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Maple Grove Wildcat

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Post December 25th, 2005, 9:49 pm

Posts: 220
Points on hand: 2,319.00 Points ... p?tid=9222

Trains: 2 x 5 cars, 2 bench PTC
Lift Height: 98ft
Total Height: 112ft
Length: 2986ft
Ride Time (Chain Release to Brakes): 42 seconds
Top Speed: 53mph
Vertical G-Force: +4.1 to -1.1
Lateral Forces: Up to 1.7
Maximum Banking: 47 degrees

The PTC Wildcat model was a series of designs done by Herbert Schemeck in the 1920's. While the individual designs were all unique, there were several common elements. All of the rides were double out and backs, usually in a figure 8 layout.

The Wildcat rides were hybrid designs, combining the airtime of an out and back with the banked curves and "action" of a twister.

The Wildcats were all very intense rides, as they were designed to be the main attraction at midsized parks. This also means that they were designed to be fairly cheap (Meaning: SHORT!) and compact layouts. Another common design element was a long tunneled prelift section that either wraps around or cuts across the rest of the layout.

None of the Wildcat rides remain today. The last one to operate was the Idora Wildcat which closed after a fire in 1984. There are some related rides still operating though. The Wildcat at Lake Compounce still operates, although it is not a true Wildcat, due to the much more subdued nature of the layout. The Grizzly at King's Dominion was patterened after the Coney Island (Ohio) Wildcat, but also was tamed down a bit. An argument could be made that the old Elitch Garden's "Mr. Twister" was a sort of "Super Wildcat" as it shared many of the design traits. While that ride no longer operates either, it lives on as Twister II and Knoebel's Twister.

My particular design is NOT a recreation of any particular Wildcat design, but more of a design study using that style. I'm putting a lot of custom work into this one. Look for lots of custom 3DS, as well as custom supporting. All crossovers were hand supported, as is all lateral bracing (which as of this writing is not finished).

I've done a lot of custom work on this thing. Custom supports (All crossovers/lateral bracing by hand), custom wood textures, custom environment, custom car textures, custom terrain texture, etc. Custom everything, more or less. At this time I DO NOT give permission for you to reuse this stuff, but I'm open to requests. I've tried to capture a "moment in time" of coaster history. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, many of the classic woodies were still operating, but the parks were really struggling. I've tried to capture this with this ride. Notice the weeds grown up around it (and in some spots, through it. This was quite common on older rides, and a little grass doesn't cause any problems with the trains), the cracked and fated wood, the rust and ripped seats on the train...

I hope you enjoy your ride on the Maple Grove Wildcat, and find it a valuable peak into the rather sad state many clsasic rides ended up in before being torn down entirely.

Track packager required, and BE SURE to use the included environment, or you'll have all kinds of problems!

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