Brought to you by the world's best roller coaster track exchange - Go to the videos section of the site and begin your download!
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Wow, niiiiiice, i take all my words back, this coaster is great, to bad the tunnels are to dark the experience the 90* and unfortunatly the coaster doesn't seem that high for POV. And i like the (new?) wws logo. Nice vid.
wws, make it next time so that we dont have to manually find the video please. if i were not a new person to this site, i would have not found it. thank god for the videos section
Great vid. I love the little part before the lift. This coaster was original all over, from the prelift section to the 90 deg banking and superlong tunnel to the brake run, it was all great. I really loved the turn around back into the tunnel and how it wasn't just a turn but it dropped too. Great vid and ride.
Brought to you by the world's best roller coaster track exchange - Go to the videos section of the site and begin your download! Post your comments and enthusiastic posts right here!
wws, make it next time so that we dont have to manually find the video please. if i were not a new person to this site, i would have not found it. thank god for the videos section
Says right on the second line there where to get it.
omg, im so stupid. i miss read the post...sorry. but hyyper is right, that is waht i meant. btw, good video, but WAY too shaky. if that is how the real ride is, i think it might fall apart in a week...LOL.
WOW!!! All i could say is wow. Looking down that first drop, and going around all the tight turns and hills before the lift, and the huge tunnels. This ride just amazes me. I do hope i get to ride it some day. Thanks for the vid, it was really great qualiy!
You guys find the oddest things to complain about. Not being able to see the 90 degree turn?! Sure, for a video, not great. But for being in a tunnel, when riding it has to be crazy.
Most people say anyways that its so forceful it doesnt feel like you ever bank that much unless you really try to feel for it.
Only flaw with video - Needs a wider angle lens BAD.
Overall not bad ... as Real said it needed a wider angle lense to be able to get more of the area to really 'feel' the ride, but overall a decent video for certain. Thanks for sharing.
I thought the video was just great. Great job just giving the video straight, lift and all, and without any music! I just love to be able to hear the train negotiate the track. Definitely well worth the wait.
It would feel better if the lens were wider. Watch a Robb Alvey wooden coaster video, the feel is very accurate because of his wide angle lens. This thing is definatly not wide, hence why it may even have a "slow" feel to it.
I believe it was just shot with a digital camera. Still pretty decent if you ask me. Especially when compared to alot of the other woodie pov's out there.
Great video. I actually got to ride Hades a couple of weeks ago and for everyone that's bugged by not being able to see the 90 degree turn, it's true, you can't even feel it or see it at all when you're on it. The tunnel is actually even more disorienting than it is in this video.