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'The Ring' story

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Post May 15th, 2005, 5:09 pm

Posts: 13
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Location: Freeport, New York
This is true, my much older brother came visiting before he left on his tour around europe, and one of his friends told this story and promised it was true, if it happened to me, i would of freaked out!!

Before the movie 'The Ring' was released, the previews all showed the killer tape and no title. My brother's friend (named Noah, LOL!) went to a concert by a local group where he picked up a blank video box with a un-named video inside. Being adventurous, he went home and decided to watch it sense everyone was asleep, just incase it was a porno. inside, he found a website address labeled www.anopenletter. Noah watched the movie and it was the same as the killer tape in 'The Ring'. Feeling comletely disturbed, Noah decided to visit the website and it ended up being a blog site about a man who described himself as a paedophile, and had watched the tape and had recieved a warning saying he would die in seven days, and that he found another series of websites inside the first one, and finally, after a few hourse, stumbled across...

'The Ring' official site. I don't know it it's true, the story i mean, but I found proof that such things DID occur before the release of the US version of the Ring, here are some describing the events from

To promote this film the studio placed copies of the mysterious "killer tape" at concerts and events. The tape had a label directing whoever watched it to a web site ( supposedly written by a pedophile who'd seen the tape and was now trying to warn others about his impending fate (this was the character portrayed by Chris Cooper in a sub-plot deleted from the theatrical release). The website contained links that led to other movie-related mock-ups, including a page written by one of Katie's friends who was unaware of Katie's death and believed she'd been kidnapped or run away, and a page written by scientists who researched psychic phenomena involving television transmissions. When the movie was released, Dreamworks deleted all the Web pages and denied ever having anything to do with them.

You can find that and other crap about the movie from! What an evil thing to do to promote a movie...[;)]

Post May 18th, 2005, 3:56 pm

Posts: 454
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Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Post May 19th, 2005, 11:38 am

Posts: 366
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Location: Belfast, Co.Down, United Kingdom

yeah they do. but i like the ring. The japanese one sucks, but the american one is cool. What about the ring 2?
Oh and i downloaded the ring video that they watch in the film. It is really weird.

Post May 19th, 2005, 7:30 pm

Posts: 1620
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Location: USA
the ring was the worst horror movie i've seen.. it SUCKED! everyone i know worships the japanese version but probably just because it came out of japan like all that manga - anime crap people are obsessed with.

Post May 19th, 2005, 8:05 pm

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

The Ring was a very good horror movie. It at least had a plot rather than the highly acclaimed "The Grudge", which was one of the worst horror movies I've ever seen.

Post May 20th, 2005, 2:08 am

Posts: 1065
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Location: Pot country, Tacoland, USA
why is it that if you think the ring is good you think the grudge suked and vice versa

Post May 20th, 2005, 3:31 am

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Because their very different movies.

The Ring is a horror movie that has a plot and good story to make the film worth watching. It is successful at being a horror film, but thats not all that the movie has to offer.

The Grudge is a lame attempt at ONLY trying to scare it's audience. I didn't find the film to be that scary at all, and I was very disappointed after watching the film since it had no plot whatsoever.

Post May 22nd, 2005, 3:57 am

Posts: 454
Points on hand: 3,352.00 Points
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom
The Grudge and The Ring were both terrible. Go see Amityville Horror instead, much more jumpy and actually scares you in places, unlike the laughability of films such as The Grudge + Ring.

Post May 22nd, 2005, 6:04 am

Posts: 3000
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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

I agree with IF> The ring is so much better than the grudge. It has a decent story, and manages to scare you slightly at least once. Then the grudge, well the only reason i watched it for was for sarah michelle gellar. [lol] No, hontesly, it was really bad, it wasnt scary, when you thought something was going to scare you it had a good atmosphere but then it never climaxed and actually scared you. It wasnt that great. Now the Japanese version of the Ring 2 was good. I watched it on channel 4 not that long ago, it was pretty good.

Amityville horror does look good. I have the original versions on video and dvd. [:D] The DVD isnt mine, but the video is.

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