Originally posted by Princess_G
I would like to see a NL 2 with an editor that's a little easier to learn. Better yet what would be cool is to have the editor and the 3-d simulator combined so that you wouldn't have to go into the actual simulator to see what your ride looks like in the environment.
I like the current editor, personally, I just think that the smoothers-pumpers, flangers, and auto-heartliners should be built in. Why?
1. No more extra clicks for the free stuff that you can get already, just click on the link on the tool bar up top, and it pops up, and the coaster your viewing is automatically loaded.
2. Everyone has tools, and its there, and it comes with the purchase of the game, no more wining about using tools!
But, I think it should be all under one program, though, so like you can easily go from 3D view, and stuff and back to the wire frame view.