I'v saw that there where a few people who downloaded a coaster from daniel 4 life and than seemed to be angry to him... With is coaster "flashback II" ( http://www.coastercrazy.com/track_exchang ... p?tid=7694 )
I dont really know if daniel is really trying to build better coasters but you dont have to say "YOU SUCK" "STOP UPLOADING" "YOU ARE HOPELESS" ... If you really think he sucks and he doesn't try to do his best... why download tracks form this person and even take the time to rate it... I normally never rate a coaster from daniel 4 life beaucause I never know wath to say but there are some reactions that I think... they are to much. This is not only in his "flashback II" but also in other coasters... I just don't get it...