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The E Stop. Is it essential?

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Post June 16th, 2005, 12:52 am

Posts: 286
Points on hand: 3,503.00 Points
Which ride features a chain far down the descending side?


Post June 16th, 2005, 9:43 am

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
In this case buster, I think hes talking about the Cable driven rides where the cable extends far past the apex. However, on a E-Stop they tend to stop in the same place (At least MF does)

Post June 16th, 2005, 10:33 am

Posts: 286
Points on hand: 3,503.00 Points
Cable, yes. Chain, no. And since NL doesn't feature a cable-lift...

If you want to make a cable lift and still have it extend far down the descending side, retexture the chain and only have it go slightly past the apex. Then add 3DS for the rest of the "cable".

BTW: Out of curiosity: Does the cable system (the part that actually pulls the train) go down the descending side? I somehow doubt this, but since I've never ridden such a coaster, I don't know.


Post June 16th, 2005, 10:38 am

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA

At that point you can see the catch car in front of you. You are just starting to detach from it at this point.

the entire catch car gets close to where the front car is in this picture

It then recedes quickly back to the station. You really need a video though to see it since I doubt many people take pictures of the lift hill after the train has just left it.

Also wanted to add this: (EGF and Goliath) ... 00x665.jpg ... 00x665.jpg

Seems as though the hypers it doesnt go over the apex as much (limited space in comparison?) but they do go over the apex - usually it seems because its just got the momentum and they dont stop the motors on a dime, but rather slowly wind them down, then wind them back up to speed.

Post June 16th, 2005, 10:46 am

Posts: 2260
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Location: MI, USA
I'm not really sure what the cable lfit looks exactly like, and I highly doubth I'll be able to model one. Hopefully, Ole will consider a cable lift for NL2.

Actually, what I'll just do for now is lower the speed to 12mph instead of 14mph. That way, the mcbr will be cleared before the train makes it over.

Post June 16th, 2005, 11:01 am

Posts: 286
Points on hand: 3,503.00 Points
I just did a test and found the following:
If the train has to be stopped on the lift (next block occupied) the train will stop exactly one trainlength away from the end of the lift. That means that you can extend the lift a bit under 1.5 times the length of a train past the apex of the lift. On a wild mouse this distance is only a meter, but on an 8-car hyper you'd have a good 20m past the apex - plenty.


PS: Judging from the picture of MF I think you could build the chain just as far as the steps on the side. Looks like the train would then stop just before it makes it over the top.


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