Originally posted by chrisps
Hurricanes sometimes go thougth pa but they are tropical storms or depsons when they get in pa. the worst storm I had here in lancaster pa was a tropical storm that storm whent thougth lancaster pa in 2003 I still rember that storm becuse I got a day off from scholl it was fun but scry. the govner of pa dicaed an mericane so I had the day off form scholl it was fun but I was relly scard that there was going to be torndoes or major flooding and that is what happend. Hurricane dennis is now a depson so all pa will get is relly havy rain with some flooding. There is another depson in the altic ocene now I hope that it dosn'nt become a hurricane. There was alot of damage in alaba and the panhadle of floida I fell bad for the peole living in albama and florida becuse they had bad hurricanes it there last year and some peole are still rebulding there houses and now dennis want thougth florida and albama it was a cat3 storm when it hit land yesterday.
Hurricanes sometimes go thougth pa but they are tropical storms or depsons when they get in pa. the worst storm I had here in lancaster pa was a tropical storm that storm whent thougth lancaster pa in 2003 I still rember that storm becuse I got a day off from scholl it was fun but scry. the govner of pa dicaed an mericane so I had the day off form scholl it was fun but I was relly scard that there was going to be torndoes or major flooding and that is what happend. Hurricane dennis is now a depson so all pa will get is relly havy rain with some flooding. There is another depson in the altic ocene now I hope that it dosn'nt become a hurricane. There was alot of damage in alaba and the panhadle of floida I fell bad for the peole living in albama and florida becuse they had bad hurricanes it there last year and some peole are still rebulding there houses and now dennis want thougth florida and albama it was a cat3 storm when it hit land yesterday.
There is absolutly no way you are 20 years old and just typed that out. I am simply at a loss for words since I feel like I drowned in a mess of spelling and vocabulary mistakes in that post.