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Post May 2nd, 2005, 5:25 pm

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ALL of my files from WWS. I no longer wish to have my work displayed on this site.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 5:28 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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why, are you that disappointed because of that rct3 thing?

Post May 2nd, 2005, 5:30 pm

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No, hes disappointed because of all the idiotic and unfair rates his tracks get.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 5:42 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Post May 2nd, 2005, 5:52 pm

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Well, at least when people get bad rates besides Tyler somethings done about them. I think the mods and admins here fail to recognize the unreasonable ratings on Tyler's tracks, or they just have something against him.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 5:56 pm

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While I think a deduction of 0.5 isnt much, I think the premise for it is.

But, if people want to downrate for tools, I can certainly downrate for lack of using them, IMO. Since you can use them, if you choose not and your track could have used it, then Id have no choice but to suggest it.

ESPECIALLY since there are just many, many things you cannot, ever, be able to create by hand. Unless you can manipulate verticies under 4ft long, theres no way to accurately model certain elements based on the way BEZIERS work. No matter how hard you try, how good you are, there will still be glaring faults.

Thats why I started. Why be defeated by the very nature of the program?!

Post May 2nd, 2005, 6:01 pm

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Originally posted by Real

But, if people want to downrate for tools, I can certainly downrate for lack of using them, IMO.

Good idea, I'm going to start doing that to all the idiots who downrate for using tools.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 6:05 pm

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You will only be able to do so if they do not do something by hand that a tool could have done. That wasnt meant to be cynical, but realistic. If someone tries to do a barrel roll (by hand you cant do it properly) and I see that it could have been tooled (haha), I will have to not rate down for not using tools, but rate down for poor craftsmenship and then recommend using tools.

I think rating down for use OR no-use is wrong. However, if in certain applications one could have used it to better their peice or do something correctly, then obviously that score wouldnt be as high as it could be.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 6:22 pm

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Tyler unfortunately is the boy that cried wolf imo. At first it wasn't to bad, deleting questionable rates here and there, but once you complain over and over about minor things it really rubs that raw nerve. Its not that we fail to recognize the unreasonable ratings, its that fact that most of these ?????????unreasonable ratings????????? are questionable to 0.5, which really holds no significance. Us staff cannot have control over users personal opinions and do not feel it is appropriate to tell users that must rate in certain perimeters. There are also plenty of other users that will get ratings like the ratings that are complained about, but however these users take them in there stride and make sure their next coaster is that bit better. None of the staff here have anything against Tyler, we love him in our own way. It's just that the constant stream of negligible ratings is annoying to the extent they are more or less ignored.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 6:33 pm

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Just delete the files and you'll never here from me again. That's all I want at this point.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 6:35 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Post May 2nd, 2005, 6:37 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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None of the staff here have anything against Tyler, we love him in our own way.

Isn't that sweet, they love you, Tyler[:P]
Anyways, I see No Limits as a form of entertainment. Like parks, your goal is to try and create the best ride that other people will enjoy, which is one reason why I haven't uploaded anything new l8ly, because I do not feel my rides are satisfactory enough to keep people here on wws happy, or myself happy. I like rides that I ride over and over again, and thats all I like. When I see that I get a high adrenaline rate, that makes me happy, because then I know I made a good ride. But that is no the case for all people, like yourself. Some people are soley about technical rates, and if they get a rate not up to thier standards then bam! Not everyone is going to like your work. People constantly critique real roller coasters that have perfect "Technical Work" (I.E Silver Bullet)
But if you aren't happy with your rides, then just don't upload any more. But I don't think you should have them delete your tracks, because some of them are very nice, and I like to ride over & over again. And if I uninstall no limits, and reinstall it, I would like to know that there's a place I can go back to and get the rides I enjoy riding over and over again.

P.S if you have no idea what I just said, sorry, When I was writing this, I forgot the point I was trying to make.[xx(]

Post May 2nd, 2005, 6:38 pm

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I believe ratings should be strictly moderated. Ratings can be valid or invalid, nothing else. If a person rates down because in their opinion the coaster doesn't deserve to be rated highly, thats valid. However, if they take off because the person used tools, then thats an invalid reason for downrating and the rater should be asked to change his rating or it will be deleted. If a coaster is rated down for an invalid reason it DOES NOT matter of how subtle the difference is in the overall score. It's the staff's job to take care of it, and frankly the staff is just reacting very lazily to Tyler's complaints. Every rating that Tyler reported was invalid in some way or another, and for the staff to blow off his complaints is a very irresposible action.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 7:20 pm

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Edge, just remove the damn files. I've asked twice already.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 7:25 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Originally posted by IntaminFan397

Originally posted by Real

But, if people want to downrate for tools, I can certainly downrate for lack of using them, IMO.

Good idea, I'm going to start doing that to all the idiots who downrate for using tools.

Trust me I would use tools - Real they are not available to everyone.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 7:28 pm

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Post May 2nd, 2005, 7:44 pm

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Post May 2nd, 2005, 7:48 pm

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Ok, heres the deal with Macs. Either you, or your parents chose to go with apple. Theres nothing wrong with them, what they do they do VERY well.

Problem obviously is that alot of games and applications are not created with Apple in mind. You are blessed that NL was even ported to Mac, considering the fan base when he did it wasnt even that large.

You have 2 options, like every other Mac user, when you want to use windows programs.

Virtual PC
New PC computer

Virtual PC is far cheaper, especially for this application. Please stop complaining. the people who created the tools have no Mac. If you want them to create tools for a mac, go price them out and purchase a mac for them to code on. Otherwise, just deal with it. Whoever bought the computer wasnt thinking about stuff like this or PC would have been the obvious choice.

Its not cheap, but you would solve all of your problems right there. IF it meant that much to you. ... pno=470240

Post May 2nd, 2005, 8:02 pm

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My friend has a Mac and uses virtual PC and he loves it. He spanks on IBMs all day long cause he can do what I can do -- until I switch over to Linux boot and then I own him.

[lol] Anyway, virtual PC would work.

More on task: Tyler -- don't leave ... that just means the cretins win - and if anyone wonders if I am calling "them" a cretin, if the shoe fits -- wear it.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 8:13 pm

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what doesnt admins have like a 5 strikes and your out policy?

if you under rate or misrate a coaster a great deal 5 times, your banned.

that would solve a great deal of rate complains. and it would filter out alot of the under rating people on this site.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 8:18 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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some times, all it takes is learning though. I was a crappy rater at one point, now I'm at least decent, some times thoral (some one spell check me) if I feel like it.
P.S, Not all tools are available to everyone, I don't have access to a credit card. Its a miracle I was able to get NL!!!
And my AHG is so screwed up, its confuses me, I've re-installed it several times, and its still as messed up as ever!

V wow, really, that's amazing! As for file removal, I don't think they feel like removing it. As it said when you registered, once you upload it, it becomes property of, and have the right to do with it as they please. And if they don't want to do that, then they don't have to, sorry thats how some things are.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 8:22 pm

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Uh, all the tools I use are free.

To restate for about the 4th time. Remove the files. Now.

Post May 2nd, 2005, 8:32 pm

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Originally posted by thecool326

some times, all it takes is learning though. I was a crappy rater at one point, now I'm at least decent, some times thoral (some one spell check me) if I feel like it.
P.S, Not all tools are available to everyone, I don't have access to a credit card. Its a miracle I was able to get NL!!!
And my AHG is so screwed up, its confuses me, I've re-installed it several times, and its still as messed up as ever!

I dont see how you not being old enough has anything to do with the tools being "available" to you. Someone has to buy it, whether by cash or credit card. You cant say its not available to you because of that.

As for your AHG, sounds like you are missing windows components or somethings just generally wrong with windows. Ive used it on 3 OS's, Win98, WinXP (4 if you count Home) and now WinXP Media Center 2005.

Post May 3rd, 2005, 4:57 am
Oscar User avatar
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Re-read the stuff you agreed to when you signed up to the site. You agreed to a bunch of stuff you most liekly did not bother reading. I'd delete the stuff, but staff votes against me all the time so the stuff stays untill the majority of staff says otherwise. Plus you may change your mind and wouln't want you upset at a later date that your old stuff is gone.

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