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NL FPS limit?

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Post August 29th, 2005, 2:33 am

Posts: 3185
Points on hand: 3,780.00 Points
Location: USA
Thats very odd crash. I bet my NL runs faster because I have 768 MB of memory.

And FN, maybe you should look into a Mac Mini. It runs at about $500 US. It doesn't come with peripherals but if you have USB stuff it will work with it.

Post March 5th, 2006, 12:44 am

Posts: 105
Points on hand: 2,285.00 Points

I have a gig in mine..

Not to bump, but worthless comments are what make forums great.

Post March 6th, 2006, 4:29 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Originally posted by Woodie Man

FN do you really want an '03 iMac?

It looks like this:


Edit: Maybe Gouldy needs it more.[lol]

I don't see how that computer gets 70FPS, it's got a an FX5200Ultra, at the best. I doubt it's even that powerful, and that FX5200 Ultra only has 64mb of memory with 350/500. My Mobility Radeon 9600 has a faster core clock with the same type and amount of memory with the same pipelines. Sure the FX5200Ultra has about doubled the memory clock, but it definitely doesn't get 70FPS standard. That is unless you have all settings on low, the latest drivers and AA+FSA disabled.

Post March 6th, 2006, 4:32 pm

Posts: 3018
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Location: USA

Post March 6th, 2006, 5:59 pm

Posts: 318
Points on hand: 3,564.00 Points
Location: bradford, United Kingdom
60FPS or a 100FPS is irrelivent if you live in the US and you get more than 29FPS then you are getting video quality frame rates, in the UK it's 25FPS

NL never goes over a 100 why would it need too.

Tyler if a person has a lack of knoweldge about something it dosen't mean they are idiot's. Can you tell me the highest mountain in England
(without looking it up on the net) what was that no then you must be an idiot.

Post March 6th, 2006, 6:12 pm

Posts: 112
Points on hand: 56.00 Points
Location: Belmont, Massachusetts, USA
Usually the FPS lowers when a lot of supports are used. Especially if close together, a wooden structure. Lots of nodes do the trick I guess.

Post March 6th, 2006, 6:15 pm

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
Originally posted by owen jay
Tyler if a person has a lack of knoweldge about something it dosen't mean they are idiot's. Can you tell me the highest mountain in England
(without looking it up on the net) what was that no then you must be an idiot.

Quite arrogent I must say. What if he did?

Post March 7th, 2006, 2:39 am

Posts: 318
Points on hand: 3,564.00 Points
Location: bradford, United Kingdom
I wouldn't call it arrogant I would call it making a point. There is nothing idiotic about not knowing about computers or anything else I would call it a lack of knowledge, and just because people don't know things doesn't make them idiots, so in that respect he has no right to class lack of knowledge as idiocy.

Post March 7th, 2006, 2:50 am

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
Its true that what he said was dumb. I was just questioning your judgement to reply like you did.

Tis all.

Plus its an old topic. I had almost forgotten about it already.

Post March 7th, 2006, 4:12 am

Posts: 868
Points on hand: 4,391.00 Points
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
On topic:

its all about shadows and reflections. I can run the game at 2560x2048 with at least 30 FPS as long as the shadows and relections are off/minimal settings. I have yet to try it since I've added a gig of ram.

Post March 7th, 2006, 3:51 pm

Posts: 25
Points on hand: 2,066.00 Points
Location: Cleveland, OH, USA
I run my game at 1280x1024 with all my settings maxed.

All my filterings and such on my graphics card are at the highest they can go, and NL settings are all as high as they can go as well. My FPS lock at 75 and do not go any higher, as my refresh rate is at 75hz on the moniter, but on most coasters (steel) small or big, terrain or not, I rarley ever drop below 55-60, and usually stuck at 74-75. Big woodie's may drop it to 45-50 depending, but it depends on how close everything is.

Im using a ATI 1600PRO PCI-E 512MB graphics card, Gig RAM, 3ghz Intel Proc.


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