [:D], there would be no need for coal anymore! What with all that aftershave and Lynx and stuff that they wear, they'd burn real easy and they would finally be giving something back to society [:D]. I think thats the best idea I've ever had, throwing chavs onto a fire, oooooo yes, if anyone else has a better idea I'd flimmin' well like to hear it! [lol]

Post April 27th, 2005, 6:17 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^ lol, we use Nuclear energy, you can keep your Chavs, all we have to worry about is Uranium. How do you pernounch Chav? Is is chav or shov, or shav, or what?

Post April 28th, 2005, 2:45 am

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Danish People are at our school on some exchange thing and none of them are Chavs :o. Chav is pronounced how it looks (Ch-av). I wholly agree with Gouldys plan to burn Chavs instead of fossil fuels, but if that is in breach of human rights we can just do a mass deportation of Chavs and send them all to Denmark. (They obviously have room for Chavs)

Post April 28th, 2005, 2:39 pm
gouldy User avatar
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It wouldn't be in breach of human rights, because to have human rights, you have to be a human, chavs are lower than human, they're just yeah ..... scum I guess, you know, the stuff you have to wipe off the edge of your bath [lol].

In school today, to raise money for our summer ball thing, we had a "Chav day" you paid a pound to come to school dressed as a chav, I was quite suprised to see that anyone at all had done it, but there were quite a few people doing it. There was loads of people dressed completely over the top, it was hilarious. Plus some of the girls were wearing things that, hmmmm, didnt leave much to the imagination [:D] which of course is the way I like it ..... not that I'm saying I like chavettes or anything but you know [:)]

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