I live about 4/5 miles away from R.A.F. Cosford and today is the Cosford Air Show, now, I didn't know this until I was rudely awoken at about 12:30 by the sound of a Eurofighter thundering over my house. I tried to go back to sleep but when it came over again 3 minutes later, I decided it was probably a good idea just to get up . I did then try and watch TV but it was pretty hard to concentrate when every 5 minutes another jet of beefy aircraft would fly overhead In the end I just decided to watch, but I live in the gayest place ever as far as the Cosford Air Show is concerned, because of the amount of trees around where I live, its impossible for me to see anything of the air show unless they fly overhead. Anyways I took a couple of pics for anyone thats interested in jets or planes (I have an interest in them, but nothing more, not a hobby or anything), sorry about the lameness of my digital camera, but the pictures came out as just black siluettes.
This is some beefy plane that kept flying over and making everything shake , probably some kind of bomber thingy [;)]
This is a picture of the Red Arrows flying in formation, they didn't come any closer than this sadly, I love the red arrows.
This is a picture of the smoke trails of two of the Red Arrows after they crossed paths in the air. The were going too fast for me to get a photograph of the two jets in position