Originally posted by Real
You guys do know that every time you use the auto flanger its adding to the existing sets. So by the end theres going to be tons of polygons being wasted.
Very true. Plus you get alot of z bias problems.
I guess I'll have to remove all of them then...
Hurry up, I want to make some 3ds objects and maybe an env... This is hilarious, part of it is like perfect and another part is very bumpy.
Part of it uses elementary, part of it doesn't... Perhaps I should split up my segments to fake it if I ever make any track. Right now, I'm thinking of adding 3ds catwalks and a station to it. (yes real, all from my nitpicking)
BTW, the first support has 2 flanges over it, I'm going to manually purge all of them, no one ruin my work!
When my turn comes...