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Cosford Air Show

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Post June 12th, 2005, 10:54 am
gouldy User avatar
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I live about 4/5 miles away from R.A.F. Cosford and today is the Cosford Air Show, now, I didn't know this until I was rudely awoken at about 12:30 by the sound of a Eurofighter thundering over my house. I tried to go back to sleep but when it came over again 3 minutes later, I decided it was probably a good idea just to get up [lol]. I did then try and watch TV but it was pretty hard to concentrate when every 5 minutes another jet of beefy aircraft would fly overhead [lol] In the end I just decided to watch, but I live in the gayest place ever as far as the Cosford Air Show is concerned, because of the amount of trees around where I live, its impossible for me to see anything of the air show unless they fly overhead. Anyways I took a couple of pics for anyone thats interested in jets or planes (I have an interest in them, but nothing more, not a hobby or anything), sorry about the lameness of my digital camera, but the pictures came out as just black siluettes.


This is some beefy plane that kept flying over and making everything shake [lol], probably some kind of bomber thingy [;)]


This is a picture of the Red Arrows flying in formation, they didn't come any closer than this sadly, I love the red arrows.


This is a picture of the smoke trails of two of the Red Arrows after they crossed paths in the air. The were going too fast for me to get a photograph of the two jets in position [lol]

Post June 12th, 2005, 11:24 am

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

You think thats bad? I used to live in Eastbourne, home to the Airbourne air show. Harrier jump jets lew no more than 50ft above my house and it was defeaning. I honestly woke up one day thinking i was going to die [lol] However its an awesome event if you can get to it. Some of the jets they have literaly come 50ft above the sea shore and is as i said defeaning. One of the last planes of the day the harrier jump jet then always comes and hovers out over sea right on the end of the pier literaly 20ft away from it. If you can get on the pier for that is awesome. A plane also crashed there a couple of years ago. They tried to make a learjet type plane do a loop, and unfortuantly never made it back round in time...and also them types of planes dont have ejector seats so it was goodbye for the pilot

Post June 12th, 2005, 11:59 am
gouldy User avatar
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Never heard about that on the news, must have tried to cover it up or something ..... maybe.

My mate house is actually on the R.A.F. Cosford land, they sit in their back garden and watch it most years, or they go up on top of one of the disused hangers next to their house and watch it from the top of there. I went to his house to watch the Cosford Air Show a couple of years ago and had a Tornado go about 50ft above us, for a few seconds we did think it was going to hit us and we did all jump of the floor [lol] well not the floor, the roof, it being the top of the hanger hehe. As compensation for the noise and stuff, they get free tickets to go to the show and sit in the grandstands and use the facilities, this year they decided to actually utilise that offer and go and watch the show from the grandstands, which is the reason why I didn't go to his house this year to watch it.

Today was the first time I've ever seen the EuroFighter Typhoon with my own eyes, I've seen it on TV and I have a video of it on the computer aswell. Its the loudest jet ever! [lol] I thought the Harrier Jump Jets were loud when they were doing the vertical take off, but the EuroFighter is louder, well louder! The second time it flew over the house it actually hurt my ears. Its also makes the wierdest noise, you know that thing that darth vader flys, is it called a thai fighter? or something like that? Well anyway, as the EFTyphoon is coming towards you, it seriously sounds like one of them [lol], until it goes just past you, at which point it suddenly becomes just a ridiculously loud rumble, thats the part that hurt my ears lol. That plane is gorgeous though I reckon, best looking plane out there [:)]


Except for the Italian ones, because they paint them a horrible brown colour that actually makes you want to die [lol]

My favourites are the Red Arrows though, they always will be, they're so good to watch, especially when they come up with new stuff to do. Like today, I saw them do this thing where they all flew vertically upwards in a line and then splayed off in all different directions as they turned their smoke trails on, it looked amazing.


Some EuroFighters with some Red Arrows, my two favourite planes, I wish I could have been there to see that! [lol]

Post June 12th, 2005, 12:18 pm

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Air shows are awesome. Too bad you don't get to see the Snowbirds over there [:P]

Post June 12th, 2005, 12:42 pm

Posts: 4533
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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

I agree, Red Arrows are quite spectacular to watch. You cant help but think they are going to hit doing those high speed flys bys when they both corkscrew over each other at the last second. Makes you hold you breath [lol]

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