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Post July 6th, 2005, 6:20 pm
gouldy User avatar
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You may or may not recall me making a thread about this, earlier this year to establish if there would be any interest and indeed if there would be any point me organising a meet at Alton Towers. If you remember, there was a large response with a lot or people from the UK saying they were interested and a couple from outside the UK. There was easily enough people interested to make it worth my while trying to organise it, so here is the very first thing we need to sort out....

We need to set a date for the meet, a date that means everyone that wants to come, can come. So ideally, we need to go on a day that causes the least inconvenience to other peoples plans.

Ideally, I'd like us to go during the October half term week, as I believe it coincides with the Halloween Spooktacular thing that Alton Towers do. During the Spooktacular, the park is open till a much later time so we can get more rides in, I hope. In a perfect world of course, we'd go during school time, but I know that some of you obviously still go to school and so thats not possible, which is another reason I think we need to go during the Spooktacular, as the queues will be longer because its half term, but the park is open longer so we should get to ride the same amount of rides, if not more than if we were to go on a school day.

This year, the Spooktacular runs from the 15th of October to the 31st of October, so I hope we can agree on a date during that time.

So, if you are still interested in coming along, you must reply in this topic and tell me if you will have any problems attending on any of the days between the 15th and the 31st of October.


Post July 6th, 2005, 6:24 pm

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I will come fo' sho' as long as i pass my driving test, which i think is acheivable is 3 months. That way i can bring at least 4 of my mates along and party, or maybe 4 females....or maybe 1 guy and 3 girls. Anyway, yeah it sounds like fun and would be the first UK meet i supose

Post July 6th, 2005, 6:44 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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with some luck i'd might be possible, but to know when i can go for sure you really should wait till start october, so i know for sure if i'd go or not... Fun idea. [:)]

Post July 6th, 2005, 6:45 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Girls girls girls!!! I'm thinking that there will be a pretty heavy male presence [lol] so if anyone has a girlfriend they would like to bring along then thats fine. I guess if you want to drag any mates along with you, then thats fine, aslong as you can organise all your own transport and so on. The more the merrier I guess [:)]

Post July 6th, 2005, 7:15 pm

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I would bring a girlfriend but would be pretty worried about Gouldy constantly checking out her ass

Post July 6th, 2005, 10:50 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Dirks not going[lol] Only in his fantasies.
Yeah, so anyways, good luck with getting laid, and uhh, hope more people show up for your thing than what happened down here.

Post July 7th, 2005, 8:21 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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well, october is in the fall, and i have vancation sometimes in that period so i'd might go. All i need to know is the vancation times of my new school.

Post July 7th, 2005, 9:53 am

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well obviosly im not going as i live in Illinois (chicago) so have a great time and Gloudy Don't look at Edge's girlfriend's ass thats perverted shes Edge's girl![lol]!

Post July 7th, 2005, 11:19 am
gouldy User avatar
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I will look at Edge's girlfriends ass as and when I want to [:)]. That is unless Edge's girlfriend is actually a guy in drag.

Where is everyone? Like 20 people said they would come when I posted about it before and only 2 of those people have replied now, I'll wait till tomorrow and see who's replied then.

Post July 7th, 2005, 11:38 am

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That is unless Edge's girlfriend is actually a guy in drag.


Post July 7th, 2005, 11:52 am

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Post July 7th, 2005, 1:59 pm

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Well i was one of those that posted. I would love to come too, im just hoping i wont be the youngest there!!! [:(] I still dont know if its possible for me to go though, as i would need transport etc. I will have to see if me sister has passed her test then. Which means she would have to come too. [:(] It will be awesome going at halloween though, i love riding nemmy in the dark! [:D] Ive only done it once but it was cool.

If i dont come with my sister and manage to get other transport then i could bring some girl mates. They would be like 15 though, but im sure thats not a problem for gouldy [lol] Im also going to blackpool in this holiday which i think is on around the 20th. But im not sure, i will have to find out. [:D]

Edge, you have a video camera right???? You need to film it, would be awesome.

Post July 7th, 2005, 2:44 pm

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Sorry gouldy, didn't notice the post before. Assuming i can get transport, or drive myself if i've passed my test, i'll be there. And i'll bring people, whoever can afford it/be bothered etc. Should be good.

Post July 7th, 2005, 9:29 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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he he, that sucks that you have to be 18 to drive over there.

Post July 8th, 2005, 3:03 am

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Post July 8th, 2005, 3:08 am
hyyyper User avatar
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18 here,
australia (and canada?) 16, but 16-18 with an adult next to you, then 18-20 not a single traffic violation or you'll lose your licence and you must wait a period to take it again...

Post July 8th, 2005, 4:58 am
gouldy User avatar
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jpe, I'm assuming that you will be the youngest there, but no worry, aslong as you bring your own pram because I don't own one [;)]

"They would be like 15 though, but im sure thats not a problem for gouldy"

What you on about? That WAY too old for me dude [lol] nah, 15 would be about my limit right now, thats 2 years younger than me, which is plenty [:P] but you know all about my mission in life anyway jpecool [:)].

Yeah and Edge, if not someone else, definitely needs to bring a camera. We'd probably end up with a video more like some of the theme park review videos where its more film of us just pissing about [lol] cus we already have 2 videos of Alton Towers on here anyway, its not like we'd be filming anything new if we just filmed the rides.

Post July 8th, 2005, 5:05 am

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Try filming your faces so we can all see the ugly mugs such as Edge ;)

Post July 8th, 2005, 5:56 am

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Post July 8th, 2005, 10:26 am
gouldy User avatar
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Ok, I thought a lot more people than this were going to be replying to this topic, judging by how many people posted in the earlier thread. I was hoping that we would get at least 10 people, because if we have 10 or more people, we can buy a group ticket online, for ?????????19.80 each, which is a massive discount. If we were going to buy a group ticket online, I'd have to pay for everyone to begin with, and you'd all just have to bring your moneys with you on the day and give it to moi [:)].

Because of that, I'd like to sort out who is going and who isn't going, sooner rather than later. Theres a while to go yet though so don't get worried that I might miss you out if you are still unsure if you can come. As long as I know exactly how many people are coming by the start of October, that should be fine.

Post July 8th, 2005, 12:00 pm

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Yeah i dont think the person i wanted to bring wants to come now. I dont think she liked the idea. [:(] But she could have just been in a mood cos i was flicking her in the back of the head for ages. [confused][lol]

I dont need a pram Gouldy, i can crawl. [lol] O well, if im the youngest there, im the youngest there, as long as you all dont gang up on me and throw me in the lake. That often happens. [:(] Not at AT though, only at my friends house. Actually they've never got me in the lake, but they've tried. [lol] Anyway im going off topic now.

I will hopefully know when and if i can come in the next few weeks. I have just got my school report back and got at least half of it A*s so that will make my parents happy, so its a good time for me to ask. [:D] I will be working on them to let me come for the next week or so. If they say no, i will just have to say im going to my friends for the night and accidentally wonder on to a train [:)]. Would i be able to do that????

Post July 9th, 2005, 6:16 am

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Hmm, the lake, eh?

MUAHAHAHAHA *ahem* erm, cool, no we wont do that, course not, never.

not in a million years.

Post July 9th, 2005, 11:08 am

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You better not!! LOL. [lol] Anyway i begged my mum, and she says that i should be able to go. I can go if we go on a day i can go, if that makes sense! LOL. My mum will drop me off and she will go round the park with my sister or something and i will come meet you guys! [:D]

You guys should feel special, i am giving up my birthday trip to Alton so i can go in October!!! But that just means my Drayton Manor trip will change dates and will take place on my birthday! [:D] Or my flamingoland one.

We need a smaller person to go than me (thats hard as im pretty small) so i can help throw them in the lake. [:(]

Post July 9th, 2005, 11:13 am
hyyyper User avatar
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didn't AT had all those midgets?, or are you one of those midgets?

Post July 9th, 2005, 11:44 am
gouldy User avatar
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your sisters gonna be there? [:D] *cough*, I've got reason to dress well now [lol] or not, I never dress well, jeans and a Wolves shirt is what I always wear and I'm sure it'll be no different whether theres any fit lass's there or not [;)] ... maybe I'll make an effort with my hair [:P].

Yep, I'm paying for everyone thats coming, with my dads credit card (not my own [:D][lol]) online, so we can get in as a group so we all get ?????????10 off our entrance fee. You's lot can bring me the money on the day ... if you don't, I'll kill you ... in the face.


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