1. Cartexture maker. Simply to make cartextures more accurate. You load a prog that shows a 3d representation of the car, then select a part, then load a png for it, then when you're done, the prog puts the textures together into one. It's faster, more accurate, and good for n00bs. (or those who don't happen to have photoshop)
2. Footer placer. You know how those footers for steel coasters look so bland? This is the solution for it. It lets you texture footers and automatically places them at the footers of the track supports.
3. Support converter. Converts prefab supports to custom ones. (for editing, etc)
4. Catwalk maker. Just like tunnel maker, it creates a 3ds file, but this time it has to generate railing, catwalk attachments to track, and stairs. You can select textures and colors of what you want on them, and even some shapes of railings, etc. (obviously should be 3d of course, this tool is to be an alternative to the floating paperlike catwalks that are misspositioned in the game.)
5. Station generator. Uses 3ds of course. Organizes safety lanes properly, and generally uses 3d railings (of course). The prog should be able to create pathways and queue's too.
6. Some sort of texture renamer for a 3ds (there should be some floating around but I didn't find any after googling) that can rename object texture refrerences (and enable alpha blend mode) since stubborn anim8or won't allow for png's (and their alpha blending)
Yes, I know all of these are very well possible to do (except for the prefab to custom, but you can add support nodes to them), these tools are to simply speed things up.