TightFit Contest
It is a tradition to have at least one tight fit challenge a year... Well, here is this year's version. This time, you can use any coaster type you like, and the template is much different. So, it's time too see how good of a coaster you can build in an area that is only 350 feet long and 100 feet wide at its widest points, all while navigating through a sea of rings.
Everyone is welcome to join this contest... if you would like to participate, reply to this topic and post your intent to join.
1st place: Contest medal, 1,000 pts
2nd place: 500 pts
3rd place: 100 pts
NOTE: Requires the NL track packager (http://www.gravimetricstudios.com)
1. jpecool
2. gouldy
3. *******
4. Dirk_Ermen
5. ish
6. Tuhkis
7. Monty
8. Tarski
9. Iron Man
10. Real
11. krazyt
12. Brtnboarder495
13. ragan
14. delousedcoma
15. JT Mac
16. e-man
17. hyyyper
18. SixFlagsFiesta
19. thecool326
20. rocketboy711
21. Tanks4me
22. kurtis
23. xbadx1233
24. ivannovitch
25. bigboy_1234567
26. lpth5
27. harvesterofyoursorrow
28. Angry_Gumball
29. koneman
30. HL2Freak
31. gazag
32. PKIDelirium
33. coasterdave
34. unfortunate_smiley
35. Modelmaker
36. maddin
37. muella
Green = Recieved Track
Orange = Problem with track file
White = Have Not Recieved Track
Red = Dropped Out
Questions & Answers
If you have any questions you can post them in this topic. I will answer your question A.S.A.P. Your question and the answer will be posted under this header.
Q: Can I use NL tools to make the track?
A: Yes. All tools are allowed.
Q: Can I submit more than one version of a track?
A: Yes. As long as it is sent through e-mail, you can re-submit as often as you like. But once you post your track on the exchange, it will be accepted as your final design and cannot be re-submitted.
Q: Can we move the station?
A: Yes, you can put the station anywhere
Q: Can the track touch the rings?
A: Yes, the track can touch the rings as long as the coaster riders remain safe.
Q: If the track goes through the same ring twice, does it count as 1 or 2 ring passes?
A: Just one. You have to go through 7 unique rings, not just pass through a ring 7 times