One time in school I couldn't find a stapler to staple two bits of paper together, so I had to use a staple gun instead, being the complete idiot that I am, I had my hand behind the paper to hold them up straight, so when I stapled, BANG, theres two pieces of paper stapled to my hand
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Thats gotta be just the stupidest thing I've ever done, I just completely did't think at all ....... stupid
Oh yeah, the person that said Dirty Snachez was a rip of Jackass ..... well, you know, Jackass wasn't the first you know. The people from Jackass actually originally took the idea from a group of people in Japan who have been doing this kind of stuff for decades. AND, I'm sure there was people around before even them doing crazy things in front of crouds, its not as if Jackass just suddenly had this great idea that was completely original and new. So yeah ... shhh
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