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Taller and faster than Kingda Ka?

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Post June 25th, 2005, 8:24 am
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by Dugie2007

and we all know that everything in worlds has to be bigger and better.

no no, I think you'll find that actually is just America [;)]

Do CP really need to build a new coaster yet? I'm not sure they do, and if they did build a new coaster soon, there is absolutely no way that they'd build a coaster taller and faster than KK, as if they did it would have to be another rocket coaster like the one they already have and so they just wouldn't. If they did build a coaster, surely it would have to go over the parking lot wouldn't it? Nevermind about it being a good idea to build over the parking lot, surely thats the only space left at all? Unless they built a very small but perfectly formed little thrill coaster, like Daemonen or something, but I really don't see there being a place in the park for something like that, I just can't imagine them building a coaster like that. Maybe they should concentrate for a couple of years, on making the park actually good, and not just concentrating on the big rides.

Post June 25th, 2005, 8:59 am
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Well IMO they actually should, seeing as if they don't build one in 2 years already and if they dont build one in 2006, then 100% they build one in 2007. However I bet they do build one in 2006, now just what it'll be like, layout and type is the question ... and where on the peninsula.

Post June 25th, 2005, 10:26 am

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Yea,Brtnboarder495, that is true they haven't built one since '03 and it has been 2 years. So eather they'll build one in '06 or '07,

gouldy, don't be mad because the U.S. has they tallest coaster in the world, and the best admusment park in the world.

Post June 25th, 2005, 12:19 pm

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Just thought I'd chime in with my opinion. I can't see CP going too long without a coaster right in the middle of the coaster wars. Supposedly they will not build one in 2006, but will in 2007. I think they just might build 2 coasters in 2007, maybe get a package deal from a company, possibly S&S, 1 wood- 1 steel. S&S has designed a better 4D coaster and like Hades, maybe run a coaster under the parking lot. This would solve the unique coaster issue and we all know CP needs a world class woodie. Maybe they will go for records with the woodie. Also, if they go for a 500ft coaster, there are designs for an elevator lift, where the whole track w/train on it lifts straight up, this would definitely save lift hill space, also Ive heard a rumor about dueling flyers which would solve the capacity issue with those. CP I feel is concerned with holding the records for height, speed and amount of coasters, these have been the parks claims to fame for many years, this is what their known for, just how, what and when is a mystery.

Post June 25th, 2005, 12:26 pm

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Yea gouldy, the park IS very good. They have spent millions on renovations since Millennium Force went in 5 years ago. The most recent included the entire games area being re-modeled as well as MaXair. That whole area is beautiful.

Post June 25th, 2005, 12:44 pm

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Yes, CP is getting nicer and nicer as they go on. sausage66 i agree with you 100%. That is what CP is all about. And it would be nixt if they did break the tallest or longest woddie recored, or The tallest coaster ever. That virtical lift hill with the elevator lift is posable and would sovle a huge space/life hill problem.

Post June 25th, 2005, 1:10 pm

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this is funny how ALOT of people that are not familiar with the park think CP has two, and only two options as to where they put in a coaster.

Your first option you think where they could put a coaster is in the parking lot. the second is over lake eire. people, CP DOES have room for 6-8 coasters, INSIDE the park, that are like MF. not including smaller coasters like a B&M for example.

They can NOT be coasters though that take up a square block of 100X500 meters. but they DO have room for coasters that go throughout the park. they can have their coasters have custom layouts, go over pathways and buildings, and even have coasters that go over the canal CP has. truth is, CP has ALOT of room, and do not have to build coasters in the lot or over the lake(which is VERY unrealistic anyways). they can build any kind of coaster, anywhere they want. so people please, do not say they do not have the room, because they DO.

Post June 25th, 2005, 5:02 pm

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They do not have room for 6-8 coasters. That park would be so cramp it wouldn't even be fun to go to. That would hurt there name.

Post June 25th, 2005, 5:07 pm

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CP does, do you realize how much space there is in the back of the park, and along the coast? they can build plenty of tall rides there. im not saying they will, but they easily can.

Post June 25th, 2005, 5:12 pm

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Not 6-8 more like 2-4. Becuase you don't want to many coasters becuase it would be hard to get them in all in one day. Yes CP will make money because of them having people staying for 2 days. But no every one can afford 2 days. So they might lose costumers.

Post June 25th, 2005, 5:47 pm

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i know they wont make that many coasters as big as magnum, but all i am saying is they CAN. they probably and most likely wont make that many 200 footers, but they can if they want.

Post June 25th, 2005, 6:03 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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They will figure something out, they always do. I hope the new coaster is an intense 200-300 ft Intamin Hyper (even though probably not happening) like SROS @ SFNE. MF is cool and ok to ride, but not intense at all IMO, the air hardly "grabs" you at all except for the first drop. If not an Intamin Hyper, a dueling B&M flyer or floorless would be awesome.

Post June 25th, 2005, 6:26 pm

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i really dont give a poop what kind of coaster type their next one will be, b/c no matter what, i know it will be awesome. :)

Post June 25th, 2005, 10:56 pm

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i think that the park is missing a good B&M coaster, maybe they might bould a hyper, like nitro or apollo's chariot.... that would be a really nice addition to the park IMO

Post June 26th, 2005, 1:15 am

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After reading all the comments, I believe CP should build a really exciting wooden roller coaster that's about 100 feet high. Forget about records. Just build a good one.

Post June 26th, 2005, 11:50 am
jayman Premium Member
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YYYAAAAYYY, someone to back me up in this discussion... i tried to point this out to my freind yesterday, when they build "tallest, fastest" rides all they can really do is build the tallest fastest part, and then seconds later "thanks for riding" 100 feet and 55 miles an hour is more than enough if the ride's built right, a GOOD ride is better than taller and faster.

Post June 26th, 2005, 1:20 pm

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jay, yes TTD is a short one. but it is thrilling, no matter how you look at it. you can not tell me you do not like the thrills TTD brings. and bwt, TTD is the only short ride at CP that has broken a record (well you could consider corkscrew in this too). look at MF or maggie or gemini or WT or any other coaster out there at the point. they are not all one trick ponies.

Post June 26th, 2005, 2:03 pm

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Originally posted by krazyt

i think that the park is missing a good B&M coaster, maybe they might bould a hyper, like nitro or apollo's chariot.... that would be a really nice addition to the park IMO

Build a second hyper coaster when you already have one of the greatest ones in existance? Magnum still does well and the only reason people have problems is because they are spoiled by newer technology. However, none of the B&M's have airtime like Magnum, thats for sure.

While it would be nice, nope. Highly doubt it.

As for what Jayman said, Ragan is correct. The only ride to break the record and be short was TTD. Corkscrew was short but it was built in the 70's - hardly a weak achievement.

MF broke I believe, 11 records. Might be 10. Magnum broke quite a few.

We all hope for a small, intense ride but its just not CP's genre. Thats for your smaller parks, thats for sure.

Post June 26th, 2005, 2:40 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Yea, please keep the B&M Hyper's away, IMO they all are'nt great at all, just too "nice" and gentle for my liking, and the air seems to never rise above -.6 or -.7. Magnum has awesome air though, its jerky but that's what makes it awesome IMO. The first drop in the front is boring as the segments between the top and bottom of the hills are nearly perfectly straight, but the hills really deliver.

Post June 26th, 2005, 2:51 pm

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hey real, i hope b&M hypers dont have as much airtime as magnum...i had brusies on my legs a weak after a ride in the back seat. those bunnies are becoming a pain. that was last year though, i dont know how it is doing this year, hopefully they put the trims on full break cause it needs it.

Post June 26th, 2005, 4:05 pm

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Originally posted by ragan

hey real, i hope b&M hypers dont have as much airtime as magnum...i had brusies on my legs a weak after a ride in the back seat. those bunnies are becoming a pain. that was last year though, i dont know how it is doing this year, hopefully they put the trims on full break cause it needs it.

Full trims = weak ride. I love it when it has no trims. My skin bruises easily and I dont have bruises. Do you staple yourself? The bars suck, but I also think you were sitting in the wrong seat.

Remember, on Arrow rides, when they have 3 row seating sit in the middle row. The front and rear rows are over the axels of the train where the jolts are transfered too.

I always ride middle row and have no problems. Its just not that great a ride coming in with trims on full. Trims off though, in middle row, its great. The airtime is intense, but nothing like the rows infront or behind.

Post June 26th, 2005, 4:18 pm

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ill have to try that then next time i ride maggie. ill do second to last seat next time :P thanks for the heads up.

oh and btw, staple = what?

Post June 26th, 2005, 4:42 pm

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Staple = pulling bar all the way down on you till its smashed into your thighs. I understand the bars on Magnum are weak and normally fall down to full latch, but I try to keep my legs tight and stiff in the station so the bar doesnt latch down all the way and I can hold it up till the hills.

But sitting in row 2 of ANY car makes a world of difference.

Post June 26th, 2005, 5:08 pm

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oh me staple, no way. the only times i have done that is twice, ever. on my first ride on millennium and first on TTD (< i was scared sh00less of TTD)

but now when i ride either one, i dont force it down, i just put it down until it touches my legs, not force it down until it hurts.

and btw, thanks for answerig that man [:p]

Post June 28th, 2005, 12:52 am

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What 11 records did MF break? Speed, height... what else?


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