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Bush or Kerry

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Bush or Kerry

Both Suck!
Both Are Good!
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Post November 11th, 2004, 7:17 pm

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very true coaster99, but the terrorist causing most damage (9/11, Spain, middle east) are from the middle east, the OAklahoma bombing was one messed up guy, and quite frankly, he was insane. These terrorist believe that they are dying for Allah (there god). Now 99% of the muslim's believe that the terroristic acts are wrong, and are ashamed by it, but that 1% believes that they are somehow fighthing for religion. The Muslim law states that if you die fighting for Allah that you will be given instant paradise (there afterlife/heaven). Now doing these terroristic attacks, im sure they killed fellow Muslims in these buildings, and there not fighting the "enemy". There just killing innocent people. The Muslim's are trying to change the thoughts of this 1%, but it's just not working

Wow, what you learn in World Cultures

Post November 11th, 2004, 8:36 pm

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if you ask me, they're all crazy! but you are wrong about one thing: they are not the ones doing the most damage. the "terrorists" doing the most damage...or at least the ones we should be paying more attention to are the ones that are on the news every day. and i'm talking about all of the murders every day in america. they are killing people for a cause, and the islamic terrorists are killing people for a cause. instead of going to war to fight a small group of people half way around the world because they might do an attack somewhere that we dont know where is just rediculous to me. we could be focusing on fighting crime, stopping prostetution, etc here at home instead. besides, that's why the terrorists want to attack us anyway!

... if they were attacking freedom, then they would be attacking amsterdam(which is known for having more liberties than the usa).

Post November 11th, 2004, 8:55 pm

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you make a good point, but murder's are hard to stop, and if we don't worry about the terrorish, heck they may make a nuke and drop it on NYC. Fighting crime is something America is working on very hard, but it is even harder to stop. If we scare the terrorist, then they'll think, man if we attack again, we'll have to go through this hell again. That's what were trying to do to them.

Post November 11th, 2004, 9:36 pm

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actually no, they're dying and they are getting excited about being martyrs. and what's the difference between a terrorist and a murderer? they both have the same capabilities.. hell, you can find how to make a nuke on the internet!

Post May 28th, 2005, 10:57 pm

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Post May 29th, 2005, 8:33 am

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Post May 29th, 2005, 9:18 am

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It still sucks that Bush is president. He is a horrible president, and it seems like he is getting worse and worse. Why won't he bring the troops home? I get so sick and tired of turning on my tv and hearing about another young life being lost over there to those maniacal terrorists. All that damn fighting and they still haven't found Bin Laden or that other whack-job (can't remember his name). Oh, and don't get me started on his domestic agenda for this country - cutting funding to schools, privatizing social security? Not to mention he wants to shove his moral beliefs down all of our throats. The only thing good about that idiot being in office again is that he can't run for president anymore (his two terms will have been served). I voted for John Kerry obviously, and I do hope he decides to make a go at the presidency again. But if not I'm sure that the Democratic Party will have a strong candidate so that we can win the next election.

Post May 29th, 2005, 1:34 pm
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cutting funding to schools

My tuition went up 75% of what it was. Who kows what it will end up as. Bush is an ass.

Post May 30th, 2005, 3:07 pm

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

Bush is an ass.

Amen WWS, amen.

Post May 31st, 2005, 11:12 am

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Bush is the best. i am one of the biggest conservatives you will ever find. Kerry claims he is Catholic (which i am) but he is for abortion which is not what a Catholic believes. everybody keeps blaming Bush for the economy but the fact is, that the economy is great right now. the only reason we had a poor economy is actually because of Clinton. fixing or destroying the economy does not take over night. it takes a few years. then thye democrats complained about us going into Iraq and so did the UN. f@#k the UN. everyone said that he didnt give them a chance. we gave them 13 chances between the cold war and the Iraqi war.
by princess g
Why won't he bring the troops home? I get so sick and tired of turning on my tv and hearing about another young life being lost over there to those maniacal terrorists.

the reason he doesnt bring the troops home is because of those maniacal terrorists. without the US in Iraq, the would be more bombings, attacks, killings of innocent people. a war on terrorism is a very hard thing to do. there is really no way to fight it. it is a cowardly way to fight a war. putting Kerry in office would put our country down the drain. he cant decide on anything and he lies to get people to like him. the only reason Bush lies is because there are things a president cant say because there are confidential things that he knows. and if anybody thinks Bush is dumb, then they are dead wrong. he finished 3rd in his class at Yale University. he may not be a good public speaker but he is not dumb.

Post May 31st, 2005, 11:33 am

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Bush also spent tons of $ on faith based organizations like churches and other poop like that. love ridiculous!

And our troops being in Iraq isn't accomplishing poop. Still, I don't see why people care about them dying, though.

Post May 31st, 2005, 1:43 pm
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Bush also spent tons of $ on faith based organizations like churches and other poop like that. love ridiculous!

ala special interests groups rather than sending it right back to education where I believe their primary concern is at. Bad enough we're a world power yet so far behind in being a world leader in education. Education sucks here.

Post May 31st, 2005, 2:13 pm

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Come on Tony ... geesh, you are barely old enough to vote. Stop spinning what you hear on television (not too mention stuff talked about by the Kerry campaign a year ago already), it is just silly. [lol] Kerry lost, live with it.

However I will agree with you and Slap on one thing -- education could use a few extra dollars. But, being active duty military I saw my pay and housing allowances drop by 39% with Clinton in office, my family lost most of their medical care, and oh yeah -- while Bill was showing Monica what a cigar can do he was using the other hand to sign a bill that cut the military force by 1/3. That's right kids ... one of out every 3 troops was told their services would not be needed anymore. Thanks Bill.

Can you see why I am not in a rush to get a Dem back in the 'house? Like Bush or not, he IS the President. Can you say "case closed"? Oh, and as far as a candidate for the Democratic party, are they seriously thinking about grooming Hillary? Please, she'd be lucky to win NY State (my home state by the way) again at the rate her mouth is running lately.

Topthrill ... well stated recap of the last 5 years. Excellently worded.

Post June 1st, 2005, 12:01 am

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lets not forget bush is closing military bases all over the place so he can put more money into the iraq war.. which doesnt make sence (?) close bases to help the military? not to mention that's doing hell for communities across the country. i'm not sure if i agree with privatizing social security.. although i sure as hell don't like being forced to put money into it if i don't even know if i'm going to get it back. and all of you are right - bush is a very smart guy. but if you think about it, so was hitler and mao and all the rest. i'm not comparing him to them, but it's the same idea. lets also not forget that he puts his christian beliefs in his job... not good. if he doesnt want people ruling countries based on religion, then he should be the one to stop first.. not trying to get rid of the middle east. then the education is crap, my high school just went through a 1.3 million dollar budget cut! and the thing with the economy: perhaps the economy going downhill was clinton;s fault, mabey it wasn't.. i dont know, i dont care, it was 5 years ago and bush has had 5 years to fix it.. has he? doesn't look like it. and why exactly is cutting the military force bad? we spend more money on the military than anything else in this country. i'm sure other areas have problems that need money and fixing and the people layed off by the military are most likely able to work elsewhere. i know for a fact that the country has a demand for engineers and other various technical skills that the military trains a lot of people in. but yeah, bush sucks and we have another 3 and a half years of him ...unless he gets impeached like he should have been 5 years ago lol..

Post June 1st, 2005, 12:31 am

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^Base closing happen. If you actually read into why some of those bases/installations have been proposed to be closed you would see why they need to be closed.

Post June 1st, 2005, 1:14 am

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I see people have gotten bored and returned to their roots - bashing politcal persons and decisions.

Why not spend your time being productive or doing something a bit more important than analyzing what the Gov. is doing? Obviously if you all were so friggin smart with this stuff youd probably have a job in the field, but you dont. Its not worth your time or energy to tell anyone what you feel about the current Gov. and Economic situation.

Get out there and improve your life and everyone elses by doing some hard work. Doesnt matter whos in office, it isnt going to get handed to you. I have seen my wages and my benefits skyrocket over the last 2-3 years and it wasnt because of ANYONE in the White House, it was because of my hard work and dedication. I even get majority of my school paid for as well as amazing benefits - all in a part time job. The jump will be even higher in a couple years when I make the move for full time.

Get out there and make something of whats there. Dont tell me theres nothing to make or things are too grim, they are far from that yet.

Post June 1st, 2005, 1:25 am
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Liberal, Conservative, Republic, Democrat, the way I see it is your a politician who can't be trusted, and you (politician) all suck and can kiss my ass!
I for one don't like Bush, but I think he was the lesser of 2 evils. He's not very concervative, and the only thing I've seen him try and do in this country (besides secerity) is try and ban gay marriage. Now, I think thats the last thing on peoples minds. Who cares? Give them all the rights they want, call it a civil union instead so marriage is still "a w/e w/e between a man and a woman." I haven't seen really much else from him.

Post June 1st, 2005, 2:46 am
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my family lost most of their medical care,

I have none, any medical attention I have to pay while love people that abuse welfare can go anywhere they please and get attended at the cost of the working people, which includes me and I have no rights to free health care like they do. Welfare should be done away with in my opinion. Too many people abuse it, before you bash me, read again, I specifically said the people that abuse it, I did not say everyone in general, and working in the place I work, 99% of them abuse welfare and mistreat the ones who are paying their lazy asses to sell drugs and eat good stuff while I am stuck at the supermarket searching for the cheapest food I can afford.
About Clinton making the economy crap, I see it the other way, I was making $1,600 + a week when he was in term, construction was booming and housing was affordable, now it's insane, a chicken shack costs an arm and a leg nowadays, all went up during Bush's rule, Clinton's rule had everything much cheaper. For me, the democratic party made my life a whole lot easier to bear with. Bush has brought nothing but crap to me. His father too brought crap to us as well.

Post June 1st, 2005, 7:47 am

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Originally posted by Fornication Nation

^Base closing happen. If you actually read into why some of those bases/installations have been proposed to be closed you would see why they need to be closed.
Don't be mad at coaster, he was again proving that he talks from an uneducated stance, FN. The closures are needed. In simple laymans terms, thanks to our forces being so thin (again, thanks to the 1/3 cut from Cigar Boy) we have people all over the place and the entire force needs to be centralized to perform the overall global functions more efficiently. It is a mess right now, and we are spread so thin (again, thanks to the cut) that we need to bring people in closer to perform the mission of "defending the nation". Now, just go on and rest in peace, because you can, and stop speculating about things in which you have no knowledge. And oh, in case you wanted to get some knowledge:

But, I honestly doubt you would really understand what you were reading anyway. At any rate, the information is there if you want to get knowledgeable.

Slap - We all have our issues depending on who is in the house ... especially when it comes to money ... no doubt about it. All I know is that when I enlisted in 1990 I had certain things promised to me in a written contract, and those very things are now null and void thanks to the mid 90s ... so I think you can see why I would be a little miffled at Clinton who still thinks he did a good job for the military as our Commander in Chief.

Post June 1st, 2005, 7:30 pm

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by Real
I have seen my wages and my benefits skyrocket over the last 2-3 years and it wasnt because of ANYONE in the White House, it was because of my hard work and dedication.

Amen Real. If we really want something, we have to work hard to get it. Don;t depend on the government to do it for you. Amen Real.

Post June 1st, 2005, 10:59 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Yeah, if you want something real bad, you should work for it, don't use a socialist government *cough*Mrs. Clinton*cough* (supposably) to help get your money. America was not set up so you could bum money off of people who worked hard for it. Is it fair that some one who works from the ground up has to give away his fortune once he becomes successful? Why should he have to give away money he earned to people who just sit on a couch all day so everyone can be equal? It's not fair. And if socialism was a good system, than the USSR would probably still be around. Moral of story vote for things that will help you keep your money, not for things that will bum money off of the upper class so you can be lazy, and get a bigger pay chech, or w/e.

Post August 17th, 2005, 1:04 am

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The only reason that our education sucks is because the students that are in school don't give a rats a$$ to there homework. If you really tried and applied yourself we would have to best educaton in the world. Even though my school keeps cutting funds is because the students have giving up school to dirnk and get high all day. Wheres that gonna get you now where. I know Bush is not the best president, but look at it he has more problems to fix in this country then they had to when Washington was president. Give Bush a love break...

Post August 17th, 2005, 2:29 am
Oscar User avatar
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Bush should get out of the presidency, he is driving the economy in my region down the hole.

Post August 17th, 2005, 4:12 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

Bush should get out of the presidency, he is driving the economy in my region down the hole.

tell me a region where he isn't driving the economy down the hole, excpet for his bank-acount

Post August 17th, 2005, 8:14 am

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