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Post February 23rd, 2005, 5:20 pm

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Just signed i have been to AT and i love it there!

Post March 1st, 2005, 3:04 pm

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check me! 1356![dorkhat]

by the way, how many sigs are needed?

Post March 7th, 2005, 11:45 am

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i signed it a while back. oblivion has 2 stay!! it was the first b&m diver. its like, coaster history!! besides, what did those fools think when they moved next door to one of the UKs largest amusement park? DUH!! stoopid stoopid stoopid[stoning]

Post March 7th, 2005, 12:12 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by topthrillmaniac

check me! 1356![dorkhat]

by the way, how many sigs are needed?

I dunno how much, but probably alot! That one huge question is still here. How can 2 darn people shut obivion down, till the sound problem is fixed and lay down some firework shows! and then we have to come up with about 1500 signatures to get them quiet!

Post March 9th, 2005, 5:17 pm

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Originally posted by koasterfreak14

i signed it a while back. oblivion has 2 stay!! it was the first b&m diver. its like, coaster history!! besides, what did those fools think when they moved next door to one of the UKs largest amusement park? DUH!! stoopid stoopid stoopid[stoning]

I'm pretty sure that family lived there way before Alton started building big rides that make noise or had fireworks. So just clear up your facts or else you might embarass yourself [;)]
Anyway, It's not a big deal, Oblivion is not going anywhere, last time I checked B&M was working with Tussaud's to reduce the sound.

And I hate to say it, signatures really don't affact court settlements at all. And I doubt the Ropers will be too impressed...

Post March 18th, 2005, 9:17 pm

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Apparently, they think it's easier for the part to move or remove one of their rides rather than moving themselves (or perhaps, removing themselves [:)] ) I wonder how they'll respond to all of the cussing they deserve.

Post March 19th, 2005, 1:49 pm

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Post March 20th, 2005, 5:44 am

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Post April 1st, 2005, 7:45 pm

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Post May 2nd, 2005, 8:54 am

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I think that this is bull. I have never seen any one complain about the noise a theme park make. Look at the SOB at PKI right near some houses and no one complains about that sucker. People are sueing for anything now it is costing alot of people alot of money. Now parks have to have expensive insurance incase someone decides to sue even though on the back of most tickets it will have something like buy purchasing this ticket you have argred that your are riding at the your own risk. I just don't seem to under stand why people will be mad at the racket a coaster might make. I am sure Alton Towers was there before those people moved there and they should have thought about that.

Post May 8th, 2005, 6:29 pm

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Originally posted by coasteragent99

When does the lawsuit take place?

The appeal is in July. Not sure of exact date.

Post June 8th, 2005, 8:02 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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People are sueing for anything now it is costing alot of people alot of money.

And people wonder why things aren't cheap anymored, dumbass.

Anyways, hows this thing coming along?

Post July 20th, 2005, 6:30 pm

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i work at Alton towers and dont think that the nosie produced by oblivion is that great. sure some people scream but then people scream on The Enterprise which is right next to Oblivion and they arent complaining about that. The Fireworks issue is completely stupid as well. We only have them 5 times a year and they only last from 7:00 till 7:30. Not like they are gonna be in bed at that time is it. and besides the park is shut from November to mid March so it is peaceful then. These protesters obvioussly have no concideration for the local people whos lively hood depends on towers either. Neither do they care about the stress that it is causing the workers, especially in the food and beverage department which i am part of. Usually we get around 20,000 people on a fireworks day. However this is going to be increased to about 30,000 (park capacity) this year due to it only being held for one day. Sure it doesnt seem like many people but when you work in the busiest part of the park (Forbidden Valey) and you are having to deal with customers from 9 in the morning to 9 at night on fireworks its gonna become messy. I am knackered after a normal day (about 16,500, 6 o'clock ride close) so I will be dead on my feet on the 30th October. The only thing i can ask is that the people who are complaining come to the park on the 30th October, meet some of the staff whos lives they are making hell and see what a good time all the guests are having. They obvioussly dont realise that they are hurting people by doing this.

Well thats all for that little rant i suppose. Wasnt meant to go that far but i got a bit carried away. Oh by the way Alton Towers make the best donuts ever, although thats my job so i am biased.

Post July 21st, 2005, 10:31 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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well... they complained a long time ago and since that i've never heard anything again about the problem... What have they done now? Did they let the ropers move? Are they filling oblivion with sand now? Did the ropers take in their complaints? What is the progress on all those complaints?

Post July 23rd, 2005, 9:09 am
gouldy User avatar
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Alton Towers had their appeal thing earlier this week, I think it was on wednesday, could have been thursday though. They lost the appeal and they have to put into place all the changes to Oblivion during the off season and they have to make the changes to this years fireworks. I saw this news on Midlands Today, which is my local news program on tv, and it seems to be where I get all my Alton Towers news from [lol]. The presenters didn't sound to happy about it, I don't think they like the Ropers either [lol]

I have to agree with bushman2005 aswell ...... about the donuts I mean [lol], Alton Towers do make the best donuts ever, incidentally, the last time I was at Alton Towers, I bought some donuts in the forbidden valley, at the shop by the Blade entrance, is it possible I bought them from you? [lol]

Post August 1st, 2005, 10:32 am

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I can honestly see the Ropers point of view here. What i object to is that they complain about everything except the problems Alton Towers does have in regards to the local people....

You never hear of them jumping up and down about the traffic problems, or young yobs in the area. It's just silly or good things for the area, like the fireworks, which bring hundreds of visitors each year to Staffordshire in a typically non-peak season.

Oblivion doesn't make a lot of noise. It's riders, however, do. And if you ask me this is the Ropers problem. Alton Towers' problem is that they cannot stop their visitors from making a lot of noise on the rides, unless the want to take the same route as Drayton in telling their visitors not to scream on the rides... *cough* Dumb.

The Ropers will not win this case. Oblvion ain't goin' nowhere people. Since they are among a very small minority and are constantly moanign about different matters regarding the park, it's obvious this is a couple who just like to winge. Maybe the'll move to a island in the atlantic someplace, with any luck, but until then... quit worrying!


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