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Six Flags Magic Mountain

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post August 24th, 2005, 9:27 pm

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

Alright i decided to forget about school and go to SFMM. I live in SD so it was about a 2 hour drive. The drive was more exciting then Goldrusher atleast. Anyways when i got there X was closed but nearly everything was open except for the sky tower and ofcourse flashback. Ill post a report about X cause i have been on it before. The trip was on 6/7/05. The park was nice, kept clean, and not very crowded.

Viper: The first ride I went on was Viper. The wait was about 15 minutes for a seat in the middle of the train.Add about 5 minutes for the back and the front.Both trains were running. There was two downsides to the ride. First, it was very rough. Second, the ride seemed very slow except for the first drop. The brake run after the two loops kills the momentum. The first loop was pretty cool because of its size but the other two were alot smaller and faster. Like i said the brake run then slowed the ride down. It was a slow turn down to the whatever you wanna call it(the two immelmans connected at the bottom shaped like a heart.) The immelmans were two different sizes so it feeled kind of awkward through it. Next was two corkscrews. Because of the lack of speed they were actually pretty cool. you felt like you were hanging out of the train when they were upside down. Then you took a turn and into the station. Overall, I think it was a fun ride. Theres usually little to no wait on the weeks and is one to ride more than once.

Ninja: Ninja was dissapointing. Other then the drop over the water the funnest part was watching the boats from the ride below go by. It was very slow, a confusing layout, and most of the turns are lame. The only plus is theres never a wait. Might just wanna jump on once and not waste all your time at one ride.

Superman-The Eascape: On busy days there a pretty long wait but during the week maybe 5 to 15 minutes. The ride itself is short but is worth the wait. It doesnt feel like your moving 100 mph but they say so. The launch i thought was pretty lame but what i liked about it was the tower. Once you reach the peak of your ride, you began to feel 6.5 seconds of weightless ness on the way down. The best part of the ride no doubt about it. Once again, dont spend too much time up at ninja and superman.

Goldrusher: Next. It sucked. so short. so lame. It hgas a horrible layout. If there was only one positive note on it i would have the say the helix at the end is ok. Ride it once just beacuse there is NO wait. Then move on.

Deja Vu: Awesome. The wait is about 2 hours any day of the week. But i have a secret. Walk over towards Psyclones entrance. Dont get int he Que but follow a sign thats says Deja Ve Single Passenger Line. Go past the Deja Ve Exit, under the towers, and around to the entrance. You will be in a different line than everyone else and you will cut a ton of time. Note: In this line you will ride alone. Sometimes you get the front or the back, but usually int he middle somewhere. I rode the outside of row 16 once and was stuck in the middle in row 7 the other. It just depends. The ride itself is cool. I wasnt too thrilled by the cobra roll but the loop and towers was pretty cool. Sitting facing straight down for about 10 seconds was awesome and the fall backwards was fun. if i were you i wouldnt wait around in the 2 hour line and just ride once or twice.

Psyclone: closed down at 12 due to lack of riders no joke. Takes 17 ppl for the train to make it. But i went on it during a previous trip and it was ruogh and slow. The only cool part was the flyby of the station. If open and you really dont have back problems maybe ride it if theres no wait and you have time.

Riddlers Revenge: Longest wait of my trip. it was about 30 minutes to get on the middle of the train. Front and back were considerely longer.The ride itself may effect you guys after wards. MAKE SURE YOU POSISTION YOUR SEAT COMFORTABLY. It will hurt. Suprisngly on the inversion your feet hurt too. But the ride is smooth and I would definetely ride it. The layout is definetly coustom and the inversions are sweet(except the pain.) But ride anyways.

Batman The Ride: Now what enthusiast hasnt ride any of these? Theyre all over the US and even at sea world. But theres a short wait usually so you might as well rideThe ride is short but delivers thrills for anyone. The front seat is the only fun place to me cause you can see everything and you can save your head from misary cause you know where to put it for whats coming up.

Scream: Roughest B&M ive ever been on. Although its rough, its still a fun ride. The wait was halfways up the stairs that dumps into the station turnstiles. So about 10 minutes. The ride is the opposite of Medusa at SFGA and in the triange shap with the same inversions and order as Medusa. The helix after the brake run is pretty cool and the immelman is always fun. Theres only 2 of this ride int he country so ride. The paint looks cool too. Besides, what other rides are built into the parking lot.

Collossus: Only the left side(red trains) are opperating. The wait was once again 5 to 15 minutes. The ride is just hills and turns and somewhat smooth. Its way better than psyclone.Too bad only one train is running beacuse it takes away the races. Still a fun ride though.

Goliath: Suprisingly, only a 10 minute wait. I sat in the last row of the first car so i could get a better view. The fist drop is AWESOME. Its long, fast, and the tunnel at the bottom makes you feel like your gunna get your head chopped of. The rest of the way is very smooth. The turn after the drop and the camel back followed by a sharply banked turn lead you into the brake run. The highly banked turns that follow are fun if you sit on the inside(right side of car.)But next is the best part of the ride. The helix. Its completely sideways and man can you feels those g's. Its about the first time on a coaster i felt g's that much. It doesnt last too long and then two hills put you into the station.

Revolution: Very old, very rough. At the beginning of the day there was about a 30 minute wait because the ride is located closest to the entrance. But later on it was only about 5. the ride is one of my favs at the park because of the scenery. You are sorrounded by trees the entire way. Hills. turns, tunnels, helixes, and a loop give this ride a little bit of everything. Your head might not like it though. Its rough and the trains are almost antique.

X: First, everyone says its rough. BS!I rode it twice with a 2 week old broken collerbone and never noticed anything. It was also very smooth. The seats fliping was smooth and timed very well. The ride was the longest wait that day. I waited about 45 minutes to ride on a tuesday when i went.Its all worth it. Its downright the sickest ride out there. Its a flying coaster combined with a chaos. The first drop is awesome as you stare rite down at the ground then to your suprise the cars flip rite around at the bottom of the drop. The seats fix so that you face the right way after the following half loop. Next you approach a camel back. But during the paeak of the camel back your seat does a complete back flip and is fixed the right way entering the raven turn. The turn is slow so just forget about it. After the turn there is half of a barrel roll. During the barrel roll your cars flip the opposite way as the barrel roll. You see groung and then sky and then the track again heading into another half loop. The half loop is cool becase it seems your going backwards but the cars are rotated facing towards the station as you go down the half loop. The last element is another half barrel roll. Your seats once aging flip the opposite way as the barrel roll then you end up in the starting posistion as the brake run takes you into the station. The ride is definetely the best coaster ive ever been on.


Post August 24th, 2005, 9:42 pm

Posts: 3185
Points on hand: 3,780.00 Points
Location: USA
Sounds like you had a great trip. When I went to SFMM in December of '03 the wait for Goliath was 3 frickin' hours. Viper was a walk on at about 7pm. Batman, Colossus, Revolution, and Cyclone were all about 30 mins. And thats all I went on. Oh yah and my lame cousins who are terrified of rollercoasters came with us. They rode Goldrusher 6 times in a row. I actually talked one of them into riding Colossus and he was scared out of he mind.

Post August 24th, 2005, 9:56 pm

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

yeah it was great i went on a tuesday during the school year and it was empty

Post August 24th, 2005, 9:58 pm

Posts: 3185
Points on hand: 3,780.00 Points
Location: USA
There's absolutely no way I could go during the school year. The make-up work would be imense. I'm going to California this weekend, but its just out and then back. No time for Disneyland or any other place. If I'm lucky and I mean really lucky then I may be able to talk someone into taking me to KBF. But I won't have much time there.

Post August 24th, 2005, 10:03 pm

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

im glad i got this oppurtunity during the school year cause i just moved out of cali. The teachers just let me skip the missed hw so it was cool

Post August 24th, 2005, 10:07 pm

Posts: 3185
Points on hand: 3,780.00 Points
Location: USA
My teachers don't let me skip my homework. If they did it would be awesome. But you of course are in a unique situation

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