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Post June 1st, 2005, 12:15 am

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okay, i have a few comments:

1) english tv sucks. from what i've seen, the have the same reality shows, soccer, and monty python spoofs (although the bbc has great documentaries.. but so does HBO)

2)"I've seen that so many times on those [queer] ass American" .... (don;t be a dick)

3) most english people are ugly (lol, j/k.. although they do have that reputation here in the usa)

4) ethnocentrism seems to be a big problem with almost every country in the world except america, and i'm sick of seeing people from other countries thinking that their way of life / teleision / languages / education / etc is SO much better than the american's because to be quite frank, most of what you guys have elsewhere in the world is right on the same level as us.... except education because we simply have a lot of bad schools and the government doesnt care. but why can;t people just stop thinking they're better than other people because you just simply arent.

Post June 1st, 2005, 9:11 am
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by coaster992001

okay, i have a few comments:

1) english tv sucks. from what i've seen, the have the same reality shows, soccer, and monty python spoofs (although the bbc has great documentaries.. but so does HBO)

2)"I've seen that so many times on those [queer] ass American" .... (don;t be a dick)

3) most english people are ugly (lol, j/k.. although they do have that reputation here in the usa)

4) ethnocentrism seems to be a big problem with almost every country in the world except america, and i'm sick of seeing people from other countries thinking that their way of life / teleision / languages / education / etc is SO much better than the american's because to be quite frank, most of what you guys have elsewhere in the world is right on the same level as us.... except education because we simply have a lot of bad schools and the government doesnt care. but why can;t people just stop thinking they're better than other people because you just simply arent.

1. Yes, we here in England know it all too well.

2. I wasn't being a dick, they are queer ass, just cus you like to take it up the wrong 'un, doesn't mean I can't use the word queer to describe something thats queer. Queer, if you care to look in a dictionary, means odd, peculiar or strange.

3. Tell me about it, we have to live with our faces, distinct lack of mirrors in the UK [lol]. That sterotype you have about British peoples teeth is wrong though.

4. I don't think we're better than you at all ...... I KNOW we're better than you [:D] [lol] ok not really, seriously though, its not most Americans that the rest of the world has a problem with, its that minority that does think that America is all that and is better than everyone else, that we hate.

Post June 1st, 2005, 9:20 am

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Unfortunatly that minority feels they have to speak up the loudest too. Another reason for stereotypes as thats the case with almost every stereotype. The most abnoxious part is the loudest.

Post June 1st, 2005, 9:37 am

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most english people are ugly (lol, j/k.. although they do have that reputation here in the usa)

Yeah, thats like English people think all American people are overweight [lol]

Anyway i would hug and make up with Tconwell and Jayman, but the fact that coasters992001 is lurking around gives me the hebee jebees

Post June 1st, 2005, 10:01 am

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To dirk, no it wasn't a magic trick (on topic also lol), but he is a magician, if you've ever seen his doves and candles tricks you'd believe me.

coasters992001, the brits are responisible for monty python, so we can rip it off as much as we like.

Post June 1st, 2005, 10:59 am

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Post June 1st, 2005, 10:01 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by The Edge

most english people are ugly (lol, j/k.. although they do have that reputation here in the usa)

Yeah, thats like English people think all American people are overweight [lol]

Anyway i would hug and make up with Tconwell and Jayman, but the fact that coasters992001 is lurking around gives me the hebee jebees

i, uh , well, already sent a p.m. to gouldy, my attempt at humor made me look like the sort of dickhead i was trying to poke fun at... 992001's comment about everyone else being ethnocentric except america
was odd though... what about all those rednecks that trashed the french for not jumping into the iraq fiasco with us, calling them pussies and pouring french wine down the gutter? then accusing them of actually being in some sort of league with saddam. hell if you want a prime example of ethnocentrism just turn on the country music radio and there's song after song right now about how "kick ass" America is. no, and i'm apologizing in advance for sounding un patriotic, i have a strong feeling that Americans are often the most ethnocentric people in the world, not as a nation. not all of us, and not all patriots, but the vast majority of "good Americans " i meet are incredibly so......

Post June 1st, 2005, 10:10 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Post June 1st, 2005, 11:58 pm

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hm.. i think i wasnt clear enough with the ethnocentrism thing..

firstly: rednecks suck (except to laugh at)

secondly: i meant that in this country, we go SO far out of the way to incorperate other cultures into our lives it's rediculous, we have signs and postings in other languages, spanish tv, all sorts of stuff like that and in schools we're taught to not think we're better than the rest of the world. at the same time, it seems like the rest of the world thinks they're better than us... why isnt everyone being taught that we (or they) aren't better than anyone else? it seems like we're the only country that is considerate of other countries and cultures.... except middle eastern culture which is so different than ours that it's easey to see why most of us dont accept it.

Post June 2nd, 2005, 12:19 am

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Originally posted by coaster992001

firstly: rednecks suck (except to laugh at)
Ever see "Deliverance"? [lol]

Post June 2nd, 2005, 9:01 am
gouldy User avatar
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coaster992001, I think you misinterpret the way that the rest of the world looks at Americans. Here we're taught to believe that no countries people are better than another countries people, just as you are there in America and as is the case in most countries I'm sure. But (and heres where the problem lies), the rest of the world, sees Americans as thinking that they are indeed better than people in other countries, or that your country is in someway better than others. I'm sure people in most countries around the world, believe themselves that they live in the best country or their country has the best people, lifestyle, culture, etc etc ... but the problem that most people have with America, is the way that a lot of Americans are seen to voice that belief. I think you'll find its that very patriotism that causes problems for the rest of the world. Although its probably quite hyped up by media and such, living outside America, it is very hard to feel like Americans aren't looking down on the rest of us in someway. Its probably mostly rubbish as far as most Americans are concerned, but the rest of the world sees you as being Obnoxious, loudmouthed, ill-educated, fickle, simpleminded and above all, arrogant. While I know that that is only true for a very small minority and is probably true for a minority of people in other countries around the world also, a lot of people do honestly believe that most Americans are like that. People are only willing to voice that opinion towards Americans as much as they do, because Americans seem so willing to voice their own opinions on everyone else, for example, the way your government seems to believe it can just do whatever it likes wherever it likes all around the world (and I know our government is guilty of licking your governments ass here, but ours wouldn't be the way it is without yours), I'm talking of course about things like Iraq.

Anyway, I've started to ramble a bit as I often do, but what I'm trying to say, is that the rest of the world sees Americans as looking down on them and so subsequently don't like Americans ... if you follow me. Its something that I think, to a certain extent has been caused by the world media, but far more so, by your own government.

And jayman, I read your PM, cheers for taking the time out to do that and everything is cool [:)] [lol]. But the British peoples teeth thing, thats just wierd [lol], in comparison to most countries I would have thought British people had pretty good dental hygein [confused] I guess I can only take me and my friends into consideration but, I would have thought most of the peeps in this country are like me and my mates and we all have perfect teeth [:D][lol]

Post June 2nd, 2005, 9:55 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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heh, reading that just made me want to say, "US is the bestester country in the whole world!"
But seriously, saying your better than some one just because you live in America is stupid. What do you gain out of it? so yeah, Gouldy's right, he has good teeth.

Post June 2nd, 2005, 10:07 pm

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Post June 2nd, 2005, 10:07 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by TConwell

Originally posted by coaster992001

firstly: rednecks suck (except to laugh at)
Ever see "Deliverance"? [lol]

squeal, boy.....

Post June 2nd, 2005, 10:15 pm
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Originally posted by screamomatic

Canada is the best.

I forgot to add that you can only say your better than the Candians![:D]

Post June 2nd, 2005, 10:29 pm

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Originally posted by jpecool

Peter Kay and Jonathan Ross are sooo funny. I like UK tv although some is very weird. I must admit american TV is very good, apart from your lack of decent sports *cough*Footy/soccer*cough*Rugby*cough* [lol]

*cough*rugby videogame is stupid*cough*

Yea i mean there was a key in his shirt

Post June 10th, 2005, 1:37 pm

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Originally posted by jayman

Originally posted by TConwell

Ah good, more American bashing from gouldy. I thought he was going to avoid the hat-trick and get it three times over. Man, this is becoming routine ... just be happy you are not speaking German --- but thanks to those "Americans" that you hate so much -- you're not doing the "Nazi duck walk" while marching to school.
hey, t.j. you know, by all rights you'd probabaly call me a bleeding heart liberal.... BUT this guy is starting to sound like your typical poor self image having, life hating, "i hope my death metal music bothers you, what are you looking at faggit?" kind of guy ... you're being to nice to time he trashes our country he needs to be reminded that we saved his island not once but twice in the last century, and that we are america becuse we kicked their asses out in the first his credit though, t.v. in general is a JOKE, reality t.v. in particular.....

love right man! And also, Canada does rock. i went there cause its right across the street from my house. i was surprised how awsome it was.

Post June 10th, 2005, 1:47 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Woa watch your language [;)] I live in America and I am not arrogant and say crap like "America is the best".

Post June 10th, 2005, 1:58 pm

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yeah ur right. we arent the best. all of our countries have good qualities. theres just some areas that we are more successful. same with everyone else.

Post June 10th, 2005, 2:01 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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the netherlands suck, and it's all the fault of politians and foreigners

Post June 10th, 2005, 2:03 pm

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im sure its not all bad. I no alot of people on VampireFreaks.COM from there.[:p]

Post June 10th, 2005, 4:06 pm
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Post June 10th, 2005, 4:10 pm

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haha sweet. i dont know much about there but now i know enough to come visit.;)

Post June 10th, 2005, 7:34 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by hyyyper

you're right, we've got Goliath....
and weed

sounds like you just smoked some weeds [:D][lol]

Post June 10th, 2005, 8:53 pm

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