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July 4th Weekend Crowds at Holiday World

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Post June 27th, 2005, 3:13 am

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
How are they? I am looking into a trip there, along with Indiana Beach and I was wondering if anyone has been there during that time.

What kind of lines to expect?
How well are they moving lines?
Does Raven have its second train yet?

Post June 27th, 2005, 10:56 am

Posts: 3370
Points on hand: 4,718.00 Points
Location: New Concord, OH, USA

The Raven does have a second train. And July 4th is the busiest day of the year.

Post June 27th, 2005, 5:17 pm

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
I figured as much. How well do they handle it? What kind of lines is there to expect?

Post June 27th, 2005, 5:26 pm

Posts: 1018
Points on hand: 6,575.00 Points
Location: Akron, Oh, USA

Are you serious... busiest day! Cedar Point is not that crowded at all!

Post June 28th, 2005, 8:17 am

Posts: 3370
Points on hand: 4,718.00 Points
Location: New Concord, OH, USA

What does Cedar Point have to do with this? And yes, July 4 is very busy. When I was working at Cedar Point last year, we couldn't even park our cars on the premises because it was so busy on July 4. At my food stand, we were frying chicken for hungry guests from 10 am to midnight nonstop.

Post June 28th, 2005, 10:48 am

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I heard that Revens new trains is running really slow :/

Post July 5th, 2005, 12:11 am

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
Ravens new train ran the exact same times (almost to the tenth of a second) as the old one.

Whatever you heard was wrong, or they got a bad day.

Trip was friggin AMAZING. Will post when pictures are totally done, in about a week.

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