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Go back to school? Post your timetable!

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Post August 3rd, 2005, 11:57 pm

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I recieved my timetable yesterday...
(my timetable is for college..)


Its not too bad. I was hoping I would have at least one day off during the week, but oh well.
The thing that really bugs me is that 3 hour intro to autocad class! That is going to be the most boring class ever. I have been learning autocad stuff since grade 9![:(!][V]
Last edited by Canadmos on August 4th, 2005, 1:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post August 4th, 2005, 12:13 am
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Have fun :) I have had my schedule/timetable for a few months, but it's not online, and I don't have the time to post it.

Post August 4th, 2005, 12:26 am

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OOPS... lost my schedule.
I know wat my classes are though.
I am a junior in High school

1/2 Year Classes- Mon-fri

Chemestry 1- 1/2Hrs
Physics- 1 1/2Hrs
English 11- 1 1/2Hrs
Algebra 2- 1 1/2Hrs
Trig and Stats- 1 1/2Hrs

Year Long Classes- Mon- Fri
Jazz Band- 42Min
Band- 42Min

QUESTION- Has anyone taken post-secondary (College same time as High School)? If so how was it? I am planning on taking it my senior year.

Post August 4th, 2005, 1:37 am

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that's what i'm doing next year so I hope it won't be like, overload cause I have that on top of modeling pit orchestra marching contest and concert band while still trying to mantain a normal life LOL. god help me...

Post August 4th, 2005, 1:51 am
hyyyper User avatar
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school'll be starting the 29th, so i'll post it then

Post August 4th, 2005, 2:40 am

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Junior in High School:
0. Homeroom
1. US History (pshh...US are sux the end)
2. Symphonic Band (play French Horn)
3. Personal and Social Ethics (aka religion....t3h sux)
4. Spanish III (don't give a damn)
5. American Literature (don't give a damn)
6. Off (w00t.)
7. Chemistry
8. Calculus BC AP (2nd year...w00t, but it's gonna be tough)

It's an okayish schedule, but I have 3 new teachers I think, which'll suck. Goddam this year is gonna be TOUGH! Really, I'm gonna have so much homework, and I'm probably gonna have to get a tutor for calc bc, it's a damn tough class, no joke. AB was already hard enough...

Post August 4th, 2005, 2:42 am

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Post August 4th, 2005, 4:55 am

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5. American Literature

What the? So you can learn how to spell words like 'centre' incorrectly? [lol]

Post August 4th, 2005, 10:10 am

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Originally posted by SFMM homie

Havent registered yet. I start on Sept 8th.

I guess I'm the same. I have to wait for August orientation to get my timetable. Entering high school sux [xx(]

Post August 4th, 2005, 10:30 am

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Originally posted by coasterdave
QUESTION- Has anyone taken post-secondary (College same time as High School)? If so how was it? I am planning on taking it my senior year.

My girlfriend did. She loved it. Our school paid for all the classes so its free college courses. She also only had to go to school half-days because she only had 3 classes to take at school. Then she went home, got cleaned up and had lunch then went to college for a couple hours then came home. Some days too she wouldnt have to go to college and got to stay home.

Everything was paid for however. Not all schools do that but if yours does I would highly reccommend it. I missed the boat and should have done it.

Post August 4th, 2005, 11:16 am

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i only have homeroom about twice a month. freshman in high school:
1. French I
2. Euclidean (sp?) Gifted Geometery
3. Life/Fitness
4. Gifted Language Arts
5. AP Human Geography
6. Gifted Biology

my high school is enormous. way too big. :(

Post August 4th, 2005, 11:50 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by Edge

5. American Literature

What the? So you can learn how to spell words like 'centre' incorrectly? [lol]

it aint spelling, edge, this is about ppl who've written books

Post August 4th, 2005, 3:12 pm
gouldy User avatar
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[:)] I don't ever have to go to school ever again [:)] I'm so happy I could cry. Although I am starting to miss the whole school environment now, probably because I never did anything at school and now I'm at home all the time I have to do most of the housework ..... which is fair enough I guess but I hate it [lol].

Still though, my timetable was way more hectic than that at high school, with 11 subjects to stuff into a 25 hour week. A levels were good though, only 5 subjects to place nicely into a 25 hour week [lol], heaven for lazy people [:D]. Although if you are lazy even for 5 minutes, you fail, nevermind though, I'm used to failure by now [:D]

Post August 4th, 2005, 4:27 pm

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Our post-secondary is free.

I also found out that the physics class goes to Cedar Point for Physics Day! and the calc. class goes too and i am taking calc next year! 2 visits without school!!! and I also passed the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) my first year and the district promised the students who pass will be taken to Cedar Point for free! GOOD YEAR!!!

Does anyone know a College in the U.S. that has really good Engineering courses?

Post August 4th, 2005, 5:11 pm

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CalTech is a great engineering and technical school, its where im planning to go.

Post August 4th, 2005, 7:59 pm

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I dont have to go to school ever again either, but im going to, just not this year, im going to start college in the spring semester next year.

Its so nice being a highschool grad.

Post August 4th, 2005, 8:12 pm

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Location: Camarillo, CA, USA <<Top ranked engineering schools.

I dont even want to think about my schedule this year, I'm a Junior in HS and I'm taking all AP classes. [xx(] But on the bright side, I'm hoping to go to Stanford which is #2 on the top Engineering colleges[dorkhat].

Post August 4th, 2005, 8:59 pm

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Im a Junior in High School up in Canada and I got:

1. Music (the baritone)
2. English
3. Science
4. Math
5. Civics
6. Gym
7. History (Canadian when Canada kicked U.S.A's Ass in 1812)
8. And woodshop

Post August 4th, 2005, 9:01 pm

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Location: Lancaster, pa, USA

I am done high school I grated in june I work at romao's macarna grill parttime I got 47.9 hours in my last pay perade. I work 6-7 hours a day rolling sliverware I miss my teachers and my frends some of my frends go back to school on augst 31st. My teachers were nice to me and I never gave them a hard time. I had some mean techers my one math teacher was a b--- he din'nt care about me doing good in school becuse I have a disabuty and he din'nt teach me relly well. My high school never gave me a reworld becuse I was'nt smart enoth that made me relly mad my high school dosn'nt care about studnets with disabites they don'nt teach students with disabutes relly well I am gad that I am done high school. I went though speal ed class and I graded form a school to work progerame in june I went to school until I was 21 and got a good edacation I was going to grated in the class of 02 but grated in the class of 05 there were 50 students that gerated form the school to work progame so I am done school and don'nt have to go back to school. I only have to go back to school to tell studnets how the pragame will help them and tell them what I am doing now and how I got a job.

Post August 12th, 2005, 12:23 am

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Location: Akron, Oh, USA

Is it me or are a lotof people on this site in band---

Me- Trumpet

Post August 12th, 2005, 1:19 am

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I used to be in the school band.. played the trumpet for like 6 years.

Post August 12th, 2005, 2:41 am

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I'm in orchestra (cello). They go to Six Flags New England once a year, but it's starting to get boring (other than Superman). My group last year accidentally lost me...twice. :P

I'm going into 8th grade. I must be the youngest person here. School starts September something, so I don't have my schedule yet. They have 'A' and 'B' days, and they split the year in half for some classes. Every class was 40 minutes. My schedule last year:

1(Pt1) - Technology (as in woodwork)
1(Pt2) - Home and Careers (cooking and money -_-)
2 - Science (awesome teacher)
3 - Language Arts
4A - Orchestra (cello)
4B - Gym (bleh)
5 - Math (advanced, working privately with an awful teacher)
6 - Spanish (great teacher)
7 - Lunch and Study Hall (20 minutes each)
8 - Social Studies (meh)

Post August 12th, 2005, 2:56 am

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Junior year in HS

1. Early Brit Lit
2. Keyboarding
3. PE
4. Fracais 3
5. US history
6. Architectural Drawing & CAD
7. Algebra 2
8. Off :P

Hey Gotenks06, your school sucks, 9 periods?

Post August 15th, 2005, 12:48 am

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Location: Akron, Oh, USA

Post August 17th, 2005, 12:02 am

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Location: Oakley, MI, USA
Junior in High School

3.English III(College Prep.)-Required
4.Spanish I-Required
5.Pracitcal Descreate Math

I took very hard math classes for my freshman and sophomore years. Now im going eazy becuase i need 3 years of math, Science. 4 years of english, and Socical Studies.

I'm Class president and Vice President of my FFA chapter. I know most of you probly dont know what the FFA becuase you probly most live in the city. But its a national orginization with 500,000 member and growing since 1928. Really all about Leadership and agriculture.


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