Welcome to the WWS/CC track tennis project!
If you don't have a clue what I am talking about or would like a refresher of the rules, click here.
Are you wondering how this works? Here is a simple explanation. The match referee (being myself) will post a seed file containing the starting point of the track. Users will then have the opportunity to take a turn to add a section of track onto the previously built section. When taking a turn you must notify everyone by posting 'WIP' or 'work in progress' in this thread. You will then have 3 days to complete your element and to submit it. For more rules, see below.
This track tennis project's objective will be to build a B&M Mega coaster. That being said, there are a few building limitations which are located below in the notes.
- G limits - no more than 5.0 positive g's, -1.5 negative g's, 1.5 lateral g's
- If you don't feel comfortable building track, remember that you can always do supports, makes 3ds objects or do some terraforming!
- When building trackwork, remember that we don't want to run out of steam before we?????????re back by the station. Always keep an eye on our speed and direction so we don't get stranded in the middle of nowhere.
- It is suggested to build things in a logical order. (Trackwork, then terrain, then supports, then 3DS) However, you do not HAVE TO build in this order. You are free to do what you would like. Just keep in mind that once custom supports have been placed terrain cannot be modified in that spot.
- If you have a question, feel free to ask in this thread
- Thanks to RiscIt for providing the track tennis page!
- Thanks to Iron Man for being our play-by-play screenshot maker!
- YOU MUST READ EVERYTHING ON THIS PAGE; http://nldc.interfix.net/pageid-2.html
- 3 days to complete (and upload) your section of track
- No reserving turns
- Anyone can participate, regardless of skill level
- Upload track here; http://nldc.interfix.net/tennis-5.html
And with that said, lets begin!
Track is ready for the next participant!
Download latest track version here; http://nldc.interfix.net/tennis-5.html
The following users are not elligible for this turn: