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Hersheypark (8/13/05)

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post August 15th, 2005, 2:43 am

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

I'm not actually going to type a trip report, since I don't think anyone will care about all the intricate details like most trip reports contain. Below are just my reviews of each coaster at the park (in the order I first rode them).

Storm Runner
Stunning. Got in the front seat for my first ride since later in the day the wait would be forever for it, and I was amazed. After riding this and Xcelerator, I have to say rocket coasters are my favorite type of steel coaster... they just give me such a rush that other types of coasters don't match. Anyways, to the coaster; The launch, which I expected, was very quick though not quite as intense as Xcelerator's, but completely awesome nonetheless. It didn't seem to last nearly as long as Xcelerator's either, even though it isn't that much shorter, and it reaches it's max speed just a little past halfway through the launch track, unlike Xcelerator which constantly accelerates until the short straight before the tophat (I'm probably going to compare this to Xcelerator frequently throughout this review since its the only other rocket I've ridden). After the launch, the tophat follows (of course) with a very quick, quicker than I expected, 75 or so degree twist. Much more of a whip than Xcelerator's tophat. The negative gs are completely insane here, especially the straight 180 ft drop in the back seat, which I would guess to hit about -2gs which I'm sure most people will disagree with me about. The pull up from the vertical drop leads right into the cobra loop with a miniature sweep turn (which is a very awesome thing IMO) pulling some nice gs. I love the the exit of this inversion... its just so well engineered and pleasing to look at, and the straight section that curves (I know that doesn't make sense but I don't know how else to word it) looks so awesome when pulling out of the element. The peak of the cobra loop also has some floater hangtime, due to the unique shape of it; instead of the radius constantly getting tighter as the train pulls up, the radius widens out as it approaches, and exceeds, the 90 degree mark and then flips you over quickly at the top. It feels really cool, and you can especially notice it in the back seat. After a larger sweeping turn into the flying snake dive, theres some more insane negative gs leveling out to about 15 degrees. After reaching this point, the train spins through a heartline which feels exactly like the invert heartlines such as the ones on Volcano; lateral gs and some nice negative gs in the middle. After the heartline, the train dives into the spiraling dive only increasing the quickness of the rotation from the heartline. The train absolutely rips down this thing in the back seat. After another neat sweeping turn, the train flies through two extremely fast turns. Now, I've heard theres headbanging here and actually a claim that it wasn't well designed (!). Well, guess what? There is headbanging... If your a complete fool and ride the coaster limp! For those that get their head banged here some advice would be to keep your neck at least SOMEWHAT sturdy on future rides. Anyways, onto the last part of the ride; the slightly curving airtime hill. I presumed there was only floater air on this hill but I was definitely wrong. The third, and final moment of ejector air is on this hill, and yes its very powerful. Overall, its a simply wonderful ride and one of my favorite coasters. But what else can you expect from Intamin?

Great Bear
An invert that isn't talked much about. I've heard that it was boring and the layout was very uninspired. I also heard that it wasn't that smooth, and it wasn't as good as most other B&M inverts. Well, I disagree... this is a very enjoyable, powerful, smooth coaster that flies through it's course like most B&Ms do. Coming off the predrop, theres a helix which is very powerful. I would go as far as saying its the most powerful element on any B&M that I've ridden, and it probably hits somewhere between 4 and 4.5 gs. Exiting this helix, theres a turn that leads right into the drop. Its a very good drop, and has a nice pop of floater air. The loop follows, and is probably the fastest paced loop I've ever been on. Theres a short, almost-flat piece of track that curves a bit, and the train pulls right up into the immelmann. I can't say much about it since I don't remember it at all, but I'm sure its very nice. Next up is the zero-g which Real would probably classify as a "speed roll", though I can't remember if theres 0 gs or not. Speaking of 0 gs, the small hill that follows has about that. Theres a small turn leading out of it into some kind of drawn out turn with kickass supports. This turn quickly becomes a tight, ascending, left hand turn that whips you right into a right hand wingover. After this wingover, theres not much left to the ride. Theres a huge turn that probably hits a maximum of 1.6g, into the brutal S-turn which the train kind of meanders through, and hits the brakes. Another awesome coaster.

I only rode this coaster for the credit, and it was exactly how I expected; A mildly fun ride thats fairly slow paced. The ending is cool though with a fast helix into the brakes.

Those who know me well know I don't speak very highly of GCIs. Thats mainly based off my experience of Roar @ SFMW, which I know I shouldn't have formed an opinion of the company based off of one (horrible) coaster, but oh well. This coaster shattered that opinion though. First of all, theres airtime all over this thing. In every possible place there could be airtime there is. I think its kind of sad that a GCI is more consistent with airtime than some CCIs, like Tremors where the airtime basically dies at the last couple of hills before the last two tunnels (but starts up again after the third tunnel) but thats for another review which I'm not going to write anyway. On the other hand, it isn't sad because the coaster has a ton of airtime, doesn't matter if its GCI or CCI. I would say theres a good 9 moments of quality airtime on Wildcat, which is a pretty healthy dose. On the downside, the layout for this coaster is a complete abomination. Its pretty hilarious looking at it because you think to yourself "Did someone actually DESIGN this thing?". Well, I thought that at least. Doesn't really matter though, since the ride it delivers is great. My favorite GCI by far (even though I've only ridden 3 of them). The coaster could use some trackwork, its not too rough, definitely tolerable, but I think its due for another retracking. Loved this coaster though, and it really exceeded my expectations.

Lightning Racer
This one I was more doubting would be that good. Having more characteristics of Roar, I feared this wouldn't be much better. I was wrong again. I had a lot of fun on this ride, and the duelling/racing was excellently done, even though I don't care about that at all. I got in the front car of Thunder (I like it better than Lightning). At least I think its Thunder, it was the one on the left side of the station. Anyway, when I stepped in, I again wondered why people actually like these trains. Mellennium Flyers are so much worse than the Church trains they're based off of in every way possible. The stupid seatbelt goes right across you and the person sitting next to you, and I don't like that style at all. I much prefer the individual seatbelts. Then theres those horrid restraints. Why the hell aren't they spring loaded? Anyways, after almost getting stapled we were off, and out of the station came a few hops and turns like most GCIs. After climbing the lift, the mediocre spiraling drop leads into a large, S-shaped camelback, which has a small amount of laterals, and almost no airtime. A speed hill follows, which has some nice floater air all the way across it, which surprised me. Heading up into the turnaround theres another pop of airtime, and then a spiraling descent right into a tunnel. You hit a very small airtime hill and exit the tunnel with the first of many "controlled turns" on the ride. I call them that because as soon as the transition into them occurs, I no longer feel like I'm on a wooden coaster. They kind of take you and gently sweep you into the next element, and they feel like the engineering on them is way too great, it just feels funny on a wood coaster. A couple more small airtime hills lead you into the second turnaround, exiting with a small dosage of airtime, and then the finale comes and you are bombarded with more very fun controlled turns. Another pop of airtime into the double up and its into the finish line. Good ride, I liked it, it was just far from intense.

Wild Mouse
Typical Wild Mouse. Fun. Nothing special.

Vekoma Boomerang. I rode it for the credit.

I also rode this one for the credit. Also nothing special, just a small mine train.

Roller Soaker
The coaster isn't anything, the ride is for the sole purpose of getting wet. I got soaked which sucked, but it was a small price to pay for that 142 to 143 count. [lol]

I only rode this one for the credit, since it has been mutilated by Hersheypark. No airtime anywhere to be found on this ride. Thats just not right for a park to do to a Schmeck!

I also bought a Lightning Racer and Great Bear t-shirt.

Post August 15th, 2005, 9:12 am

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Yea, however the Zero G wasnt taken as fast as say, BTR but its still pretty fast. Especially compared to Talon and especially Hydra which give some of the most pure Zero G Ive ever felt.

I agree though with you on SR and Great Bear. I felt the most intense moment of air on SR was front seat up into the Snake Dive, its gotta be over -1.5 without question. The back on the drop seemed to be about the same, just held longer. It was the sharpness and quickness of that hop into the snake dive that makes it seem oh so intense.

Also, as I said before, dont be a fool and ride limp. Id never ride a ride like that limp, so you shouldnt headbang or neckbang :P

Great Bear though I thought was a pretty good ride. Far cry from most reports I hear of it so it was a very pleasant suprise. It holds a ton of speed and the hop and turn into the wingover was probably my favourite part.

Nice Ride TR.

Post August 15th, 2005, 9:27 am

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Location: Long Island, NY, USA

Post August 22nd, 2005, 7:43 pm

Posts: 243
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Location: Lancaster, pa, USA

I like the storm runner becuse you get good airtime on it going though the barror rolls. Hersheypark is my home park so I am glad that you went to hersheypark. I don'nt like the sidewinder becuse it is rougth and the wildcat is relly rough I think that it needs retracking becuse it is rough but fun. The last time I was at hersheypark the comet had alot of airtime on it. what was your favrote rollercoaster at hersheypark? I like all of them exped the sidewinder. I am glad that you had fun at hersheypark and you go back sometime soon.

Post August 22nd, 2005, 8:32 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Sounds like you had fun! I really want to ride SR now!!

Post August 22nd, 2005, 8:57 pm

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Location: New York
Hey, I just went to Hersheypark about five days after you. We rode 8/10 of the coasters.. We didn't ride Sidewinder, because it wasn't running the whole day, and we also didn't ride Roller Soaker because: one, the line was piled outside of the beginning of the entrance, and two, the ride wasn't even that long, or probably that great. Plus, I didn't feel like getting my crotch all wet after being completely soaked on the Canyon Rapids ride. This is my order of favorite coasters.. Storm Runner > Great Bear > Lightning Racer > Sooperdooperlooper > Comet > Wildcat > Wild Mouse > Trailblazer , probably the same order as most people with some changes here or there.. Storm Runner was awesome, it was better than I imagined. Although it was quick, it was a really good thrill, and I had never been on a roller coaster like it. Great Bear was really fun, too. I love the helix before the drop, and I was really surprised after turning to the left by the wingover, which threw me the other direction. Lightning Racer was fun, especially when I beat my uncle and cousin.. Man, thunder never wins, we must have been lucky! Comet was um.. interesting, and Wildcat hurt.. Wild Mouse was kind of scary, because I'm really afraid of heights, and it's on a nice big hill. Trailblazer was just a normal mine ride.. could you even consider that a roller coaster??! And that's basically it. I really want to go again, it was a great time.

(Sorry for not being technical at all, I don't know a lot about roller coasters.. you know, technically..)

Post August 22nd, 2005, 9:08 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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There is headbanging... If your a complete fool and ride the coaster limp! For those that get their head banged here some advice would be to keep your neck at least SOMEWHAT sturdy on future rides. Anyways, onto the last part of the ride; the slightly curving airtime hill. I presumed there was only floater air on this hill but I was definitely wrong. The third, and final moment of ejector air is on this hill, and yes its very powerful. Overall, its a simply wonderful ride and one of my favorite coasters. But what else can you expect from Intamin?

Take note of this "MAN", if you follow these instructions exactly, you should not recieve the ammount of head banging you seem to recieve on Kong, and other various rides.

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