YAy real agreed with me, Traver rocks. I think he has to be THE most daring designer in history. This is why i like him so much. He was so ahead of his time. Imagine if he was alive today, what crazy things could we see from him. I also forgot to mention Schwarzkopf!!! I cant believe i forgot him. Traver and Schwarzkopf have done so much for the coaster industry, along with a few others such as John Miller (what a great) and prior and church of course who built what looks to me one of the best coasters of all time, the airplane coaster at Rye playland. I must also mention Travers Crystal beach cyclone, and his and church's Huge Revere Beach cyclone. Both so ahead of their time IMO.
Anyway thats enough from me praising all my favourite legendary designers. Dont get me on the subject of these people, i can talk forever about them.
I must agree with FN about vekoma. I think we can expect great things from them in the future. I am also waiting for S&S to suddenly shock everyone with another unique design some time soon like they did shock me with their pneumatic launch on their thrust air 2000 coasters. I dont know why these didnt take off. [:(] Oh well, i dont know i anyone knows this yet here, but er, a UK park are rumoured to be getting he next *cough*Fantasy Island right near me*cough* But again i have only heard this twice and its only a stupid rumour so probably isnt true. But i have been told they have big plans for half way through the 2006 or 2007 season, but again that is just rumour. Anyway im going well off subject.