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20s revenge - Match up contest - JPECOOL

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Post April 25th, 2005, 2:48 pm

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20s revenge is a large wooden coaster for the match up contest! It is the 2nd round and participants have been asked to make a wooden coaster between 160 - 200 foot in a given template. Here is my contest entry so far. It is 200 foot high, and at the moment stretches 5518.85 ft and reaches a maximum speed of 70mph.

The ride is called 20s revenge for a reason. It is based on some of the most well known coasters from the 1920s. Here is the list it has influences from:
> Astroland Cyclone
> The Airplane Coaster
> The Crystal beach Cyclone
> The Revere Beach Cyclone

It then has a few slight influences from these rides (not built in the 1920s):
> Comet (was the crystal beach cyclone in a former life!)
> The boss (A modern CCI coaster, although it was hardly influenced by this!)

I felt all together it produces an original ride, although not highly original. I struggled with the template slightly because it was so large. Its really really long, meaning i couldnt make a decent twister, i did try just at one end but it just got squished because there wasnt enough room at one ened, and i couldnt strecth it into the narrow bit because it wasnt able to turn around.

Anyway this ride is okay so far. I dont like it that much at the moment, it is quite unsmooth at the moment, and it isnt very original so i dont like it too much. I will probably end up making a whole other ride for this contest [:p]But never mind.

Please any feedback will help, thanks. [:D]



The journey begins, heading up the 400 foot long lift, climbing 200 foot.


The ride travels out and back, through large dips offering large airtime after the first drop and turnaround.


Suddenly the ride changes at one end. Instead of having a normal turnaround, the ride becomes slightly more twisted offering a helix amongst structure


Then back out, diving through the structure. Into a high speed turn, and back through the small bunny hops into the brake run.

As you cn see it isnt that original. At first i did want to play more on the twister part of the ride but i just couldnt get it back to the station [V]

Remember i may change the ride totally. Please any feedback is helpful [:D]

Post April 25th, 2005, 2:49 pm

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Um, would you accept the word "sweet" to describe this one?

Post April 25th, 2005, 2:53 pm

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

yep!!!!!!!! [lol]

BTW i forgot to upload a picture of my favourite part of the ride, the insane turnaround, staright after the first drop. I will upload it in a couple of minutes. This is the only part inspired by the Boss, and it isnt really like the boss at all, i dont know why i made he connection. I think its just because they both have huge turnarounds, although mine is quite alot different. Although definately not as the good as the Boss. [:D]

Post April 25th, 2005, 3:12 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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hmmmm, not sure i like it, it just misses something, could be the absence of the terrain or because it doens't have the best color sheme, maybe u schould add a tunnel or something...

Post April 25th, 2005, 3:24 pm

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Yes thats what i feel too hyyyper. It just doesnt feel special. But then again it is only in the early stages, the layout has only just been completed. I will be adding 2 tunnels to the ride because you have to have at least 2 tunnels.

Anyway here are some pics of my favourite part of the ride. This is the first turnaround, with a huge climb to the top, a quick turn around, a sudden change of direction, and a huge dive into the structure.


The first turn around viewed from the top of the first drop.


A picture of the train climbing to the top of the turn around.


The top of the turnaround


The dive from the top of the turn around.

Are testers allowed on contests????

Post April 25th, 2005, 3:33 pm

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Yeah, you can let people test your coaster as long as they don't make any physical modifications for you.

BTW, the track looks awesome! Keep it up.

Post April 25th, 2005, 3:37 pm

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You forgot the pre-lift inversion, this is supposed to be a CCI styled coaster you know.

Post April 25th, 2005, 3:44 pm

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

[lol] I will just go add that, sorry, shall i go with a loop, zero G roll, heartline roll? I think i should go with a pretzel knot. [lol]

And thanks everyone! [:D]

Post April 25th, 2005, 3:56 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

No, those all suck. CCIs usually have cobra rolls out of the station so I would go with that.

BTW, this coaster looks awesome. I love those turns, they look crazy.

Post April 25th, 2005, 4:08 pm

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BTW dont be discouraged that its not "uber original".

IMO the BEST rides in real life are those which are the simplest and deliver 1 or 2 feelings in abundance, leaving the feeling marked on you for good.

Wooden coasters do 2 things very well - laterals and airtime. Play on those and make it crazy.

Post April 25th, 2005, 4:13 pm
gouldy User avatar
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[lol] you crazy people.

Still though, a woody that even I find interesting, well done [;)] looks pretty neat so far.

Post April 25th, 2005, 5:08 pm

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

Well it isnt my craziest coaster at the moment, but i can sure make it crazier!!!! Archaic was probably my craziest although it had lots of pumping too. This doesnt have that many turns so there are not that many laterals, but on the turns i have it is pretty heavy, too heavy i think in fact. Its maximum lateral is 1.9 at the moment, although i will cut that down to 1.6! Its the helix where it gets 1.9 for a split second. Then theres also 2 turns towards the end where it reaches 1.8! It reaches 1.8 on the first one of these last turns one, and on the second turn it is bunny hopping while turning, and the banking is chnaging continuously giving 3 spots of very high laterals. I think i should cut this down slightly. And airtime is fine at the moment i think. There is 11 spots of noticeable air time. This ranges from -0.2 to -1.2 (or -1.3 for a split second.) The major airtime is felt on the first airtime hill after the first turnaround where there is -1.2 airtime. The airtime is felt for around 3 seconds over this hill. Theres also a surprise dip straight after the first drop. It is slightly extreme though, the gs change from around 3g to - something in about a second!!!!!! I will have to make it change slightly slower. Smoothing is also coming along!!!! [:D]

Post April 25th, 2005, 9:04 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Actually, 1.9 lateral gs are fine. If your coaster was built in real life it would most likely pass the ASTM standards. G-forces can be pushed much farther than most people think.

Just check out this topic for the ASTM g limits.

Post April 25th, 2005, 10:06 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Looks cool, but some of that banking looks a bit extreme for a woodie. I think that you will get bogged down for 91 degrees+ in terms of banking, as it is considered unrealistic.

Post April 25th, 2005, 10:28 pm

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Originally posted by IntaminFan397

No, those all suck. CCIs usually have cobra rolls out of the station so I would go with that.

nice reference [:p]

Post April 25th, 2005, 10:39 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Originally posted by Brtnboarder495

Looks cool, but some of that banking looks a bit extreme for a woodie. I think that you will get bogged down for 91 degrees+ in terms of banking, as it is considered unrealistic.

I don't see why so many people believe woodies can't do anything. If you make an 80* drop on a woodie for example, some idiot will say "OMG THAT WILL SOOO KILL YOU WOODIES CANT DO THAT ITS UNREALISTIC". Another thing is overbanked turns --- Ok, if you think a steel coaster can do a 130* overbank but a wooden coaster can't do the same thing, well, I don't know what the love is wrong with you, but WHAT THE HELL is preventing the woodie from doing it? The fact that it's made out of wood?

People on this site are coaster enthusiasts (most of them). And I just don't see how a coaster enthusiast could make such a dumbass comment about a wood coaster.

BTW, that wasn't directed at you Brtn, your post just reminded me of the idiotic things people constantly say about wood coasters.

Post April 25th, 2005, 10:46 pm

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Well, realistically, I doubt traditional wooden coaster track construction will deal with being partially inverted well, it basically depends on gravity to keep the layers together

Post April 25th, 2005, 10:52 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

If that was the case, then how can GCIs bank so highly? If gravity plays a role in keeping the rail layers together then 80 degree banked turns don't seem to be much more possible than being partially inverted.

Post April 25th, 2005, 11:07 pm

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Some of you need to be reminded of Hades...

Yeah..this thing is looking awesome.

Post April 26th, 2005, 2:59 am

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

Thanks!!! [:D]

BTW the highest banking on this ride is only 65 degrees. I have only ever built one overbank on a woody and i got slated for it, and my rate got pushed down for it, so i dont think its worth it.


To the right you can see the highest banked portion of the ride. At the beginning of the helix it is only banked at 45 degrees, at the end it is banked at 65. This gives huge laterals.


A "Traver" part of the ride, with the steep dive down. This is the second turn around, and the first twister section of the ride


More inspiration from traver. The trick track. Inspired by the Crystal Beach Cyclone.

Post April 26th, 2005, 4:02 am

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I personally dont think its worth it to let other people, especially the majority who really doesnt have the slightest clue what REALITY is, dictate your tracks.

As IFan says, its not based on gravity. Those layers are secured together, they just dont lay on each other. GCI's prove that not to mention Hades now breaking out at 90 degrees. Plus, there is a wooden loop. Supports may not be wooden, but the tracking is.

Supports for an overbank would have to be different, thats for sure to cope with the interesting stresses pushing up footers, not down. However, several woodies have substantial airtime using the upstops, same forces. Just being in a turn would make things slightly more complicated.

Post April 26th, 2005, 6:19 am

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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

As long as you don't try to make a wood coaster with nothing but overbanks and ground helicies like "Olymp" by Hansixx, you should be fine. A couple high banked turns can actually help the coaster quite a bit. Just make sure you leave room for some low-banked lateral g's and plenty of airtime.

BTW, make sure your track has 2 tunnels. I don't know how many people caught this, as I posted it 1 hour after the initial set of rules, but it is a contest requirement.

Post April 27th, 2005, 9:37 am

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jpe, sorry to intrude into your thread again, but some of these woodie non-believers need to see this [lol]

Yeah, the image speaks for itself..

Post April 27th, 2005, 12:56 pm

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

I dont mind at all FN!!!!! As long as you are proving a decent point meaning that my woody wont get marked down for highly banked curves, then im fine. [:D] I have decided that i will upload a first version of this ride for the contest, but then after the contest is over and i have time i am gonna extend it, adding a large twister section on the other end aswell!

BTW i need a tester, and it has to be a woody fan. Or fans. Two testers. I was thinking i would like TJ to be a tester cos i know he knows quite alot about woodies, and also he is a harsh rater so if it pleases him it should please most. Hopefully. lol. Anyone else, 2 other testers!!! [^]|Thanks [:D]

Post April 27th, 2005, 1:31 pm

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA


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