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Power Outage days!

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Post October 10th, 2005, 7:17 pm

Posts: 625
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Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
hey, our school got out earley today, it was realy cool, we first showed up at school and from there, their was a power outtage, and we waited about a a half an hour and then they said alright seeya, and we got to go home and only had one class. Woodie man probly knows, but its has been snowing here, not to much, but i guess enough for a power outage to close my high school.


Post October 10th, 2005, 7:23 pm

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No power outage for me, but yah, it has been snowing quite a bit. There's about 6 inches on my front lawn and I'm at around 6000 feet above sea lv.

Post October 10th, 2005, 7:58 pm

Posts: 625
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Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
Yeah we have about a foot, but it has been pretty cold ouside. not much else going on. I hope tommorow we get another power outage tommorow.

EDIT: Woodie man, do you remeber the big four foot blizzard in 2003? now that was a fun, a week off from school, and then spring break was the next week after that so we got a two week vacation. Those were the good old days.

Post October 10th, 2005, 8:18 pm

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^That one was one of the best. The people across the street from me made this humongous snow fort that lasted for about 2 weeks after the blizzard even in the hot sun.

The '97 blizzard was also a fun one and we're coming up on the 8 year anniversary of it.

Post October 11th, 2005, 6:37 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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well, zero snow in here but still a sunny summer sun [pshades]

Also at our school we had already 2 times the firealarm did got off. Done on purpose. It's an hell annoying bleep going off for the whole lesson hour![xx(]

Post October 11th, 2005, 8:06 am

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So I take it you guys are from Colorado? What parts? My girlfriend is from there, hit me up on msn if you want to talk or something....I'm quite bored right now at school [lol]

Post October 13th, 2005, 4:30 pm

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We get plenty of power outages. But, we never miss a day of college.

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