Hey dudes. I got some work done on this cool little B&M inverter i had going today. Check it out at http://www.nolimitsdevcenter.net/p2032
Its going well at the moment. Track work is done! Im not making changes to it, i dont have the time and its only a little project, but it may turn into a bi one if i can be arsed to do all the 3ds it should have. Anyway its loosely inspired by Anaconda at Gold Reef City by Giavanola (sp?), you can see the type of helix seen on Anaconda, and it also is inspired by Black mamba and Nemesis obviously, but only loosely, as they are all great rides, and would be stupid to try and create something that i thought was of that level. Not only would it be stupid, but it would be insanely arrogant to say it was. lol. ANyway, feedback?