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Game lock

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Game lock

Good Idea
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Total votes : 21

Post July 18th, 2005, 1:39 pm

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i want your opinion. Fist of all, please don't steal this idea. my dad is inventing a card reader to put on gaming systems that limits the amount of video games we play. there will be three cards, a 30 min. one, a 1 hr. one, and a 2 hr. one. you slide the card through the reader and you can play the a centain time. the cards will have a magnetic strip instead of a barcode so you cant copy it. with 5 min. to go, it will turn the screen on and off quickly so you can save it. it will not shut down your system but only turn off the screen so you can just pause it. as a kid i know that too much time is spent on video games and it's getting out of hand. as a gamer i don't like it. what do you think?

Post July 18th, 2005, 1:47 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Bad Idea, parents should be paying caution to the amount of time their kids are playing a game, not some chip

Post July 18th, 2005, 1:50 pm

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bad idea, parents responsibility to monitor their kids. and what'll stop the kids from just starting up the thing again after their time limit is up? and for computers, a total lockdown has already been invted. it's called like, enuff or something.

Post July 18th, 2005, 1:53 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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monty, you didn't understand the idea, cos only the parents will have the card, and the kids can only play if the parent is putting the card tru

Post July 18th, 2005, 2:00 pm

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ohhh ok, misread that, scratch my bad idea make it a good one LOL. force the kids into submission [8D] great way to have a loving family LOL, but at least you know that you're kids arn't becoming veggies watching the TV

Post July 18th, 2005, 2:21 pm

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When/if i am a parent one day and the kids play on computer games to much...throw bricks at them! Thats stop them playing the game

Personaly i dont like the idea, i would be fairly pissed off if i bought something that turned off every hour. Probaly to the point where i would not wish to play the consol any longer and would turn out to be a waste of money. An easy way to stop playing computer games is to get out and get active kids! Then when you come back in spend the rest of the night on WWS.Com

Post July 18th, 2005, 2:43 pm

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Originally posted by The Edge
Personaly i dont like the idea, i would be fairly pissed off if i bought something that turned off every hour. Probaly to the point where i would not wish to play the consol any longer and would turn out to be a waste of money.

that comment right there is what the parents want. look at it from their point of veiw.

Post July 18th, 2005, 5:32 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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imo, it's a bad idea, some games you can't save untill your at a special spot so that would be annoying if you only have 5 min left...
Also what if the 1 or 2 hours are done? ok game closes and then? buy a new card? You can't work with the idea of parents need to take it out and that it works again with the same. then easily kids can also eject and put it in again, without parents even does notice it.
Bad idea. Needs to be thought out more. There are still alot of ways to hate the system or just edit it that you can unlimited again...

Post July 18th, 2005, 7:14 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by hyyyper

Bad Idea, parents should be paying caution to the amount of time their kids are playing a game, not some chip

THey are, but this chip enforces it.
Personally, I think its a bad idea, its like dictator rule over me playing video games. I'd like to be able to play games when ever I don't have anything better to do. Its my life, let me suffer the consequences of my own decisions!(good or bad)
besides, game companies want people playing they're games, they would not want to have to make something to be built with the consoles, that could hurt thier profits. SOunds like a good idea to parents, but to the buisnesses, and to the ones who would suffer, it would be bad.

Here's my point about hurting buisness
Originally posted by The Edge
Personaly i dont like the idea, i would be fairly pissed off if i bought something that turned off every hour. Probaly to the point where i would not wish to play the consol any longer and would turn out to be a waste of money.

that comment right there is what the parents want. look at it from their point of veiw.

You'd have to wonder why people would even make thier consoles compatible to something like this that could later hurt thier profets. The people who build these games have families to feed, too, and by vegetating when we don't feel like going out side, we sort of help them out. We bought that $40 game, we spent hours playing it, and now we're gonna go bye another game, helps us out, and it entertains us for several mindless hours.

but with the patch thing, a game that would normally take a week to finish could take several months, and chances are we won't even finish the game, and we'll get bored of games all together, and there goes the gaming industry, right down the crapper. So tell me, do you really think the industry really wants this? As I already said, it sounds good to parents, but over all its not that good.

- edit - more to add to the rant! [:P]

Also, what are we suppose to do when we aren't vegetating, go outside? If I wanted to do that in the first place, I would have done so, am I suppose to do chores? There's a million other things I can do to procrastinate and get out of those, so it all falls back on teaching the gets responsibility. It's hard, its gonna take some time, but if you don't want your kids playing loads of video games, then its got to be done.

Its really not necessary, when you think about it, its just a way to piss of your kids, my parents did something like to my computer many times, and I was not a happy camper.[xx(] So for the home, it would make you mad, and that would soon affect everyone else,
so you got to look on all sides of the cube.
as a kid i know that too much time is spent on video games and it's getting out of hand.

Well, then stop and do something about it yourself, don't rely on your parents to do it for you! Thats all I gots to say about dat.


Post July 18th, 2005, 7:21 pm
rob User avatar

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Well I think its a bad idea for the same reasons everyone else does but it could be good if the parents were going to the mall or out for the day. They could just slide the card to the desired amount so thier kids could not play the whole time they are gone.

Post July 18th, 2005, 7:55 pm

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I thik its kinda good. Because I can be on for hours and hours and not get to stuff done that i need to.

Post July 18th, 2005, 8:28 pm

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IMO people are reading into the question too much, after all you asked if it were a good idea, not a good invention as a whole. I feel that this is definitely a good idea, but may need some more modification and flexibility in order to allow resolutions to the numerous flaws already cited. Also, from a marketing perspective the idea is good because the parents are the ones making the purchase in the first place, and I know personally that many parents would jump at the oppurtunity to purchase a tool to enforce gaming limitation. On the other hand, from a "customer satisfaction" perspective, the idea may not go across so well as the kids using the games would naturally come to hate the product. This would lead to a short lifespan for the product since the next generation likely wouldn't purchase the product.

Post July 18th, 2005, 8:43 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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IMO people are reading into the question too much, after all you asked if it were a good idea, not a good invention as a whole.

Maybe, but as a whole, its a good idea to have a little more control over your life instead of let some machine run it for you.[;)]

Post July 18th, 2005, 8:48 pm

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I don't like the idea either. No one's putting it on any game systems, no ones buying it.

Come to think of it, I'd like to be able to somehow hide the monitor so only I can see what I'm doing, I don't like others looking at me posting here and my parents spaz out whenever I play any shooter games. (I only play T rated shooters like the battlefield games and I'm 14)

Post July 19th, 2005, 7:29 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by coasteragent99

I only play T rated shooters like the battlefield games and I'm 14

who gives a damn?

anyway, back on topic,
i also think that childern should be able to stop when they are supposed to stop, and be responsible, or something close, so that the parent can trust the kids that they'll stop when the parent has told them to

Post July 19th, 2005, 10:12 am

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If you want your kids to get active, there is a excercise game out for X-Box where you do real exercises...Insert

Or just buy Pump It Up: Exceed or Dance Dance Revolution for the PS2 or X-Box. I mean...gamers don't like to leave the basking glow of their TV very often.[;)]

As for the card...that's evil. Some games (Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Fatal Frame, etc.) only ALLOW YOU TO SAVE AT CERTAIN AREAS! So if I had five minutes to run around and try to find a save-point, I'd be screwed. And while doing so, I'd get lost and forget where to go or how to get there when I turn it back on.[:)] Bad Idea!!! BAD!!

Post July 19th, 2005, 3:08 pm

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if it allows you to only save at certain areas then just leave it on pause. it only turns the screen off not the box itself.

Post July 19th, 2005, 3:12 pm

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that's not good for the box LOL, never a good idea to leave any sort of computer on 24/7.

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