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Whaddya mean "No Air Time"

Discuss anything involving No Limits Coaster Simulation.

Post August 1st, 2003, 10:34 am

Posts: 4
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Location: Florida
One of the raters on "Panthera" claimed there was No Air Time. There's all kinds of air time on this ride, you get popped out of your seat over and over. Anything that pulls negative g's while you are vertical is air time, anything that pulls less than 1 g is approaching air time.

Another rater commented that you "have to delete everything around the track" to make a loop. Here's a tip: you can set the support limits for every single section of track. Highlight the section you want to limit, then click on the track settings icon, then click on the auto supports button and de-select the proper boxes. You can de-select the supports completely or simply de-select something like the catwalk and railing on one side or both sides. The metal supports for things like loops and barrel-rolls are best added before the wooden supports are generated

Many real roller coasters pull momentary (as in fraction-of-a-second) high g's. They do not make you black out, they just add to the ooomph feeling you get being shoved down into the seat. It takes a good two seconds of 5.8+ g's to start draining the blood from your head to cause a blackout (I know from flying IRL). None of the g-spikes on this ride last more than a quarter of a second.

I welcome constructive criticism, but inaccurate criticism will be completely ignored.

Post August 1st, 2003, 10:59 am

Posts: 258
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Location: Cobb County, Georgia, USA

ok, i re-rode the ride at 25% the check the g's for positive and negative g's. i found that the g's were 5 or higher 10 times, and there were 5 instances of red g's, 4 verticle and 1 lateral. i also found that there was airtime 4 different times so i was wrong there. however, i also found many other things that i should have included that would have hurt your score, such as things going throught the track twice i think, and the fact that the second train stays a the top of the first lift for a long time. but i also noticed the walkway and the building you made with wooden supports, which would have raised your score. all in all, you score would be just a tiny bit lower if i was able to change my rating so in the end you benifitted from my mistakes.

Post August 1st, 2003, 1:17 pm

Posts: 4
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Location: Florida
Like I said, the g-spikes are momentary, there are no sustained high g's, so if you're going to deduct for such things, have at it, I'll simply ignore absolutely everything you say. BTW, the second train only stops at the top of the lift on the first lap, after that, the trains are spaced out properly and they run continuously. If we were able to control the departure times on individual runs, I would have prevented the second train from leaving the station until the first train cleared the proper block segement, but such things are not possible and I had to consider the Big Picture, rather than the picayune one, ergo, your opinions are still worthless.

Post August 1st, 2003, 1:45 pm

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

jeez, stop complaining.

He explained his rating and gave good comments and that coaster did deserve that rating so stop whining about a rating you deserve.

Post August 1st, 2003, 1:48 pm

Posts: 48
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Y'all, don't waste your time with this moron.

First, he goes to He goes whining and complaining about the ratings he's getting there, while acting like a complete idiot. He finally leaves because people "give opinions in their rates." He then comes here to wws. And the same thing happens.

Acteon- your coaster isn't perfect. Deal with it. Or, if it hurts you that much, don't upload your coasters. It's that simple.

And BTW, so you know who I was over there, I am also known as yeah at

Post August 1st, 2003, 3:44 pm

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Location: St. Augustine, Florida, USA
Just to let you know that you CAN black out with G's less then 5.8+.It all depends on what the person can take.

Post August 1st, 2003, 4:35 pm

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Location: Florida
I neevr complained, so stop lying, I merely voiced my own opinion. I left coastersims because that isn't allowed there. Since I know what I know, I will continue to voice my opinions. If punkrock69 had been accurate, I would have kept my mouth shut, and if you are going to critique a coaster (I didn't see you rate the ride on either board, RCT LOSER, your opinion is less than worthless, its the voice of an idiot with no class, no credibility and negative value) inaccurately, I'm going to speak up, and if that is against the rules, you better ban me right now.

Post August 1st, 2003, 5:01 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

What a moron.

I think complaining is whining about something so oviously you were complaining so don't even say you didn't. punkrock69 was accurate and gave you good comments and if I were you I'd use them to make a better coaster.

Post August 1st, 2003, 5:22 pm

Posts: 48
Points on hand: 3,320.00 Points
Acteon- I wasn't commenting on your coaster, I could tell from screenies that it sucked bad enough to not d/l it. I was commenting on you as a person. Thank you, have a nice day.

Post August 1st, 2003, 9:32 pm

Posts: 4
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Location: Florida
how remarkably prescient of you Mr Loser, thanks for being so extremely intelligent, you really know how to make mortal enemies, don't you...what a freakin sweetheart. And since any questioning of any critique is so obviously and blatantly considered WHINING, I shall whine no more, and leave you all to your own nixonian egos, and WeeWeeSlap can hereby cancel my account here forthwith, I have no desire to be involved in a community of social rejects, idiots, egomaniacs and retards.

Post August 1st, 2003, 10:23 pm

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Location: Alberta, Canada
cya, have fun at the other coaster sites on the web. But if you keep up the "i'm right and your wrong" attitued, you'll never get anywhere in coaster designing and in real life. I pitty you, no wait, no i don't. I'm happy cause I get to enjoy to best coaster gamming site on the net[8D]. You've isulted the members and the site aswell.

I have been designing coasters for longer than lots o people at this site, and I have lisened to their comments. I don't aways agree with them, but I do try and remember them for my next build. I would sugest you do the same. And when you disagree with someone don't start up an argument, just tell them what you think and let that be that.

Post August 1st, 2003, 10:49 pm
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I am locking this topic, I'll review the rating and see what's up, I'm not deleting any accounts for the case that some day you decide to come back, I don't feel you should leave because of the comments of one or two people but that is up to you.

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