Hi guys! I am having a problem with building pools. I can make pool pathways, but whenever I build an actual pool full of water my computer freezes. Can anyone here help me?
when i make pools it lags really bad but its only the pools i dont know why try messing around with your graphics settings also what kind of graphics card are you running it on?
do you have the patch that been relsed for soaked? that might help with the lag in the game I never had lag in my game do you have all of the patchs for the game? if this dosn'nt help go to atra teck support they may be able to help you with the prolums that you are having with soaked if you have wild then you don'nt need the soaked patch I am a member of the atria forms so I know that there is a patch for soaked and wild.
I don'nt know what the proulm whould be if there is no leg then it is something to do with your computer I never had that proulm with soaked that is relly wered that it frezes when you buld the pools all I can think of is that there is a bug with rct3 that it frezes for a colum of mins when bulding rides and other stuff with rct3 I had that proulm with rct3 wild that it frezes when bulding rides and shops but I never herd of this bug before what tipe of graths card do you have on your computer? I have a new computer with an ati graths card maybe you should get a ati graths card for your computer or get a computer with the ati graths card in it I did that and rct3 runs relly good it chould also be something with your hard dive I had the same proulms with my old computer when I got my new computer with the ati graths card it runs relly good no leg or frezing when I buld things like pools.
DragonFly, taking a look at your RAM, I can guess you have an onboard graphics chip, not an actual card. Take a look at the entire dxdiag and go under display devices, and tell what it says.
I also have these issues with pools. whenever i try to build a pool/pool complex the game lags BAD. I have a geforce 6800 videocard and 1.5 gigs of ram eith a 2.8 ghz processor so i dont think its because my system is slow. Its probably just the game itself because the code for thegame is not very well optimized i hear meaning that it runs mostly piss poor and sucks up alot of power and leaves some of the surfaces in the game with jaggid edges even with aa on. Too bad the game rockas as much as it does because if it didn't i would be mad.
i have the same graphics card and right after i put it in i was pissed that it still laged on pools but after you build the pools its runs as smooth as silk