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Question about COS[SloLc]/COS[B] (how to get out)

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How do you pull out with the desired gforce from a slope?

Post April 29th, 2009, 5:57 pm

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Post April 29th, 2009, 6:15 pm

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Post April 29th, 2009, 7:48 pm

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Post April 30th, 2009, 4:28 pm
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Post April 30th, 2009, 4:31 pm

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Post April 30th, 2009, 6:30 pm

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Post April 30th, 2009, 8:46 pm

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If you don't know how to pull out, you're gonna be in trouble pretty soon....

If you're talking about NoLimits, I'm sure there was a specific forum for that around here somewhere.

Anyways, to go from a banked turn to a flat section you need to transition from your banking to flat, from your banking force to 1g. I never use the function you're asking about, as I like more control over the specific bankings and forces, but try just changing the banking from banked to 0... the function keeps the slope no matter the banking.

Post May 1st, 2009, 2:43 pm

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Originally posted by Kyle Sloane

Ok any real answers? I meant a flat slope btw.
Originally posted by Supercell

Creating elements with desired G forces are exactly what FVD was created to do....

Post May 1st, 2009, 3:42 pm

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You have to calculate the G force that particular section is pulling. You can do this through the debug function of elementary. Hold on give me a few minutes and I'll have a pictoral.

Post May 1st, 2009, 9:00 pm

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What exactly are you trying to achieve? flat sloped banked turn to flat unbanked section? or flat sloped bank turn to unbanked (or less banked) incline?

For the former, just leave the cos[slolc]/cos[b] function and extend the banking section to go from banked to unbanked.

For the latter, to find your equivalent cos[slolc]/cos[b] you can simply do the calculation at that point.

30* banking flat turn = cos[0]/cos[30] = 1 / 0.866 = 1.15
60* banking flat turn = cos[0]/cos[60] = 1 / 0.5 = 2.0
90* banking flat turn = cos[0]/cos[90] = 1 / 0 = Error :)

(cos[0] = 1, hence the use of 1/cos[B] for flat turns)

some flat turn banking standards (you have 30 and 60 now)
45 = 1.4
65 = 2.37
75 = 3.86
85 = 11.47! (Somehow I don't think you'll want to use 85 degree banking for a flat turn)

Here are some angles resulting from set forces on a flat turn
1.5 = 48.2
2.0 = 60.0
2.5 = 66.4
3.0 = 70.5
3.5 = 73.4
4.0 = 75.5
4.5 = 77.2
5.0 = 78.4

Post May 1st, 2009, 9:18 pm

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^I dont think you understand what im going for. Say i have a hill. ON the way down i use COS[SloLc]/COS[B] to make a strait downhill section of the hill. Then, i want to come out of the strait part, but i dont know how much gforce there was during the strait part. So its not like i can just say GPunk= 1+2.7*tfunk.

Post May 1st, 2009, 9:43 pm

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Location: Cleveland, OH, USA

Oh, that's the easy part :)

Your vertical force on ANY flat section is equivalent to the cosine of the slope of the section.

For starters... 0 slope (flat) has a cosine of 1... multiply that by the number of G's for gravity = 1*1 = 1.0G

vertical (90 degree) slope has a cosine of 0... multiply by gravity (only for straights...) = 1*0 = 0.0G

If you get into curvature it gets tricky, but for your perfectly straight sections it's 1.0G (gravity) times the cosine of the slope.

slope = vert G
0 = 1
15 = 0.966
30 = 0.866
45 = 0.707
60 = 0.5
75 = 0.259
90 = 0
105 = -.259
120 = -.5

Post May 1st, 2009, 9:51 pm

Posts: 2113
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Thanks, thats helpful. But how do i find the slope if its an unkown slope? Remember that COS[SloLc]/COS[B] simply starts a strait slope with the angle that the track was when the previous time zone ends. You don't control the slope.

Post May 1st, 2009, 10:05 pm

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^If you have an unknown slope in the simulator, just go to the side view of that slope (if it is perpendicular to that view) and draw out a right triangle with supports using the heartline as the hypotenuse (View>Show Heartline). Then look at the lower of the non-right angles, and find the arcsine of (o/h) with o being the length of the side that the angle opens up to and h being the length of the hypotenuse. If the angle is not perpendicular to a side view, save it as an element and insert it in a new track file to do all this.

Example: If the length of a side and hypotenuse are 3 and 5 (respectively) you would plug in sin^-1(3/5), and the answer you get (~64.35) would be the slope you are looking for. Note: if the slope of the track is decreasing, subtract the value from 90.

Edit: clarification

Post May 1st, 2009, 10:06 pm

Posts: 45
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Location: Cleveland, OH, USA

There's the debug mode (read your FVD how-to's) or you can use the simulator and estimate.

For debug, you have to scroll to the bottom of the Forumla part and find these lines:
;    aaexitGF = gPunk ;; exit G-Force, in case of 'zone cut-off'
;    aaexitSL = (SloMd-3*deepS)*57.295779 ;; exit Slope (in Degrees)

Delete the semicolons and find those values in your debug list. (this will only work if your FVD ends on the slope you're asking about)

Post May 1st, 2009, 10:13 pm

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Originally posted by Supercell

^If you have an unknown slope in the simulator, just go to the side view of that slope (if it is perpendicular to that view) and draw out a right triangle with supports using the heartline as the hypotenuse (View>Show Heartline). Then look at the lower of the non-right angles, and find the arcsine of (o/h) with o being the length of the side that the angle opens up to and h being the length of the hypotenuse. If the angle is not perpendicular to a side view, save it as an element and insert it in a new track file to do all this.

Edit: clarification

You can also use Excel to do this for you if you don't want to open a new track file. From geometry slope=rise/run, the rise value is easy to find, the run value you will need to calculate the hypotenuse of the X/Z coordinates. You can either use two vertices or you can use two control points of a vertex.



Slope is:


Post March 5th, 2013, 9:10 pm

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I was looking through my old posts and found this thread. I find it funny how I vaguely understand what this meant [lol] building coasters with tools is so simple now.

Post March 5th, 2013, 10:15 pm

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Post March 6th, 2013, 3:22 pm

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If it's a straight section, you can also cut in the middle and import into AHG. It'll tell you the slope right away with little effort. I used to do it all the time when I used Elementary.

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