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how do you hyperlink a thing for comp?

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Post June 1st, 2006, 1:35 pm

Posts: 281
Points on hand: 2,253.00 Points
Location: Surrey, United Kingdom
i have a comp outline i just got to hyelink it on how do i do it?

Post June 1st, 2006, 1:42 pm

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Post June 1st, 2006, 2:40 pm

Posts: 3185
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Location: USA
Well, I'm going to help you based on what I think you're trying to say. Here is a step by step process on inserting hyperlinks in posts right here.

1. Copy the URL of the page you want to link to. You can do this by doing CTRL-C. I find it helps to open up a new window so it's easy to jump between the post and the site that is being linked.

2. Next, set the "Format Mode" on the page where you type your post to "Prompt". Click on the little world with a paperclip in the format bar of the post page.

3. The prompt will come up and you will be given a field in which you can type the text you want to represent the link.

4. After you have selected the text you want and ok'ed it, the prompt will go to the field where you type in the URL. Click somewhere in this field and hit CTRL-V to copy the URL you want to link to. The link text will go at the end of what's being typed. If you don't want it there, just copy and paste to where you do want it.

And there's my guide to hyperlinking.

Post June 1st, 2006, 2:43 pm

Posts: 281
Points on hand: 2,253.00 Points
Location: Surrey, United Kingdom

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