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Post August 6th, 2005, 12:44 am

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Some people don't check the forums that often and when you recieve a private message it usually sends you an email.

Post August 6th, 2005, 2:19 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by Fornication Nation

Some people don't check the forums that often and when you recieve a private message it usually sends you an email.

oh..didn't know that,


he said he'd join and so he should checked the forums every 24hours, especially when it's almost his turn

EDIT:Dugie2007, you have untill 2:31:20,
just wanted you to know

Post August 6th, 2005, 8:07 pm

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Jim told me he would send me and PM and if he did i would have and it sent me an e mail i check my e mail everyday and there was nothing. I did not get a notice. Thats my point. I am always on TN and he told me he would send me a pm on there as well as wws and i didnt get anything. I dont check the fourm on wws since i dont like it as much as i do TN. Thabks Fornication Nation for backing me up on this. Some peaple just want to rush it.

Post August 7th, 2005, 8:48 am
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Originally posted by topdrag

Jim told me he would send me and PM and if he did i would have and it sent me an e mail i check my e mail everyday and there was nothing. I did not get a notice. Thats my point. I am always on TN and he told me he would send me a pm on there as well as wws and i didnt get anything. I dont check the fourm on wws since i dont like it as much as i do TN. Thabks Fornication Nation for backing me up on this. Some peaple just want to rush it.

your in a game, when you play monopoly (or something else), you also don't go away and say "call me when it's my turn", you should stick to the game, and the reason for you not getting a pm is bcause jim isn't online the last few days, i can't help it, if he ain't online he can't mail or pm...

Post August 7th, 2005, 11:03 am

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well i go and i pick
Shivering Timbers @ Michigan Adventures

Post August 7th, 2005, 2:44 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Ok, a blind man can see that there's something with jim, i'll take over the referee until he gets back, if you don't agree with that, pm me.

I won't pm you if it's your turn, because your responsible for your own turn. When everybody has picked their coasters in this round the next round will begin as soon as i post the current status of the parks...

jimths08 has untill 10:03AM to pick his coaster

after jimths08, it's bigboy_1234567's turn

Post August 7th, 2005, 3:17 pm

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jim set up and jim is out of town and he is the head of the game not you so he has to tell you if he wants you to take over. We eather play by the rules or im done.

Post August 7th, 2005, 4:12 pm
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Originally posted by topdrag

jim set up and jim is out of town and he is the head of the game not you so he has to tell you if he wants you to take over. We eather play by the rules or im done.

we'll play by the rules, and the game most go on, i'm just a stand-in, now, jim can take over when he's back, and if that's what you wan't we'll freeze the game when this round is over, untill jim gets back,
i really like this game and i don't want it to get messed up just because jim can't be online at the moment,

why is he leaving town anyway, he's the game referee, but i ask you topdrag, do you have another suggestion then?

Post August 7th, 2005, 6:56 pm

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frezze the game right now and restart the game after round 1 then once jim gets back we ask him who will take over if he gose then we start agin. Thats what i have then jim can take over. I know the rules since they had it on TN and i keeped track of the rules but if YOU want to take over till he's back YOU have to PM the peaple that go next and YOU shouldnt rush the game. I know the rules of the game so if jim leaves agin i will ask him who will take care of the game.

Post August 7th, 2005, 10:14 pm

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Also, if you are going to be away, please PM a list of coasters you would like when your turn arrives. It's been done on TN and worked fine, it helps the game move faster.

Post August 7th, 2005, 11:23 pm

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Sorry about being gone, I was at SFGAm all weekend. As far as temporary leaders of the game, I'd have asked someone to do so if I'd wanted it done.

Okay, first off. Topdrag and hyyyper have missed their turn. Dugie is the only one whose chosen in on time this round. Dugie is the only one who HAS chosen so far.

Topdrag, if you read the rules correctly, I said that I'd send you an PM or email IF YOU WERE POSTING REGULARLY ON THE SITE!!! You haven't been on this site much prior to your pick on this round so I never sent you a PM.

I pick Top Thrill Dragster @ CP.

bigboy_1234567, you have 24 hours from this post. I'm sorry for the confusion. I've looked through it and see it as posted here, if something is wrong, please PM me.

Post August 8th, 2005, 12:28 am
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jim, sorry about the mess, i just wanted to go on with the game,
and i have picked a coaster, just scroll back the forum and you'll find out i've picken Nemesis AT

Post August 8th, 2005, 2:22 am

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Hyyyper, you picked about an hour late. You'll probably get it next time though. I'll explain why when I get home tomarro, slow net right now at the hotel...

Post August 8th, 2005, 12:13 pm
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damn, never thought i already passed the time limit,

hey wait, if i'm late, dugie2007 and you are also too late, gotta keep it fair, jim

Post August 8th, 2005, 1:31 pm

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Okay, every time a round starts, the time limit is the time I post the new list of names. When someone misses their turn, the time stays the same but the date moves up 24 hours, aka, this rounds case. When someone picks on time, dugie, the time he picks is the new time limit, you just add "1" to the date. Dugie picked before 1:30 or whatever it was that you had to pick by, anyways, he did it on his date. Then I had to pick before the time he picked before the next day. I did. Me and Dugie are on time. I'm not trying to play favs or anything, thats how it turned out. It will take some getting used too but once you guys do, itll be smooth.

EDIT: I'm sry hyyyper, you've got it as do I, Dugie was the late one. Its all worked out now. I forgot whose after me this round so go whenever. Also, new rule, it seems that most people are posting coasters even after their time is up. If you post a coaster after your time is up from this time on, you forfiet your next turn.

Post August 8th, 2005, 1:52 pm
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ah man, this is getting really messed up,
but since your the boss:

bigboy_1234567 has untill
08/08/2005 : 10:23:09 PM

oh wait that's already over the limit, so i guess crash2108
has untill
08/09/2005 : 10:23:09 PM, right?

Post August 8th, 2005, 9:26 pm

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Correct, half the people have no coasters after 2 rounds... The people who are still in are good though! =)

Post August 8th, 2005, 9:30 pm

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^What! My times not up yet. Its still 9:29 on the 8th. Anyway, I choose Boulder Dash at Lake Compounce. Even if I am late, doesn't my time start when the person before me chooses. I'm getting really confused.

Edit: This was on the first post, just to set things straight
24 hours: When it is your selection, you have 24 hours from when the person before you has selected their coaster to pick your coaster. Also, depending on the situation, if I see that you are online and posting elsewhere and are neglecting to check the Coaster Draft, I will PM or IM you to remind you it is your turn. If you still haven't picked within a six hour span, the next person will be able to choose.

Edit 2: Jim posted his coaster at 10:23:09 PM on the 7th, that means I have until 10:23:09 PM on the 8th. When hyyyper made his false statement, it was 12:52:11 PM on the 8th. Just so we're all clear 12:52:11 PM is right after lunch. Midnight is 12 AM.

Those are the reasons why I believe my turn is still valid.[:D]

Post August 8th, 2005, 9:56 pm

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Okay, I've found the source of our problems and confusion. Time zones. Hyyyper is from way ahead of USA, by 5 or more hours I think. He was looking at his clock when he said you were out of time. Were going by CHICAGO time. Central time. Take that into consideration. I'm trying to think on how to solve this problem later on...

crash2108 has until 8/09/05 at 8:30 central time to choose his coaster.

Post August 8th, 2005, 10:58 pm

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Post August 8th, 2005, 11:02 pm

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Well WWS goes by central time... It only makes sense to go with the sites time.

Post August 8th, 2005, 11:41 pm

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Yea that all confuses people when they don't know what time to go by. I go by a differnt time than everyone.

Post August 9th, 2005, 12:25 am

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Well hopefully everyone see that this post says central time is the deadline timer.

Post August 9th, 2005, 12:34 am
hyyyper User avatar
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oh i get the problem, it's not the time zone thing, cos i copied and pasted the post times on top of every post,
it's the AM/PM stuff, cos i read the clock with 24H, so i'm sorry for the confusion, but if it say 12:00 pm, it's noon right?, well in 24h it's midnight then,
once again i apologize and i hope everyone will double post the times,
once in 24h once in AM/PM

crash has untill:
08/09/2005 : 8:30:12 PM
08/09/2005 : 20:30:12

^like that

Post August 9th, 2005, 3:02 pm

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Yah, that used to confuse me a lot too. It didn't really make sense. Anyway, my pick is still valid, yah!


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