Afther the realease of soaked here I began working on a new park(number 56 if i'm right[;)]).Its far from completion,but the first theme area(atlantis) is getting shape,and in my eyes it looks quite nice.
I'm planning to make 2 or 3 areas.
1-Atlantis-70% complete
2-Wild west-0%
4-speed area.
numbers 1 and 2 are coming for sure but from the numbers 3 and 4 its not sure witch one is coming.
the ride represnted in the areas are going to be
Area 1- Atlantis, Atlantica Supersplash and a ride with no name.
Area 2- Big Thunder Mountain-Railroad of Fear, a dark ride and some flat rides.
Area 3- Giant frisbee, B&M diving machine and some flat rides.
Area 4- Buller-Ride of Speed ,sky coaster and some flat rides.
here are the screens,and coments

Atlantis,a 3D bioscoop.

Atlantica entrance.

closer view to the train.

Entrance and overview.
The ride music will be from the eftling.