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PSYCLONE [NL] old track as well

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Post July 11th, 2003, 4:54 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Here's another old design, probably a year old or older but it is close to being one of the first, I think, that I released. Anyway, it is a fantasy design. It has some high lateral g's and unrealistic building technique but overall it's a fun ride, especially after the second LIM, that is my favorite part of the ride. Provides good speed and some hang time but lags sometimes, and if riding in the middle seats or back you'll get a nice view (sometimes) of the yellow train going over you while entering the station. Sometimes, not always, NL's timing is not precise so couldn't time it perfectly. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, I still ride it every so often and get a kick at riding it.

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