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[RCT3-Wild] Pyramid of the Unknown

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Post November 16th, 2005, 11:07 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Welcome to the pyramid of the unknown. A few months ago a few archiologists went into the pyramid and never returned. So now are you send on a rescue expedition for if they are still alive.

When entering the first queueline hallway:
While waiting, a parrot is making some sounds and then it suddenly starts to talk. It tells that he was first an archiologist from a research team. He entered the tomb and discovered many different stuff written on the walls. It was about a curse on the tomb of the pyramid and anyone who would enter the treasure chamber or just tries to get in the room will get cursed. They had locked down the empty hallways just to not get lost. When reaching close to the room everyone got turned into parrots. His teammates are also around in the tomb. You'll find them while getting through the other rooms.
Meanwhile going to through a mysterious hallway you'll continue to the 2nd chamber. 2 more parrot are kinda fighting with eachother of that they never should have entered the pyramid. When continue walking you will see more closed hallways plus a collaped hallway. when continuing the queueline tour you'll come into the final queueline hallway. There is a parrot talking about they only can be turned back into human by breaking the curse inside the treasure room. They have never reached it. They hope you will reach into the room for breaking the curse. After that talk you can continue into the last hallway to the ride.

I'd say have fun with the ride and give some comments.

Some screens from the ride:

The outside of the pyramid

Inside the pyramid

More queuelines to enjoy from...

The ride inside!

The treasure room!


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