for the beginning of this new domain, I give you this topic, I'v placed it in the wrong forum...
update 2
now for the rest. A second update has arrived, there where not that many changes in V-DA Luxemburg but, I'll post those things that are changed.
First, there where a few problems. We'v hired security guards so we dont lose control over our prison. Also other problems like the people who just came in before we knew. We'v solved this problem by adding a banner who is closed after a tram has arrived so the people who came after the tram, will gett a more luxual "room" (these will be build in year 6. A picture of that banner:
Than we had an other problem... the small prisons (prison of one square for one person)(see picture), where overpopulated (there where to much people fot this kind of prison) and so, beaucause ve didn't got much time, we'v tried to build a diffrent kind of prison, one that has the same size, but without fences so there can be 2 people per square. picture of the old prisontype:
picture of the new prisontype:
We havn't test the collecting points yet so thats why we'v tested one now. We'v tested collecting point 2. The guests stay in the collecting point but it's not sure if they will come out again, we still have to test that. picture of the guests entering collecting point 2:
picture of the guests in the collecting point. (as from these pictures, we all can see that these guests will not come out of Collecting point 2. There is already a plan if they dont come out of the collecting point.)
We still have a problem with those airplanes, We'v bought another airplane, but in the next update, there will be even 3 planes more... A large building for the planes is one of the new things in this update. On top of the roof of that building, we'v put footpath so guards can pattroll on that building. picture:
A new kind of bomb is installed in the domain. A launcher for rockets. The rocketss are not ready or not arrived to the domain, but two of the launchers are already for 50 % complete:
A new tram has arrived after the Die Step 1 (wich killed 1856 people). The domain has now924 people more:
Hier nog een overzicht van het domein V-DA Luxemburg:
comment please... rate this not as an amusement park but as wath it is. thnx