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Post June 28th, 2005, 3:46 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Hey up, as I recently had to halt the progress on building Daemonen, I got a bit bored and set myself a challenge ... I layed down a reasonably small rectangle on the floor with supports and tried to fit an entire B&M floorless in there, I spent about 5 hours on it and eventually ended up with what I think would be a pretty damn instense ride in real life.

Here are pictures:

I don't want any testers, I just thought I'd bring this to people attention, so they could look out for it in the track exchange soon. If anyone could lend a few ideas as to what the colour scheme should be though, please feel free.
Last edited by gouldy on June 28th, 2005, 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post June 28th, 2005, 3:50 pm

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Looks awesome [approve]Insert! Have fun supporting it [B)]Insert.

Post June 28th, 2005, 3:54 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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that IS the coolest warparound corck i've ever seen!
wow, i'd go for the yellow color sheme

Post June 28th, 2005, 4:07 pm
gouldy User avatar
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hmmm, I don't like that colour scheme, it has blue rails and it looks a bit ... I dunno, crappy I guess. I might end up with a yellow spine and steel coloured rails or something though.

Post June 28th, 2005, 4:11 pm
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Post June 28th, 2005, 4:13 pm

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that looks so sick! that really rubs my face in the dirt.

Post July 3rd, 2005, 7:50 am
gouldy User avatar
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A little bit of an update.

Trackwork has been slitghtly changed in a few places.
The supports are coming on alright, all footers have been placed and about a quarter of the supports are done, don't worry about those prefab ones, they will be going and they will be custom ones, I was just marking out where the supports need to go

Post July 3rd, 2005, 8:30 am

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Gouldy this looks insane. [:D] It looks awesome. Good luck with it. Is it smooth?? Cos some of them elements are so tight and they must have been hell to smooth out.

Post July 3rd, 2005, 12:13 pm

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Post July 3rd, 2005, 1:36 pm
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Post July 4th, 2005, 10:38 am
gouldy User avatar
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I do hope to do some themeing yeah, but as with the rest of my coaster at the moment, themeing will have to wait until I get a new computer [lol] because I just don't have the space to have 3D creating software on this computer and as I've learned with 3D's, if you want them done, do it yourself [lol].

Jpe, I have no idea if its smooth [lol], you know why. I can see that basically it is smooth, in a loose sense of the term, I would think that there is probably a couple of jerks in the banking in some places because it looks a little like there is when I look at the ride, but when I ride it, I can't see them so I don't know what to change to get rid of them, so I have to leave them. I would also presume that the ride might go a little fast through the last couple of elements, but again I don't know, I can't tell because of the awful frame rate on this computer [lol]

One new thing I can tell you though is that it does pass the tunnel test currently, but only just and I mean only just, because there are a couple of very small tunnel collisions, but it is just the tunnels that collide and as its all on the same blocksegment, I don't think that matters.

Post July 4th, 2005, 11:03 am

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gouldy -- in case you change your mind and need an extra pair of eyes, you know where to find me, eh? That track looks awesome man ...

Post July 5th, 2005, 9:11 am
gouldy User avatar
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Thanks TC, but testers really are pointless to me at the moment, because even if someone points the problems out to me in detail with pictures and everything, I still cannot see the problems for myself so I cannot change them or make them better, testers would only let me know that problems existed, which I already know they do ..... at least I'm pretty sure they do [lol]

Post July 8th, 2005, 8:53 am
gouldy User avatar
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Another little update:

A couple more pictures added.
Supports are about 75% complete now, some of them are rather unorthodox to say the least [lol]
I have finally decided on a colour scheme, the light blue and light grey in pictures 14 and 15. I think it'll look really nice when I've got some green trees in there too.

I'm having a couple of doubts about the technical side of the coaster at the moment. I'm thinking of putting the coaster on the exchange as a fantasy coaster, because while I don't think theres any red or yellow g's, I think there is some uncomfortable laterals, in the zero g roll, first dive loop and final corner ..... although I can't be sure as I'm only going on what I can see in the editor. I'll upload it when I'm finished and when I get my new computer, as with my last couple of coasters, I will return to them and make them technically sound and reupload them.

EDIT: I've just change the colours again, to a really dark purple with light grey rails and supports, I've also just added two new pictures on the link above, with the new colours on. I think I'll probably stick with these now .... but who knows, I might end up changing them again, so you'll probably have to wait till I upload it to actually see what the colours are.

Post July 8th, 2005, 10:08 am

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Post July 8th, 2005, 12:48 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by gouldy

EDIT: I've just change the colours again, to a really dark purple with light grey rails and supports, I've also just added two new pictures on the link above, with the new colours on. I think I'll probably stick with these now .... but who knows, I might end up changing them again, so you'll probably have to wait till I upload it to actually see what the colours are.

inspired by B:TDK??
looks nice, to bad there isn't much room for terrain and 3ds

Post July 9th, 2005, 6:06 am

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Yeah, i'd stick with the purple, looks pretty awesome, along with the whole ride. Can't wait to ride it man.

Post July 9th, 2005, 6:14 am

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Looks insane gouldy. I cant wait to ride it. It will be fun.

Post July 25th, 2005, 10:38 am
gouldy User avatar
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After making some changes to the heartlining that really did need to be made, the ride failed a tunnel test and I can't change the positioning of the track or the track shaping to keep it fully realistic AND pass the tunnel test, so I have decided to dicontinue this ride. However, look out for this sort of ride from me again in the future, because I really enjoyed the challenge trying to build a realistic coaster in that sort of space. It beat me this time, but I'll win one day! one day! [lol]

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