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London Blasts

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Post July 7th, 2005, 6:26 am

Posts: 23
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There have been 5 metrostations exploded and 3 busses. The authorities are speaking at the moment of 90 injured people and 2 deads.

I hope this hasn't to do anything with the terrorism. [:(]
Last edited by Druppeltje on July 7th, 2005, 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post July 7th, 2005, 7:13 am

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I has everything to do with terrorism, they struck just as London got the Olympic bid, which really is no surprise. In reality it was only time before London was going to be hot, i just surprises me that the police and other special services couldnt stop 8 different explosions. Its hard to tell who did it at this time. but at least a minimal amount of people have been reported dead so far. This is no 11/9 here

Post July 7th, 2005, 7:54 am

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Post July 7th, 2005, 8:19 am

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omg thats scary! Just 4 days ago I was in London riding the tube...

Post July 7th, 2005, 8:37 am

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To my friends across the pond ...
Please take this the proper way and that I feel horrible over the situation today, however I need to ask a question: Do you feel like supporting the war on terrorism yet? I mean, this is WHY we are fighting these (excuse me but there is no other way to say it) bastards ... and exactly why they need to be removed from public view. Whether it was planned or had anything to do with the announcement yesterday -- it is a clear message as to why our President has stepped up to ensure the fight is seen through to end this. It is a tragedy for certain, but hence ought to tighten the resolve to end this terroristic grip on mankind once and for all.

EDIT: Group that claimed responsibility:,2933,161775,00.html

Post July 7th, 2005, 9:50 am

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

In a weird way yes. I mean this is simply nothing compared to 9/11 but still i feel pissed off at the terrosits. They come into our country, live off of our government and then they decide to blow poop up, what is wrong with these retards?

Post July 7th, 2005, 9:58 am

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While i still feel that George Bush has made some not so good decisions since he got into office, i have to thank him for his words today, along with the support from the others, particularly those at the G8 summit. I wasn't in london, but i could well have been today for a trip. I'm just releived (horrible word to use) that so few people have been killed.

While it would appear likely that Al Qaeda were behind these attacks, it must be proved so before we can be sure. Groups often claim responsibility for actions that they had nothing to do with. All i'll say is that i hold whoever did this in contempt, not just as a Brit myself, but as a human being. It's sick and i hate that someone can have so little respect for anything.

I always supported the war in iraq, even if the reasons were full of holes. Such people deserve to die, simple as that. The so-called religeous extrimists have no care for religeon, and in fact go totally against their supposed beliefs. If it weren't for rules i'd just have them all killed, no signed papers or anything.

I'm getting sick of typing these essays

Post July 7th, 2005, 9:59 am

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It was only a matter of time before London got hit. Im somewhat suprised it took this long.

Seems as though it could have been alot worse though.

Post July 7th, 2005, 10:02 am

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did u read the last paragraph of the letter:"We continue to warn the governments of Denmark and Italy and all crusader governments that they will receive the same punishment if they do not withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan," the statement went on.:now thats really scary but are they telling the truth?!?!?!

EDIT: And in the news this morning in chicago the streets are sprawling with cops and especialy highways and the british comunince.

Post July 7th, 2005, 10:22 am

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Well it looks like that death figure has risson to around 45. I can't believe it.

Post July 7th, 2005, 11:31 am
gouldy User avatar
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One good thing about this, is the way that the people of London reacted. Already, the people out on the streets are just walking around like nothing ever happened, not panicking or anything. I'm not sure thats the kind of effect that the terrorists would have wanted, so at least I don't think that the terrorists got what they wanted. However, people died of course, which is a terrible thing in any case.

Something that hit home for me, was I was in London last year for my London Art Trip with my school, we stayed there for 3 days. The station we used most was Kings Cross, which of course was the worst hit today .... we stayed in a hotel in Russels Sq. and often had to walk through the area of Woburn, which is where the bus exploded today. When I saw the pictures of the bus today, I disticntly remembered walking down that street with all our bags and stuff on the way to our hotel, and it just made me think what if these attacks had taken place a year ago, when I was there? I also have to think about this years art trip to London, because they are there right now and as far as I know, they use the same hotel every year .... for all I know, they could be caught up in this somehow [V].

Post July 7th, 2005, 11:46 am

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war on terror: tconwell.. hasnt brittain been our only ally (strongest) since the thing started?

london blast: these people are getting very annoying!!

Post July 7th, 2005, 11:53 am

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I'm not sure how these people think they're going to accomplish something by destroying innocent lives all over the world...violence hasn't gotten them anywhere yet, but I highly doubt they will ever realize that it never will promote their twisted, archaic perspective. It is rather scary how they pull off such brutal and coordinated attacks, but can't seem to think through basic action/reaction consequences or even long-term strategies. Simply amazing. I hope we are able to kill off all of these creeps soon; they are a danger to society and the common good...

Post July 7th, 2005, 12:20 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by The Edge

In a weird way yes. I mean this is simply nothing compared to 9/11 but still i feel pissed off at the terrosits. They come into our country, live off of our government and then they decide to blow poop up, what is wrong with these retards?

they're mentally unfit to live.
war on terror: tconwell.. hasnt brittain been our only ally (strongest) since the thing started?

Yeah, but I don't think the people at home really supported us, which kind of sucks. So maybe now we'll get more support from people in Europe?
did u read the last paragraph of the letter:"We continue to warn the governments of Denmark and Italy and all crusader governments that they will receive the same punishment if they do not withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan," the statement went on.:now thats really scary but are they telling the truth?!?!?!

People will use anything to try and justify they're cases. Go back to when Europe was dominating Africa and Asia, and they have excuses why, but that wasn't full on slautering innocent people (at least not that I know of). But terrorists decide that they have every reason to kill people for something that happened centuries ago? Why? Because they try to justify it to get people to join them. When in reality they are sick and twisted people, just as sick and twisted as Hilter himself, if not more.

Post July 7th, 2005, 1:16 pm

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Originally posted by coaster992001

war on terror: tconwell.. hasnt brittain been our only ally (strongest) since the thing started?
The leaders have, Yes --- but the citizens have not. I can refer to mere posts here at WWS regarding this to which "citizens" have taken a nice stand against the war and how stupid "we" all are ... cough cough

Originally posted by Real

It was only a matter of time before London got hit. Im somewhat suprised it took this long.
True enough -- I am surprised it wasn't something larger. This seems "weak" in comparison to previous attacks, almost like it was not really well organized, but the materials were available so they went with it -- most likely due to the Olympic announcment. The timing is just too much to be coincidental.

Originally posted by RRollergod

the statement went on.:now thats really scary but are they telling the truth?!?!?!
If you take the attitude that most do, only time will tell and today's events ought to send a clear message that these people have the means, and the ability to pull off whatever they want to get their point across.

Originally posted by rocketboy711

I'm not sure how these people think they're going to accomplish something by destroying innocent lives all over the world...violence hasn't gotten them anywhere yet, but I highly doubt they will ever realize that it never will promote their twisted, archaic perspective.
Agreed. It is their logic that to them makes sense, but to me seems completely devoid of actual logic, thus making them more unpredictable than before.

Post July 7th, 2005, 1:24 pm

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This was terrifying, thats the best way i can describe it. I came out of English today 3rd lesson, and the corridor i walked out in to was in total uproar. Everyone was wondering what had happened. My best friend had to go to my head of year to see if his dad was okay, who was travelling in to Kings Cross today. It turns out he was fine, he was around 500 yards out of the station when it happened which is extremely lucky.

I am honestly surprised there are so little deaths. The number has just risen to 37, and knowing how busy London is i am surprised it isnt a lot more. Currently the number of injured people has just reached over 700 i think.

It is very sick seeing what has happened. Seeing the streets you have walked through in chaos. Its also quite weird knowing that a few weeks ago i was travelling on the exact line where 21 people were killed today, the picadilly line from Kings Cross. It is an extremely deep line, so must have been terrifying for the victims in there.

And to the Americans, thanks for your support, but i must say you are slightly mislead on how many people agreed with the war on terror. There are alot more people supporting it than you think.

Post July 7th, 2005, 1:26 pm
Oscar User avatar
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L.A. is terrible on traffic today, I live about 15 miles from LAX and the back up is that far [lol]

Post July 7th, 2005, 1:28 pm

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Personally, I am just glad those friends of mine from here are ok ... you are in our thoughts for certain, as you were with us in 2001.

Post July 7th, 2005, 1:49 pm

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yep. There are a couple of members from here who live in London i think. One i know for certain as i talk to him often on msn, but he doesnt visit this site too much. Anyone know any others?

This is why im glad i dont live in a huge city! Ive just seen some more footage of whats happened, including some footage from a camera phone from inside one of the trains in the underground. It looks pretty bad, you cant see much but you can tell its bad. Its the picture of the bus that gets me the most, its really bad. The whole top and back of the vehicle is missing, and there is blood and glass splattered on the wall behind. It looks awful.

Post July 7th, 2005, 1:58 pm
Kev True Addicts
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Truly sad news...You guys are in my thoughts. I still remember how confused and angry I was after 9/11.

If anything good can come from this, hopefully it will open a few eyes around the world that the threat is still very much out there, possibly even more than ever before. I think that many of us have become complacent over the last few years, believing that the war on terrorism was actually preventing future attacks, when it is very likely that it has only made the situation worse. Hopefully...some day soon...somebody in power will start looking at why there is such a growing hatred in the middle east toward Western culture, and actually try to take steps to reduce the growth.

Post July 7th, 2005, 2:35 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

The heroic mujahedeen carried out a blessed attack in London, and now Britain is burning with fear and terror, from north to south, east to west

lmao, oh man...i couldnt help but laugh. Someone who kills innocent people is Heroic? These people are thicker than poop. Also not a single person i have spoke to in the UK is in fear and terror in the least bit. In fact services were all working to re-open all the underground for the rush hour tonight and as far as i know, normal service will continue in the next few days if not tomorrow. This terrorist group has seriously failed at attempting to inflict any fear and terror into the people of Britian

Post July 7th, 2005, 2:54 pm

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Right you are edge. And even fear isn't a weapon to these guys. Remember the solidarity that americans felt with each other and that most others felt with them after 9/11. And what did the americans do, go in and start hunting, not sit and cower at home. For once, whether you agreed with it or not, the trigger-happy nature of america has proven a point far stronger than they ever did.

Post July 7th, 2005, 4:58 pm

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If anything, an attack like that makes a country stronger, like london back in WWII. I'm glad I live in Canada, I mean, it's not worth attacking.

Post July 7th, 2005, 5:30 pm

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Canada? Shoot, on a good day our Salvation Army can kick your butts! [lol]

Post July 7th, 2005, 5:40 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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For once, whether you agreed with it or not, the trigger-happy nature of america has proven a point far stronger than they ever did.

lol, it's funny because America is trigger-happy.


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