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Post April 27th, 2005, 9:16 pm

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[:)]I know a support idea. [:)]I just use ark supports on invertions. It might have been used already.[?]Just wanted to share.

Post April 27th, 2005, 9:17 pm

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Post April 27th, 2005, 9:25 pm

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Post April 27th, 2005, 9:54 pm

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Oh. Well you can't always use those because they usually don't pass the tunnel test.

Post April 28th, 2005, 3:59 am
hyyyper User avatar
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and they are prefabs, wich most people (incl. me) downrate

Post April 28th, 2005, 7:20 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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hyyper, as long the prefab supports fit good in realistic supports i wouldn't count points for it off. As they are using those support unrealistic then i would dock points off..

Post April 28th, 2005, 7:25 am
hyyyper User avatar
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i defently disagree, prefab's are for starters, the ones who arent yet that good oreintated in NL, but as soon as you can, use costums. Costums also make your ride have a certain style, and make you happier with the result once u finisched it, because everything on that coaster is made by u (exepct maybe 3ds, elements, textures). Also, u cant flange prefabs with busters flanger, and you can control the nodes in the customs better

Post April 28th, 2005, 8:53 am

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I agree with hyyyper, custom supports are definitely the better option. Prefab supports aren't a problem if they fit the coaster style (B&Ms and Arrow tracks are the only coasters than can use prefabs realisticly), but even then there would be many places on the ride where custom supports would be more realistic.

Post April 28th, 2005, 9:08 am

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If someone has a problem with prefab supports, I would recommend you save bandwidth and not download my rides. {wink}

Post April 28th, 2005, 12:54 pm

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Originally posted by hyyyper

i defently disagree, prefab's are for starters, the ones who arent yet that good oreintated in NL, but as soon as you can, use costums. Costums also make your ride have a certain style, and make you happier with the result once u finisched it, because everything on that coaster is made by u (exepct maybe 3ds, elements, textures). Also, u cant flange prefabs with busters flanger, and you can control the nodes in the customs better

Prefabs work in several cases and should be allowed. Such as like what IF described.

Secondly, you talk about doing everything yourself, but then mention using Buster AUTOflanger. conflict there? I think so. Try doing those all by yourself like some of us used too, THEN youll have an appriciation.

Thirdly, if you have prefabs, just make your own flanges and use those.

Finally, its Custom, not Costom.

Post April 28th, 2005, 1:09 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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yeah, whatever doenst matter how u spell it, but still flanges are like many other tools, just easy, like the smoother, HL-generator, tia's toolkit, if u prefab your flanges, it aint that bad as prefab the whole support thing.
f.e.: a coaster without supports will be downrated...a coaster with support but witout flanges wont be that hard downrated, or not at all downrated, what i mean is; the essensial parts of a coaster should be yours, and to use an autoflanger just for detail, i think that's ok

Post April 28th, 2005, 1:48 pm

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Oh wow, hyyyper the spam-princess, acting like he knows something. Tell ya what smarty-pants; post a coaster of your own -AND- get some respectful rates by actual accomplished designers' (you don't want me to go on a rating spree ...) before you start slapping other folks' rides with your inconclusive rating scheme.

I will say it again as we have all said for years: No tool will help you build a good track if you start with crap to begin with. Put a crappy track into the AHG or Auto-Smoother and you get smooth crap back out.

However, try not to argue with folks that have been designing since before you knew how to spell NL. Finally, when you refer to "prefabs are for starters" ... I certainly hope you are including yourself based on the ratings I see over in the exchange on your tracks. Now, take some advice here man -- you sound like a moron and spell like a 5th grader -- just stop talking, you are embarrassing yourself.

Post April 28th, 2005, 2:12 pm
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i'm not acting like i know something, and by starters i mean people that just got NL, maybe i'm not that good in smoothing tracks, so what, once i strated NL, i also used prefab's.
luckaly i figured out costum are way better and more personal.
and about the spelling....i'm dutch, i'd like to see you spell some dutch sentences in a rush

Post April 28th, 2005, 2:47 pm

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Originally posted by hyyyper
f.e.: a coaster without supports will be downrated...a coaster with support but witout flanges wont be that hard downrated, or not at all downrated, what i mean is; the essensial parts of a coaster should be yours, and to use an autoflanger just for detail, i think that's ok

Strange you would say that. Why is there so much fuss about people using the AHG or smoother when the Auto Generate Terraformer and Auto-Flanger are used regularly and frequently and by the same people? If you say "do this by hand, but do this auto" thats hypocracy. If you dont use the AHG because it tampers with your pride, dont use ANYTHING auto and save yourself the trouble of being a hypocrite. All or nothing IMO. (not directed at you hyper)

Spelling: Are you sure you are Dutch? You have pretty good spelling throughout actually. I would expect custom wouldnt be such a hard word plus the U is closer to the S and C. ;)

Sorry, Im a spelling nazi. your english looks good enough that it shouldnt be a problem. If Dutch were my second language (like Im sure English is yours, or third) Id make sure I spelled things right. But Im a perfectionist.

Post April 28th, 2005, 3:03 pm

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Well french is my 2nd language and i really struggle with spelling them words.

And real you are right that alot of people are hypocrits when they say not to use AHG or smoother because your ride should be completely your own. Then they go off and use the auto flanger and auto generate terraformer. I have slated people for using tools, but hopefully i am no hypocrit. I have used the auto flanger a couple of times, but i do only slate tools that alter track not supports. [lol]

But i dont actually mind people using tools, its up to the person what they feel most comfortable with.

Anyway this topic has gone quite off topic. [lol] never mind.

Post April 28th, 2005, 3:05 pm

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H -- ok, forget my comment about spelling. But take the rest to heart -- When you start slapping people down about what they use to design -- it reminds me of an old commandment reworded for others to understand.

"Ye who is without dog crap on their sneaker -- take the first step on the white rug."


"Ye who is without sin, cast the first stone."

So, before beating people for using prefabs, make sure your stuff is up to snuff is all I am saying.
Fair enough?

And Real ... [lol] to the "spelling Nazi". I guess that makes me the "Grammar Gestapo".

Post April 28th, 2005, 3:11 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Originally posted by hyyyper

i defently disagree, prefab's are for starters, the ones who arent yet that good oreintated in NL, but as soon as you can, use costums. Costums also make your ride have a certain style, and make you happier with the result once u finisched it, because everything on that coaster is made by u (exepct maybe 3ds, elements, textures). Also, u cant flange prefabs with busters flanger, and you can control the nodes in the customs better

And your a.............. veteran? I wouldnt say that prefabs are bad and upload coasters with them. Plus, why waste time connecting a foundation node to a track node using a single metal beam, when you can just use single support (this case applies to brake runs and when the track rides low to the ground)

Look at real coasters that use this technique:



Post April 28th, 2005, 3:23 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by Brtnboarder495

Originally posted by hyyyper

i defently disagree, prefab's are for starters, the ones who arent yet that good oreintated in NL, but as soon as you can, use costums. Costums also make your ride have a certain style, and make you happier with the result once u finisched it, because everything on that coaster is made by u (exepct maybe 3ds, elements, textures). Also, u cant flange prefabs with busters flanger, and you can control the nodes in the customs better

And your a.............. veteran? I wouldnt say that prefabs are bad and upload coasters with them. Plus, why waste time connecting a foundation node to a track node using a single metal beam, when you can just use single support (this case applies to brake runs and when the track rides low to the ground)

Look at real coasters that use this technique:



that a different thing, i won't downrate if u use prefab's rather then a tracknode and a foundation, that's just being smart. or one example, every one knows this support:
if u use the straightdownsection a prefab that ok with me, but a just prefab's aren't realistic, cause if you go high enough with the support the angle wil chance on this one: |\, that one will start to look like ||.
prefab's also arent affected by terrain

Post April 28th, 2005, 3:24 pm

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Why cant you? All in the name of being anal and pride to say "I used all custom!"

Pride is pretty much it. Its there where the extra 5 seconds dont impress me. I dont care with simple connections, show me you used that 5 seconds elsewhere and made something else.

Post April 28th, 2005, 3:31 pm
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u guys dont get it do you,
i've got nothing against prefab's, but only if it makes the coaster realistic, makes it tunnelproof.
if someone uses only prefabs on a coaster i think he(or she) just should put more time in it.
I'd compare it with elements, using saved/prefab elements is ok, as long as it isnt some copy/paste coaster of various elements stolen from other coasters

Post April 28th, 2005, 3:42 pm

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Just look at my XRB-16 coaster, I used quite a bit of prefab supports, but they work. I'm not going to bother waisting my time making a crapload of 3 foot supports when I can make a few clicks of the mouse and be done. Plus, with the prefab supports you get the cool connecter at the top.

Post April 28th, 2005, 4:16 pm

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Prefabs are definaltely ok if they look ok. If you're trying to support a TTD type ride with them, no way.

And tunnels are too big to test that accurately. Because of this, I never mind anything that goes in the tunnel as long as it's not too close. (just put tunnels around a station. They are clearly too big for you to complain about something that just sticks in a bit.)

I agree about the connector on prefabs.

Going back to the idea on arc supports, they don't look good on loops (unless the loop is really large and seriously needs the supporting, never seen that happen though) The inverted support usually works best for the inverted part of cobra rolls)

Post April 28th, 2005, 4:52 pm

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Oh well ... if he is hoping for extra points for using custom supports he is sadly mistaken. I am more concerned about the whiplash, pumping, slamming, and overall death incurred by riding some of the POSs I've seen lately

(to include those here: ... bmit1.y=16)

versus the fact that someone connected some nodes and made a nice lateral beam.

Post April 28th, 2005, 5:03 pm
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TConwell, this aint the topic to judge my crappy skills, just do it in your ratings, this is about the inverted coaster, using arch support on the whole coaster, basicly (see the first post)

Post April 28th, 2005, 5:09 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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my way of support rating:
non realistic prefab: info about it and might a small 0.5 point docked off, does matter how bad.
realistic prefab: No action...
Non realistic custom: Tell about it, if too unrealistic also small point docked off.
Realistic 100% custom: If looking good, small point added, if looking totally realistic: more points added.


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