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smoothing program

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Post April 5th, 2006, 6:44 am

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Post April 5th, 2006, 7:23 am
hyyyper User avatar
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yes, it's called practise,

or the node-smoother,

also in the construction kit

Post April 5th, 2006, 10:33 pm
jayman Premium Member
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is the construction kit one better than buster's? btw

Post April 5th, 2006, 10:55 pm

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Originally posted by jayman

is the construction kit one better than buster's? btw

It had a few extras if you had the code. Since you cant buy anything right now you are kind of SOL.

They need to figure something out. I wouldnt even mind people getting the stuff for free even though I paid for it. I have the full registration version meaning anything I use the CK for I have the rights too - not Tia/Grav.Studios.

I just think its wasteful to have the stuff sitting there and to not sell it because you cant update it. Theres alot of things out there you buy that dont get updates. You just deal with it.

Post April 5th, 2006, 11:38 pm

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I agree with Hyper. Take your time and practice.
The construction kit if you can get it do's help alot but it has it's drawbacks. You might use it to smooth out an area and it can turn out not what you were hoping for.

Post April 5th, 2006, 11:42 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by Real

Originally posted by jayman

is the construction kit one better than buster's? btw

It had a few extras if you had the code. Since you cant buy anything right now you are kind of SOL.

They need to figure something out. I wouldnt even mind people getting the stuff for free even though I paid for it. I have the full registration version meaning anything I use the CK for I have the rights too - not Tia/Grav.Studios.

I just think its wasteful to have the stuff sitting there and to not sell it because you cant update it. Theres alot of things out there you buy that dont get updates. You just deal with it.
yeah, i downloaded the c.k. and i use it to rotate my tracks and stuff, but i'd like to use the stuff that i can't

Post April 6th, 2006, 2:59 pm

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Eh, I do wish that stuff would update for at least 1.5, how's Tia doing? That site hasn't had a word since november of 05, and there may be more issues once 1.6 comes out, if they make editor improvments like they did with 1.5.

Post April 6th, 2006, 5:52 pm

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She explicitly said shes done - at least for a long while.

Post April 7th, 2006, 1:25 am

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Location: Netherlands
I downloaded the Node smoother..
i'll see if it works[^]

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