there are too many complaints in the forum due to the rating system. Some don't want a rating system, others can't like without it. Some wish to have their track NOT rated. What I want is you, the ones who fight amongst each other to give me your input on resolving this ever evolving issue so I can make it a better place here.
Some ideas I had in mind for those who here don't want x member rating their coaster is to add a block list to the rating system but charge a percentage of the overall rate you'd get. For example if you don't want me rating it, you'd add me to the bloicklist and whatever rate it gets, it's automatically discount 10% of the rate that it gets and award that as a feww for blocking x user from rating it and this the more users you block, the higher the percentage you are charged and stuff. Anyway, throw me your ideas, such as the one where the uploader can have a tickbox to make his track rate able or just commentable and stuff.